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  1. Cool, very expensive games tho! Are there any stats on the boards? i can afford those maybe...
  2. Yeah, way faster as my scout! No arrows!
  3. For me, reading this is enough to not buy ANYTHING in IM shiny stuff is the whole reason rose is cool.... I agree it would be best if costume takes the shine of the original item!
  4. thanks man, even wat werk afronden en over paar uurtjes voeg ik je toe!
  5. Lv 250s are no lifers that steal from regular players. Should not be counted as first hit if you outrank mob by 50%+
  6. Soul revive Skill for Muse (Pricecheck?) Face Craft for Dealer 150k? Several REAL good items for lv 50-70 scout 3 different (8) & (9) darkenek bows (soon 4th is available) around 300k each ILv 50 and 70 hawker EQ, most REFINED, all with CRIT and AP stat Just offer below or send IG message to 12Hunt & 12Buff , i dont expect highest price , just dont wanna keep it in storage (nor npc it). have fuN!
  7. Where to get the krawfy quest? Is it just one or more?
  8. If they dont it will be a shitshow reallll quick. Already saw plenty of zulie sellers...
  9. Hoi hoi, mag ik hippies in met mn scout 12hunt en mn muse 12buff? Ben al tijd in buitenland en wel leuk om af en toe wat nlds te typen
  10. I got DCed when the fairy appeared and now i dont have the episode quest anymore. what can i do...? thnx!
  11. kooperg


    Interested! Ign 12hunt
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