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Posts posted by DoubleRose

  1. As a way to combat inflation, how about a nominal entrance fee if you play a GA pvp or dungeon instance? 

    My proposed amount is 25k per time and that amount is refunded if you are kicked or your game ends within 5 minutes of entering. If you were barely in there, you shouldn't have to pay.

    This would take an almost unnoticeable amount of zulie away from the richest players while adding up in its impact.

    The cost should be small though because GA game should be among the most profitable things a player can do given that it is gated by GA energy and other players. The zulie fee could be higher, but only if rewards or drops were also buffed. Do not buff the drop rate of blues in dungeons as these are a driver of inflation.

    I've noticed there are always 8-15 games active when I que for COU, plus other dungeons and AAs are happening of course. Let's say there are 15 dungeons with 5 players each at any given time. That's 75 players x 25k = 1.87m. Assuming dungeon runs average to 20 minutes each, that's 5.61m an hour. Obviously some times of the day will be slower, but it could still mean about 100m a day.

    Given the small size of the fee and that GA is quite profitable for players, their behavior likely won't be changed as a result of adding this feature. It'll just steadily skim some excess zulie from the top.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Garnet said:

    We made no nerf, what happened is we buffed launcher base speed until it feels "great" during Alpha because the old attack speed (0.35) is awfull to play, but for an unknow reason it was kept like this for early-access, we probably went so busy that we completely forgot about it...

    Battle Artisan are exactly the same as before so the real poll should be:

    - Buff gun attack speed

    - Nerf launcher attack speed

    - Buff gun attack speed and nerf launcher attack speed


    (and no battle artisan are not fine the way it is, launcher are at the same time stronger and faster than launcher so something will be done for sure)

    Buff gun 0.55 to 0.6.

    Buff artisan attack speed passive from 20% to 25% or even 30%.

    Nerf launcher 0.6 to 0.55 or keep it the same.

    • Confused 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Phish_ said:

    I really wish the 5% chance to miss was removed though, it just feels bad casting a slow skill on a mob and having it miss because of it. 

    It would be nice if you could get up to 100% hit in pvm.

  4. From LazyPenguin's livestream yesterday, it sounds like clan skills will have their values and costs reduced. The logic is that this will help small clans by making it easier to get the skills, while nerfing the bigger clans by reducing the value they get from the skills, thus reducing the gap between them. Assuming few changes to the drop table, there is a better way to even out clans.

    Give every clan baseline skills.

    Every clan will get something like 3% exp, common drop 12.5%, uncommon 7.5%, rare 5%, very rare 3.75%, epic 1.25%, and legendary 0.5%. 

    Unlocking the clan skill, which should still have its cost reduced, will raise those values up to current game levels.

    So why is this better?

    Instant rewards for making a clan. If you want to form a clan with your buddies, you get some stats without having to do tons of farming. It closes the gap even faster.

    Big clans still get to feel special. They still can get the mount and stat skills so they stand apart from the rest.

    Prevents a supply shock. Even with clans finally using the drop skills, prices are going up and up. I saw a shop buying dirty spiritual stones for 90k last night. That price will be driven even higher if the current plan of nerfing clan skills gets implemented. Players who already got their gear won't be hurt, but newer players, the ones who are supposed to be helped by this change, will find this good gear is out of reach.

    Overall, this change will provide a boost to small clans while insuring enough materials are flowing into the game.

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  5. The odds of an attacking hitting depend on the attacker's accuracy and defender's dodge, but how is it calculated? For example, if I went from 1000 accuracy vs a 3000 accuracy enemy to 1500 accuracy, what would happen to my hit chance?

    I doubt it's one divided by the other because a low accuracy attacker can still sometimes hit and a low dodge defender can sometimes avoid an attack. Does anyone know?


    • Thanks 1
  6. I just killed a boss where I did 2/3 the damage before the other guy showed up. He then outdamaged me 60-40 or maybe a little better because I was on my arti. That means I first hit and did 92% of the total damage and he still got the drop. Sorry, that's a busted system. I did more on all fronts. If you've already done most of a boss's health by the time they show up, they should have a 0% chance of getting the drop.

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  7. I kind of like that Chomper sucks. Can we keep her unable to go over things while standardizing everything else?

    I'd like to see each mount get a special bonus so they all feel different, with the rarer ones being a bit stronger. Could even be things like reindeer get 5% speed and dodge on snow, chomper gets a 5% speed boost on sand, mech reduces damage of the dismounting hit, warship ramps up speed while traveling, drake gets an initial speed boost, and so on.

  8. 1 hour ago, prettywomanlover said:

    Currently, not a ton of people runs dungeons anymore, due to lack of rewards, and repetitiveness.

    lol what kind of idiot isn't running dungeons when ash goes for 40m? It's the repetitiveness that's the issue. We need a rogue like dungeons or another couple dungeons. I like the leaderboard idea and also a clan leaderboard.

  9. 5 hours ago, Mewi said:

    All the more reason why a wipe should be prevalent. 

    I hate that we have to tip toe around certain topics because fear of ban hammers and the like, it's not a healthy way to discuss and address concerns. 

    Wipe without fixing the problem and it will just happen again. Prices have doubled just this past week. Devs need to figure out these zulie sources. 

    • Like 2
  10. Saint gear should get a small exp bonus. That set is all about getting gear a couple levels earlier, so it'd fit perfectly. Plus, it would be pretty weak if all the others blue got buffs and it was left behind.

    Also, full set bonuses for blues should scale with item grade. So a grade 1 hawker set would give 5 dex for having the whole thing, and a grade 8 would give 40.


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  11. 1 hour ago, madelline said:


    they made it clear that is no wiped out, but you can hope

    what i suggest is hang around in junon and see what is indemand and get some zulies, so you would have a different perspective

    I'm fully geared and have plenty of zulie leftover. My issue has less to do with the market (though stuff going for billions a few months in is a sign something is odd) and more that things are half finished and need additional development. People are coming into this game expecting it to be done and then they leave because it's not.

  12. 53 minutes ago, Mewi said:

    100% it is, and given the amount of complaints and feedback surrounding the economy. You'd hope there'd be a significant amount of interest in identifying what it is and how it works, because this would also likely encourage a reset/wipe or at the very least a suspension on accounts who HAVE abused it. 

    A wipe would have to preserve IM items, names, give special privileges to clan masters and deputies to be able to remake their clans, and give special rewards (on a couple month delay) to players who reached certain level milestones. Like a max level character gets to keep their name and a couple items to come back later, and only clan leaders can remake their clans. I'm warming up to the idea, but the game still needs months of testing and development first.

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  13. Please consider adding a new clan passive that gives every character in the clan an additional character storage page tab. The page could say clan, but that might be confusing, so having two character storage tabs would be better. Storage would be per character, not a storage shared between the clan that was already suggested in a different thread.

    It could last a month because a lot of clan skills are monthly. It's not that consequential of a skill, so the price should be low, like 1m.

    If you leave the clan or the skill expires, the items can still be taken out of storage, but nothing can be put in until renewed or you move into a clan with the passive.

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