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Everything posted by Thystro

  1. I'd prefer offline vending compared to an AH. The shops makes the world feel more alive, also you have a better chance at getting some real steals instead of people undercutting 24/7. Also I love it that you can setup a shop in certain places besides the main city hubs.
  2. Any farm spots besides dungeons at higher lvl? Everybody is familiar with these strats. I am more intrested into farm spots in the world to be fair.
  3. I dislike teleportation features due to killing world building. I like seeing people run around, it makes the world feel more alive and immersive. Instead of people AFK-ing in town and warping in and out to dungeons, world bosses etc.
  4. Thanks for those links! Good to dive a lil bit in the history and see how much discussion there was about the different loottables. PS: I noticed a lot of my friends already quit due to the current farming system.
  5. I fully agree with you. Also made another topic about this a few weeks ago: I've noticed a lot of people already quit since they got bored of doing dungeons 24/7 and there is barely anything else to do.
  6. That is also a big issue I have with the current version of the game.
  7. It's really kinda stupid how many ETC. Drop in most of the maps, but thats mainly due to 75% of these ETC. drop everywhere in all maps. I agree but I feel this is a discussion for another topic. I feel the reason why people just rush to 250, is mainly due that high level chars can still be able to drop from grey mobs. Also dungeon is just giving out almost free grade 5 gems, uniques and more to everyone so no need to farm gems or uniques on other spots. Maybe only a spot for refines would be sweet? But thats about it really.
  8. You make a good point here HJVG. I think that's also one of the main reasons people just rush to max level because we all can't be arsed.
  9. Yeah the loottable in GoS is not worth it at all sadly. RIP One of my favourite maps. Just a little meme I've found on /r/mmorpg that sums up the valor system and repeatable quests imo : This is a lil bit off topic but yes it seems kinda odd. The penalty doesn't seem to apply on uniques? I've gathered about 3 uniques thus far from grunter captains on my level 190 raider. But this is a discussion for elsewhere.
  10. I know that. I still can complain about the droptable right? I don't argue about EVO as a whole. There are lots of things I like and prefer. I just really dislike the whole loot system and especially the valor system and how it works with the ETC. Understandable but all these uncommon materials can just be bought from valor. Besides the EQ which also drops from the Dungeons/Valor. Ofcourse some materials are planet drops but about +- 75% isn't. I understand the stockpile principle I have a level 200+ bourg aswell. No offense but I hope you understand that this comes off really salty and quite ignorant. I ain't saying it should be like how it was in iROSE, however it might be an idea to look into the valor system and the loottables as a whole. It's not like new is bad old is good.
  11. Yes also making new bourgs or just farmers in general is cool to obtain certain set of gear and creates a sub-economy. For example the whole T3 wave in iROSE created a lot of cool things to farm. Legend Jaguar Gloves for the win.
  12. Fully agreed. Attached a few images from materials that can easily be bought from the valor store. The valor store is currently dumbing down the farming aspect as a whole.
  13. Hi everyone, Recently Ive had this discussion with a few Clannies and we came to the conclusion that the current server lacks farm spots. For example in iROSE you had several locations you could only gain certain ETC. items. For example: Red Hearts > Vulcans or FoW Enthirics > T3 Low Entherics > T2 Essence, Low Essence etc. > B3 Lisents > Room 2 Prison Uniques > BK Etc etc. Now with the current version we've noticed that grinding dungeons currently kills everything else for farm spots. Due to the good loot in dungeons but also the valor points you can spend to just buy whatever the hell you want. Why would you even bother farm in those certain spots? Just get some valor and buy the certain ETC you need and voila you're set! I miss just logging in and grinding my ass off in a certain spot to gain certain items. Currently it feels like the loottables are for about 75% the same in all the maps. For example Little Devil Feathers and Little Angel Feathers drop from Junon to freaking Orlo. How do you guys feel about this? Edit: Also the Dirties are a problem for the points given above.
  14. IMO They kill the game. Because of these darn repeatables nobody is exploring the world anymore. OR make in every zone repeatable quests or just get rid of them.
  15. It's pre release for a reason.
  16. There is a timer on the homepage. Currently it's:
  17. It used to be NA yes. It's the official ROSE Online now. Where every country or continent is welcome to join.
  18. I have a few fondest memories: During iROSE and TW ROSE: Selling Vital Jams +5 for a crazy amount of Zulies Fighting at the Aqua spot in El Veroon Desert Finding my first unique at Grunter King Crafting masks at the begin of several ROSE servers and making profits with 7/7, 3/15, +5 int etc. First time going to Luna Getting my first cart And many more
  19. Sup dude! Welcome to the party
  20. To be fair the buffs being separated over the 4 classes makes me wanna go for a dual client with 4 different accounts so I can get the max out of it. So I ain't sure if this is the right solution, I already know several people who do this on iROSE servers etc.
  21. IIRC GM's already had a command build in like this. Not as detailed, but it did give information on the amount of players active in the current map.
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