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Everything posted by prettywomanlover

  1. I get that they are supposed to be glass cannon and that's fine i think they should have high single target dmg. I think it may be a little bit high, but that's besides the point. Their AOE's are absolutely insane and can kill 4+ people easily in AA in about 3-4 skills.. It is pretty silly honestly and diminishes other classes accomplishments and abilities a little bit as it is a bit discouraging when a class can just nuke kill 4 people that are grouped up from 35m away and really cannot be touched unless somebody is already by them. This is not even talking about the insane dot dmg it does, it can do 4k+ dmg and over 800 dmg per second for a long time. I get that they are sort of glass cannons but they also can hit you from 35m away so being able to do this insane dot/aoe dmg to a group from really far away is a little bit unfair IMO. lmk what you think down below ty
  2. Cold snap for mages is absolutely ridiculous, especially the honor version debuffing targets for 200% movement speed and 40% dodge, and for 8 seconds.. It's basically a skill that traps a person in place until they are dead almost 100% of the time unless that mage is very undergeared, or surrounded by tons of enemies. It's actually shocking that something this overpowered is in the game. I Don't mind it being this overpowered in PVE, it is unique and adds to the classes CC and PVM is not competitive, so i think it is ok for PVE, but for PVP it is absolutely ridiculously overpowered and needs a HUGE nerf! I think either it should be brought down to a 3 second duration, or just nerf the percentage to 50%
  3. Yes I completely agree. That’s partly why I think CD is so much more fun than AA, it’s kind of the same thing but there are a lot less crystals, and it has a lot less HP so it’s not like aa where you have to choose to focus crystal or pvp you can accomplish both easily and only takes about 5 minutes to kill each crystal and there are only 2
  4. Currently, I think for cleric mana shield should not be nerfed, other than adding a longer cooldown, or making it so they cannot be used within 15 seconds of the last one. For mages, I have not played mage honestly but i heard there was a secondary mana shield for them, I think that should simply be removed, they do not need it an will be overpowered without it, they should not get an extra shield they are supposed to be a glass cannon class. Thanks, let me know your ideas on how they should go about tweaking mana shield for the next update
  5. Yes all from zulie sellers. Once they start banning them, there will not be. There are not many ways to get zulie in the game other than dailies, and boring repeatables. We should get rewarded for playing the game the way we prefer to play it weather than be dungeons, or open world. And cmon you get less than 60 points from a COU, in AA you can get 150 very easily as the worst class, lots of times over 200-500. And don't say the drops are good they are terrible and even when u get a decent items you have to sit for 24 hrs vending it.. It's not encouraging people to play them.. Sure there is a lot of zulie on the market right now from botters /zulie sellers farming 24/7 every minute of the day because that is literally all they do for a living.. What happens when they get banned? the only way of getting zulie is farming tedious quests and low rate open world. I'm just saying, we should be able to play the game the way we want to play weather that be in dungeons or whatever, and be rewarded for it and feel like were progressing our characters. For people who already have BIS valor gear there is absolutely no reason for them to do them other than stocking up on uniques worth 400k to sell overnight
  6. There are still tasks you do in crystal defenders it is pretty much the same as AA except there are less crystals, and so people get less points. I actually think this is an incredible idea and would be a great introduction to these game modes and would shift the meta a little bit, which i think would be great for the game. Everyone has been spamming AA since the game released, so lots of people don't even know what the other game modes are, and have never done them. Also, this would make it a more fair point gain, rather than people simply AFKing next to every crystal to get points, atleast for defenders. There are less crystals, so there would be less of that. This idea is great and would be healthy for the game, and those game arenas, and eventually i think some people maybe would learn the game mode, and see which they prefer, rather than everyone spamming the same, and not even knowing what CD and draconis peak is.
  7. I've played a few private servers that had awesome animated weapons, fire, poison, water, etc, but they were actual weapons. My idea is, I think it would be awesome and add more build diversity if players were able to see which affect players had on their weapon, by having a cool animated affect corresponding with the element that is applied to the weapon. For example, Poison elemental weapons would be animated as a poison affect, same with holy, ghost, fire, wind, water, etc. Not only do i think this would look absolutely awesome and make people want to actually apply certain affects to their weapons cosmetically, but i think it would open up so much build diversity and encourage players to purchase different items /sets, depending on which elemental affect they are fighting. This also doesn't have to be tied to weapon affects, this is just an idea, it also could be a cosmetic only affect that is sold on the item mall. Would also help support development for this incredible game! Let me know what you think, thanks so much for reading
  8. Hello. Currently, I believe there are only three ways to make direct Zulie in the game, without having to go through the market via selling items, which are, selling items to NPCs, quests, and chewed bones. Chewed bones, and selling items to NPCs give a very low amount of money so realistically are not very ideal / viable options. Sure there are some repeatable you can do to get 100k here and there, but they are very tedious in my opinion, especially if that is all you are trying to do to make money, and also my idea would incentivize these dead game modes which nobody does, and which give a lot lower base score of valor/honor points. The idea: Simply add a zulie reward to these game modes, encouraging people to run them more often. I've noticed less people are doing dungeons, I believe because they give a very low amount of valor points, and not very good rewards, and even if they are decent, it takes a long time to sell those items, and doesn't really provide the player with instant gratification, which is the exact affect I believe it should have on players. Also, Draconis peak which gives a low amount of points and I do not remember if it gives anything else, but nobody does it currently sadly I think this change would encourage so many people to play it. This could also be implemented with all of the game modes, and i would be in favor of it, just not sure if other people would be as well, as AA is already very rewarding. I'm not exactly sure what, but something needs to be done in my opinion about the progression system. Currently the meta and what people like to do in PVP is spam AA and that is pretty much it, while some OP classes (mage cleric and raider) get an insane amount of points, pretty much the rest of the classes, get a much lower amount of points, and it takes ages to get your endgame best in slot gear, and even after you've done that, there is pretty much nothing to gain, except the ability to try new sets. That is not super rewarding for players who do not have this endgame set yet, and especially is not rewarding for players who already do have these sets, as there is basically nothing more to gain from them. I think adding a zulie reward would overall make it more fun and rewarding for both types of these players and overall would be healthy for the economy in my opinion to be rewarded directly with the main currency (zulie) for your preferred activity. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading
  9. I completely agree lol. this would just be discouraging to everyone because of a few bad actors
  10. Is it possible to just remove the timers? Even when they do complete, it's very annoying not being able to turn them in right away for completing it, the timers don't really serve a purpose, COU dailies and game arena ones work fine without them, why do they need them?
  11. Currently, as everyone knows, repeatable quests are the meta for leveling, in result, the map goes almost completely untouched. I was thinking, it would be awesome if this map was redesigned to be a max level endgame, farming zone. and remaining a PVP zone, incentivizing lots of wars, and competition for farming spots. I think it would be very easy to do so, and would be very easy endgame content, everyone would love. The idea: to turn the area inside the blue square, into a safe-zone and have a ghostly guard NPC, right before the bridge, at the green dot that would guard the bridge, only allowing max levels into the zone. The reason being, there are some event quests, as well as dailies that are done in this map, so having max level monsters in this zone would make getting these quests done, kind of hard. Then basically in the rest of the zone, just adjust the level of the monsters to 250, and adjust loot table to make this a farmable area that gives good drops relevant to endgame. All that really needs to be done to implement this, is to add the NPC right before the bridge, and adjust the level of the monsters, to level 250, and change their loot table. I think the monsters in this map are perfect for endgame content, as they are REALLY cool! It is a real shame that this map is currently kind of a wasted asset, I think this idea would not only turn it into a very incredible popular map, but also would be very EASY endgame content for the team to implement. Thanks for reading, Let me know what you think down below. Thanks to HB, and Heatfist in discord for adding some incredible ideas of their own!
  12. I appreciate the comment. I am happy you guys removed restrictions from some items such as blues, I was unaware gravity did that at the end of NA rose, that is absolutely terrible and so discouraging. Trade restrictions in general for anything earned ingame in my opinion should not be a thing, and is discouraging lots of different, diverse playstyles, such as farming and earning zulie. Instead of being able to purchase pretty much the only relevant gear for endgame, you have to farm it yourself, and are forced into PVP or PVM instances to obtain this gear, this discourages part the whole philosophy i thought Red nim was trying to achieve, encouraging active /open world play, and diverse playstyles. This is only discouraging that IMO and pushing the focus of the game into 1 click instances, like every other mmorpg rather than encouraging players to play in the beautiful, alive open world. The instances are fine, I'm not saying remove them, but ONLY being able to obtain this gear only through such activities, and not allowing players who want to farm /explore the much more immersive open world to get this gear, who desire to get that gear, this is sadly not an option for them, and makes those players more likely to resent that fact and quit do yo feeling obligated to play a certain way. It is just in my opinion limiting so much of the game in my opinion. Sure it is encouraging to players who only like PVP as other players cannot get it with other methods, but it discouraging to everyone else. I think everybody would be encouraged if gear was tradeble. Thank you for reading my response, I look forward to hearing your opinion regarding this matter if you have further thoughts. Thank you.
  13. having all the gear locked is ONLY limiting players choices and forcing them to play the game a certain way. Players who want to earn gold as their preferred playstyle and buy BIS gear should be able to, it also makes zulie much more valueble, and would be extremely healthy for the market. Also it is actually discouraging players from making new characters I believe as they are forced to buy all new equipment, where as if they had it on another character of the same class, they'd be encouraged more because they don't have to start buying their gear from scratch. I think all this character locked gear is a horrible idea. And before you say, No i am not saying IM items should become tradeable aswell. Just equipment earned in-game.
  14. This class is supposed to be good against hawkers yet they have no decloak ability Every single class has one except artisan..; Please add one!
  15. Like judgement knight, terror knight, and dread they have aoe's and different abilities that are random, i think it would be really awesome if players were able to control the summons abilities and choose when they go off with a CD ofc. and maybe add more abilities for summons. I think there is a lot of awesome potential summons have that could be really awesome and even could create more unique playstyles. For example it would encourage more players to utilize gems such as summon gauge for reasons outside of spamming flames. Also, on an unrelated note, Summons are currently and were (other than the current summon exploit) useless in pvp and other endgame modes as they are very weak and die fast. Would be cool to see them utilized more in pvp more and see builds surrounding them, and the idea i mentioned would definitely i believe support this possibility. Let me know what you think Thanks!
  16. I think they just need to get rid of the point system all together. All it does it discourage activity via time gating people. And with all the dc’s crashes and glitches, this system can be very punishing. I think it should atleast be disabled during early access.
  17. Yeah definitely would be great if they could do something like this.
  18. Yeah I really hope they can add faith back I absolutely love them. They are all great but Priest is my favorite set in the game.
  19. Hello. I am writing this, because I strongly believe that the mechanic to get points for defenders, sitting in the middle next to sunrise crystal needs to be reworked, and it only encourages inactivity and laziness. Where as doing your role, defending against attackers, not letting them get to the middle, or even close to the crystal, fighting them off, rewards no points and sitting in the middle can gain you just as much if not more points as the players who are actually playing as a team, engaging in the battle and trying to push back the attackers so they cannot reach the crystal at all.. I think that the defending points needs to be reworked or even removed. Attackers do not get these extra points for attacking the crystal, why should defenders? Also, on a non related note, the crystal in the middle needs a nerf to the hp big time, it's basically a 70% chance defenders will win and a 30% chance attackers will win. Especially with the current sacrafice meta. It really stinks having to choose between sitting in the middle to leach points until the timer runs out, and helping your team in battle, because you want to get as much points as possible.. It just is senseless and promotes inactivity and discourages team work. Please do something about this, Lots of teams aren't even working as a team because of it, half go and kill on their own, and half afk in the middle.. It's sad you that the game promotes inactivity and rewards those players who didn't participate as much in the battle, with more points..
  20. the SS says more than enough.. Mages are ridiculously OP and can beat 90% of players with unrefined NPC gear.. This OP class is absolutely ruining PVP
  21. CD and AA are practically the same game and currently its just seperating the queues. I think they could easily combine the modes and make one queue and maybe make for a random chance to get AA or CD. That would be fun and add mystery too. What do you think? Currently it is so hard to find a game and half the time there are 11 in AA and 4 queued in CD.. That would be the difference between starting a match and not if the queues were combined.. I think this will significantly improve endgame and consistency of matches currently there just arent a lot of 250s and it will take months to get super consistent matches unless this change is implemented. It could even be reverted after early access or when devs are confident there are enough 250s to start a match.
  22. haha that is the exact reason they are more expensive. Game is no longer pay to win, encouraging ppl to play it and earn their power rather than buying. They're making significantly less money off doing this and its purely because the dev team are passionate about the project and believe p2w is harmful which it is.
  23. idk why they even added AA when they already had CD... they are basically the same game mode on diff maps and It's just seperating the queues and making for less consistent games.. basically all the time there are 13 ppl in AA and 4 ppl in CD queue.. That could make the difference between games starting and not if they were all in the same queue.. It is really senseless to me especially in this early access phase where alot of ppl arent 250.. They could make it so when you join one, u have a random chance of playing AA or CD and they dont have to seperate the queues
  24. Currently unfortunately due to the small amount of players that are max level, and the team requirements to start a CD or AA being so high, PVP games just do not start anymore. I used to be able to get into one almost any time of the day, however they were very uneven because there was no team size requirement at all so it could be 1v5 etc. I think that if one of the game modes, either Akram arena, or crystal defenders were lowered to 5 players per team, rather than 10 they would start much easier. I think due to the requirements being so high, players are discouraged from joining at all because they just think its not going to start. Please for now in early access, while we wait to get more max levels, reduce the team size to 5v5 on CD or AA, and one of the game modes can be kept to 10 if desired, so pvp is accessible. Currently it is non existent sadly outside training grounds and sikuku ruins. This is not just me too, Anytime i check, there are never any active games anymore! Please do something about this i really want to play PVP as that is the playstyle i prefer. Thank you! EDIT: also i do not think the crystal defenders 7-10 per team requirement is working, i think it is higher than that as i got into a game recently, and there were 9 members on atkers, 14 on defenders and the game did not start, we left queue because there werent enough.. so something is screwbally with that!
  25. In my opinion, Game arena gives way too low points, Pvp, game modes, aswell as dungeons.. I can literally just spam lvl 120 quests in eldeon and get more than i would in a dungeon, in significantly less time.. And I am not saying that the answer is to nerf the quests, I think they are fine, I really just think the ammount of points needs to be increased significantly for completing a dugeon. They take 30 minutes with a really good group, and you get around 110 and it costs around 3,000 game arena energy. I think this is way to low. Also, Daily quests need to give more too in my opinion, by alot. 25 per quests per DAY is terrible when you can just spam quests in xita and make about 3k just leveling from 120-160 in xita. Now about crystal defenders and AA, Often you make no points at all if you are unlucky and the teams are uneven and you are not on the defenders side. I think you should get a base amount of points for just participating. It costs 2,500 game arena energy and often those points are just wasted, aswell as your time if you are unlucky and have a bad team. Also, it will incentivize people to grind these game arenas even if they have a bad team and their time and game arena energy would not go to waste.
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