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New Event Maps


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How about creating Event Maps for the following:


Halloween (fight scary mobs, etc)

New Years (A fancy party map)

Maps to be big enough to fight mobs and not like the Christmas map that is so small that it can't hold many people.

Have quests and prizes/zuly for finishing the quests just for each event.

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I forgot about another map, Valentine's day map.   Again, something to celebrate love in the air!

Maybe instead of these maps being on Junon or Luna, place them on an Event World, sorta speak, so all of these are in one place.

Prevent scrolling to Luna or Junon, but having to use the NPC to go back.

I know the current version of Rose has some maps grouped together, but others seem to be put in different locations.   maybe start with like map 200 for the event maps, including the ballroom since that is an event too.    Just thinking more out of the box and grouping all events maps together.


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