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Everything posted by Rebus

  1. Let's make this a collection thread of all cleric suggestions. Please do not turn this into a discussion of individual Cleric suggestions. There will be a time and place for that. Let's just see the ideas for now. As most of you will know, the dev team already has some ideas about addressing the issues with the Cleric and will test them out during alpha.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. The website is not finished yet, though. When it's done there will be a link to the forum. You can get a preview of what the site might end up looking like here:
  3. Rebus


    Welcome to the ROSE Online Forums! Please remember, that your forum account will also be used to access the website and the game. Make sure to check out the forum rules. Happy discussing / suggesting / sharing / reading!
  4. For your suggestions to even be considered, it must be written in a way such that the team can work with it. Put some effort in, because if you cannot even put enough effort in to articulate your suggestion, why should they put in the effort to both decypher your suggestion and then implement it. Follow these simple guidelines: Know the general forum rules. Before you post, think about whether your suggestion is actually reasonable and realistic. Format your post to be readable. Make sure separate suggestions are presented individually and not lumped together. Be as concrete as you can (and makes sense), it is impossible to implement anything based on a vague feeling. If you can, list the pros and cons of your suggestion (in your opinion) When commenting on other people’s suggestions try to see it from their perspective too, this game is not just for you. If you are not a native English speaker and struggling with the language and grammar, try to find someone in the community to proof-read your post. DISCLAIMER: Even if a suggestion is popular on the forum, it is down to the team's discretion whether gets implemented into the game. Happy suggesting!
  5. We expect you to Treat everyone with respect Let staff know if you see something that makes you feel unsafe Stay on topic relevant to the forum you are posting in We will not tolerate Harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech Profanity, swearing, insults or other foul language NSFW or obscene content, in form of text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content Discussions about private servers that are currently active and violating copyright We want to keep this forum a constructive place and will close or delete topic and even ban members in extreme cases for going against that. Examples for that include, but are not limited to: Suggestions, which go completely against the team's philosophy (e.g. P2W, crypto, NFT) Illegible posts Derailing discussions We are mainly an English speaking forum and ask users to post in English in the main sections, we have recently added an international section where you can post in other languages. If you do not see a section in your language please reach out to a member of staff. If you are unsure about what you can and cannot do, please reach out to a member of staff either here on the forum's or Discord.
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