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Make Guns Great Again


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So I play a bourg and while I love the AoE, I find it really disappointing how weak guns are. It’s night and day and I know it’s because launchers’ attack speed was increased. Can we get some love for guns so we have a viable alternative? Would love some single target dps love

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3 hours ago, Zeror said:

You know what would make guns great? The running animation of your character holding the gun. Why tf is your character running with two hands holding the gun? It looks weird and no one runs with a gun that way.

While I think it would be relatively easy for them to do so, but you are asking for an animation change, something I don't think they will do.

Edited by Neverlander
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Base attack speed of Launchers got increased from .45 to .6., and I recently realized guns attack slower than launchers now which really shouldn't be the case.

Base attack speed of guns is .5. 

.45 attack speed was actually just to slow and felt like sludge, and increasing launchers to .6 isn't game breaking, you still want to use skills 90% of the time but throwing an auto attack in between isn't going to be a liability now.


What I'm saying is it doesn't really make sense for guns to have a lower attack speed as launchers, and .45 base attack speed is too slow so maybe guns base attack speed can be brought up to what launchers are.

However maybe all of the super slow base attack speed weapons should be increased a  little with it, I didn't realize crossbows also have .45 base attack speed too.

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3 hours ago, Phish_ said:

However maybe all of the super slow base attack speed weapons should be increased a  little with it, I didn't realize crossbows also have .45 base attack speed too.

Speed is even worse because shields lower attack speed by 10%. All weapons should have at least .55 base speed imo.

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Yeah it might be a good idea to base it off that. The game is very skill based except for a few classes, especially the classes with the lowest attack speed, its just a liablilty to melee when with attack speed that low. Youre doing much less damage and meleeing with .45 base attack speed is already slower than your skills caste.

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