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Weapon status effects


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With the level cap decreasing from a whopping 250 to 100 there is going to be alot of leftover weapons. The amount of weapons there will be left over against the stat combinations makes the variation of the weapons very limited. 

So I would like to suggest the use of "status effects" for unique (or just very hard to get) weapons. What I mean with status effects are special stats added to the weapons, for example; a unique katar with an effect that adds poison to the target on hit. Or a spear that adds a burn effect every 5th strike. With these conditions in mind the possibilities become very interesting and there is much more to imagine like spark effects that do AoE or effects that debuff the target. 

The only concern would be the limits of the current engine/net code. But adding the effects themselves would be very possible, since poison and burn statuses are already in the game. 


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That's a great idea, it would add even more variations and diversify the play styles.

What could also be done is to take some of the higher level weapons and scale them down, lower their stats, stat requirements and level requirements to give players different weapon options and looks (so you wouldn't have every single class have the same exact weapon)

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