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Everything posted by daktari

  1. where can i get the above token? jorgus in pyramid has a quest (rags to riches) but it needs a token.
  2. Charm is huge for debuffs, it works massively, i get 42% def debuff at lvl 209 with 323 charm, and if you lvl in temple you get more lisent hg with more charm.
  3. i think all the item mall items look junk, they look way worse than before.
  4. just go reinforced until lvl 240 then get valor if you think you need it
  5. daktari

    holy ring

    what is the going price for these?
  6. how do i get there, so i can do the quests for lina?
  7. i think a lower level one would get used, not every player power levels to 250!
  8. price check on this please, never had one drop so no idea of cost.
  9. oops didnt know that, i wondered if it was different than normal quests!
  10. as title says, cant get the quest from him, have gone trough the text and get nothing from him, have located all 3 trees but nothing happens!
  11. as title says i have 530 con atm and it only gives me from 37%-52% for each type
  12. why are you able to upgrade honor sets but not valor?
  13. using pick up skill is way better than jump
  14. lol that is funny, maintenance is putting feet up and laughing at the people trying to log into game
  15. daktari


    thanks, i have found that a lot of luna mobs drop it now.
  16. Are valor quests still in game? and who gives them in junon? thanks.
  17. loads of botting parties, found 3 parties on kenji all dead and still there dead after 3 hours
  18. daktari


    what drops misian? not had a single one drop and im lvl 78 now, have disassembled hundreds of items and nothing
  19. why does con give no ap? if i put str on i get ap, hp, and def, but con only gives acc?
  20. just try it and see! use a drill then drop in gem. weapon, armour and shield if i remember
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