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Everything posted by Aryn

  1. It starts at the pumpkin patch in Adventurer's Plains
  2. 100% agree with this statement, the way most event offhand items are limited to recreational is not that good :X
  3. Hey there Levelling your first character can be quite a challenge now with how the levelling process is right now. You don't really need the best of gear or gems in the gear in order to level due to levelling in a party being your best option. If you need any help with anything feel free to add me Aryn/Cinder/Nemca (on one of those characters I am usually online on)
  4. Make sure you are level 200 in order to be eligible for the key to drop
  5. My bad should have tested more before drawing conclusions ^^
  6. Hey guys I am currently doing the quest where I need to kill "Sikuku Gargoyle" monsters in order to gather Jungle Feathers for the costume with the parrot. Now what I've noticed is you only get the quest item for killing monsters with specificly that name being "Sikuku Gargoyle" which there are not that many off in the area. I was wondering if there might be changes in the future concerning these specific quests where you encounter the fighter/hunter/shaman monsters in the area too but these do not count towards the quest. They do belong to the 'Sikuku Gargoyle" family though which should count them in to acquire the quest item. After all they look the same and have the same kind of feathers. I do not want to come across lazy and I don't mind searching the specific ones out but it does not feel very good to encounter many of the same species but they do not reward the quest item.
  7. Hey Phish, Thank you for making this post sharing your experience from back in the days. Your view and suggestions on these kind of topics is very valuable! Your post really shows some of the current flaws with the drop system in general. Due to the removal of drop medals, costumes and premium boosts some of the drop rates are are extremely low. This is amplified when talking about items like prismatic fiber & lattice. These drop rates in combination with the low succes chance of items/gems concludes in unappealing and bad gameplay. These kind of gameplay loops have been designed with P2W in mind which causes them to be abominable without boosters. Adjusting these kind of gameplay features will take time but I believe the devs we have now will bring this to a good end. Kindest Regards Aryn
  8. Yes disable in PvP and bring back 2.5 seconds cooldown in PvE please
  9. Heya! When you remove this gem you will get your substats back. (did not see this got answerred already my bad ^^) Kindest Regards Aryn
  10. Aryn


    A buyback option in order to avoid mistakes like this to be permanent would be a great addition to the game.
  11. Dear dev and moderator team, I would like to give feedback about the change to salamander and mana flames. Mainly the consequence this has on PvM dungeons. I am not involved in PvP so I am not able to give feedback on that. Anyone more experienced with PvP feel free to add to this. I do want to start by saying it is disheartening to have an update focussing on balancing Player versus Player have such a big impact on the way I play and have build my character for Player versus Environment. Combining the role of healer and damage in a dungeon feels great and is a source of a lot of fun for me while playing the game. I believe that having fun is in essence one of the most important things while playing a game. About me I am currently maining a battle cleric which I have build out over the coarse of about 2 months. It has taking me a lot of time and effort to come up with the required items to make this build work. To put this into the right perspective lets make a list of what is required to make an efficiënt battle cleric by my standards. (by no means this is the perfect build but this was the one I enjoyed playing). - Gypsum Round [13] - Summoner's Gift skill - Purify skill - Malachite Marquise [13] - Hebarn Accessory set - Peridot [7] x4 - Peridot Baguette [5] - Courage Sun Propet valor set I think we can agree it takes quite a bit of time and effort to build a character like this. The estimated cost of this build was around 400m at the time I bought the items. The current problem Let me preface this by saying that a battle cleric is unable to do every dungeon efficiently, out of the 4 dungeons currently in game 2 of them are impossible/inefficiënt. - Halls of Oblivion with the current mechanics on the last boss makes it impossible to do due to overwhelming AOE damage. - Sea of Dawn is also is challenging if your party is unable to kill the crystals within the raider stun. This makes it so Cave of Ulverick and Sikuku Catacombs are the main dungeons a battle cleric is viable and useful in. When doing dungeons as a battle cleric it is important to be able to set up flames efficiently as they are your only source of healing for the party. The ramp up in order to set up flames before this update was 12.5 seconds. This could cause problems in certain situations but this could be resolved with healing potions. Now with this update the ramp up has been increased up to 30 seconds which is problematic. Before it was challenging but now it is nearly impossible to set up flames during a fight where the flames get destroyed during the fight. A few examples of these fights are: - Shaman in Sikuku Catacombs destroys all flames with an AOE while also heavily damaging players, it is not possible to efficiently set up flames again in order to keep the party alive - Executioner spawns adds that spawn green puddles which destroy/disable the flames. Repositioning is required in order continue the fight, setting up flames with a ramp up of 30 seconds is problematic here - Both mini bosses in Cave of Ulveric do a party wide stun which also causes damages damage to the flames. Due to the damage of these stuns in combination with extra adds hitting the flames it is challenging to keep them up The possible Solution - Revert the changes back to 2.5 seconds - Make the cooldown longer then 2.5 but more reasonable and in turn making the flames more durable (more HP/more defense) - Make the skills have a different cooldown in PvP then PvE if this long cooldown makes it balanced in PvP I would like to end this post saying that I respect the changes being made to the game and I respect the way everyone plays the game. I've made this post because I care about the game and want it to be a great experience for everyone. Thank you in advance for reading the post and giving your opinion on how I see the changes. Kindest Regards Aryn / Cinder
  12. Hello everyone, In the current state of the game the "Junon Mask" is the best in slot mask for many DPS players. You get this item from the episode quest at around level 30. The reason why this mask is currently best in slot is because it has 30 attack power and 30 charm and on top of that it can be imbued with max stats like 25 int/dex/con/str and 40 attack power from another unique item. Before this was common knowledge it was possible that some people do not hold on to this mask which in turn makes it so it is currently not possible to reobtain the best in slot mask. Possible solutions for this problem are: 1. Making it so the NPC giving you the mask as a reward from the quest can grant you another one in case you have lost it. 2. Adjusting other end-game mask to be a better choice then the junon mask obtained at around level 30. Kindest regards Aryn
  13. I feel like something could be done about bosses as an endgame activity, how they work now makes it so only a select few amount of players can farm this 24/7 and get drops/benefits from this. It takes away this activity for other players which in turn causes people to get bored and does not benefit player retention as doing AA and dungeons are some of the only other things to do.
  14. You are spot on about kings having rewards / being world bosses that can be tackled with a group, this would incentivise a lot more players to engage in this content
  15. With your logic everything should be free and there won't be a path for the game to go on cause there won't be a game published in the long run. You need to be realistic about the future and survival of the game. You still don't don't grasp there is a difference between p2w and pay for convenience, no point in trying to discuss the matter if you won't try to understand the difference. And honestly about storage it is not like we don't have any storage available, the extra storage coming from a quest, optional subscription or item mall would be a convenience and not a necessity.
  16. Pay to win and pay for convenience are two different things. Pay to win is the case where you buy something from the item mall and it increases your ingame power which is unfair to players not spending real life money. Paying for the convenience to have more storage slots/acces to storage does not directly increase your player power, it just makes things more efficiënt. Simple as that. At some point in time the devs will have to look at their income and see if it is sufficiënt in order to keep the game running and add updates in order to increase the amount of players joining the game as well as player retention. They have several options in order to earn money without pay to win. 1. The current model where they only release cosmetics to pay for (the income from this alone may not suffice in order to keep the game running and make healthy progress towards fixes/new content which will in turn make the game die a slow death cause there won't be player retention or many new players coming in.) 2. Enable an optional subscription model that unlocks different in game conveniences. This could be in combination with a certain amount of item mall points per month (this would create a steady income and could possibly open up more time for the team to hire more people / work full time on the game.) 3. Add certain coupons to the item mall in order to increase storage and other conveniences. (this would result in extra income which would be less steady then the subscription model, not a big fan of this). Looking at Oldschool Runescape they started back in 2014 with a team of 4 to 5 people. At first they were fixing things but after a while they started adding content and that was when the game started to grow and they were able to put more people on the team. Now OSRS is one the most populair Oldschool MMO's around. Taking OSRS an example without making ROSE pay to play wouldn't be a bad thing IMO. While talking about OSRS taking surveys (polls) could also be a good indicator for the team to know what to focus on when gameplay related updates are possible.
  17. I can agree to this as it might be easy to overlook, it is quite the valuable material though
  18. Enlighten us then please
  19. We are about two months into early acces and most of the early maps are rather empty as people are leveling through them rather quickly. I think the point you are trying to make about high levels camping lower maps and ruining the experience is not valid. I don’t really see people dedicated to farming materials at certain levels with new characters teaming up with other people as their intention is to gather materials where you usually share loot in a party while leveling. in the meanwhile fossil island requires you to wait 5 seconds until one of your skills is cast or when an animation starts cause most people are high level now and are either farming there or leveling there as it is the only viable map to properly level/farm in which is problematic. I do have confidence and believe the rednim team will do everything they can to improve the experience and fix the gameplay related issues now that the server is more stable.
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