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  1. As everyone playing Akram Arena knows, the meta has evolved to full ranged to a stuck meta in middle where close to nothing happen until the end. To make it short, the problem is just that with the high amount of Clerics in one game (it can go as high as 10 clerics in one team, we already saw it) + all the Knights that themselve require multiple characters to get killed + all the Spear Champions aoe debuffing (ps that also have sacrifice but i get it this one is a sensitive subject), the situation is only going to be worse. Basically , there is no way anyone will outdamage 5 Clerics + all Knights sacrifice + Champions aoe, at best you will see some low def/no dodge characters (dealer, mage, low dodge/no stuff raiders) dying from the few katar Raiders left that for an unknown reason are the only ones always playing in team but that's really all we can expect in the current situation. So i see only 2 solutions, one is an obvious change with a big downside, another one require some brain and lot of testing: - 1. Limiting to each game to 3 Clerics max, 2 Knight max - PRO: it solves everything CON: lot of player maining those classe wont be able to join AA, there is only 2 games max running at Peak time - 2. Finding a counter to Cleric/Knight: it can be be changing how piercing defense work to counter shield block, applying a reduction on heal like it has been done on AOE damage (i don't like it personnally)... - PRO: in the best world, it solves the issue and everyone can bring the class of its choice in any game - CON: balancing is long, tricky, mistake can be made, require a lot of testing, we also don't have a test server available for now So today i purpose solution 1 because it's the safest one, even if later we could move to solution 2: Do you wish a limit of class (Cleric/Knight) to be applied in Game Arena PvP games? Please let us known your opinion so we can fix the situation as soon as possible! Note: even if it's myself purposing the idea there is unfortunally no magic, as all ideas that we have flagged "Considering" we'r still limited by our manpower, the whole team is full dedicated on the new big updates coming, but i judge the situation enough serious to push it as high priority, just not on top of everything. Thanks for understanding
  2. We are going to roll a short update soon to fix and improve the Ballroom Event, especially by adding quest icons on npc/dialogs and adding Dance My Best to Quest Tracker. ETA time estimated: 30min Have a nice Event!
  3. We made no nerf, what happened is we buffed launcher base speed until it feels "great" during Alpha because the old attack speed (0.35) is awfull to play, but for an unknow reason it was kept like this for early-access, we probably went so busy that we completely forgot about it... Battle Artisan are exactly the same as before so the real poll should be: - Buff gun attack speed - Nerf launcher attack speed - Buff gun attack speed and nerf launcher attack speed (and no battle artisan are not fine the way it is, launcher are at the same time stronger and faster than launcher so something will be done for sure)
  4. That's just classic garnet playing with different ROSE assets version haha i will replace it with a screenshot from our Junon version to avoid any confusion :)
  5. No, the team currently doesn't want an Auction System for now because we think it would make the game lose his identity, most players that we have talk with like the way to have lot of shops in Junon and look at them. Unless there is a major change in the game that make us reconsider it where AH would be highly beneficial for game, we prefer to implement better vending features.
  6. We probably need a poll for this ( i have my opinion on this thread but i prefer to keep it for myself for now.) Also, if you guys think there is really a bug in the current system (ex: the other player neither got the first hit and neither did the max damage) please record and show us so we can be sure there is really bug.
  7. If the community real wish to have the stat back we can bring them back but definitively not in the form of costume stats
  8. I will try to see what i can do.
  9. I'm complaining since game release about the lack of real UI this is an obvious add but there is some technical difficulties to make this possible because of how the UI code and such are limited. Also even if i really want it, i'm not sure this is something that the ROSE community is really waiting for so not really a priority... There is also the question of the Map UI itself, with the current UI limitation i'm not sure what is the best design for it yet. Feel free to make suggestion! Oh also, this is one of my map UIs:
  10. Not a priority but i'm agree with this, even if not being able to move is something we wished for it's annoying to not even being able to reply to text.
  11. We'r not going to make the game worse because of them... Our team is very active to track those people and i would remind everyone that if you'r caught autoclicking/macroing, it's a ban.
  12. The problem is the Delivery Quest. If we add a Sikuku Ruins scroll people will chain it by using Xita/Ruins. I see the reason to want it and i understand it but Scroll or Delivery Quest, there will be a choice to make! Or i could make a lvl 220 requirement to the scroll, doesn't really sound good design at all but maybe better than nothing.
  13. I like the suggestions!
  14. Garnet


    I'm not sure that's a priority right now but yes, having a buy back option would definitively be a nice thing!
  15. - Follow function: no for obvious reasons, i think everybody know what i mean...even if it's sad. - Show Prerequisite Requirement of Items and Skills : good suggestion - Mark/Gray out visited Vending Shops: it's live - Muse Buffs (Dash, Atk Speed, Accuracy, Defense, HP/MP, Critical): currently no plan to make buff on muse going back, however we'r going to boost muse heal in a close future.
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