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Posts posted by lazypenguin

  1. Hello ROSE Community,


    We're happy to share today's patch with some interesting changes to drops, a temporary test of PvP meta changes around Salamander/Mana Flames, a new sound engine for the beta client and a big quality of life improvement for Fossil Sanctuary and other Orlo maps!


    Orlo Tree Camera Collision

    • Remove collision from tree canopies in Orlo

    A few Orlo maps, and in particular Fossil Sanctuary, are quite forested with a good amount of trees. These trees have low canopies which previously would cause camera collisions when moving around the map or panning the camera. We have modified all the trees so that the camera will no longer interfere with the canopies! Below is a demonstration of the new behavior on the left and the old behavior on the right.


    Beta Client Enhancements

    • Fixed several crashes
    • Fixed memory leaks causing the "black" rendering issues
    • Reduced minimum requirements from Direct3D 11 to Direct3D 10.1 (~15 years old, Windows Vista compatible hardware)

    Thanks to all our players who have been providing us with crash dumps. We were able to analyze many of them and resolve several of the most common issues. The new beta client should be more stable and reliable for all players now. Additionally, we investigated and isolated the infamous memory leak in the game that would cause the client to continuously consume more resources over time. In the old client, this would result in the game eventually locking up and crashing but the new client would instead fail to render anything and display strange black artifacts. Finally, we have lowered the minimum hardware requirements from a GPU compatible with Direct3D 11 to Direct3D 10.1. This means older hardware released around the Windows Vista era (~15 years old) should be better supported in the new client. We are currently investigating the feasibility of supporting even older hardware through Direct3D 9, however due to some of the newer rendering techniques we may drop this effort.


    New Sound Engine + Sound Options


    • Beta client sound engine was replaced with a new, higher quality industry standard sound engine (fmod)
    • More sounds can now be played simultaneously and blended together
    • Sound effects will no longer play when all sounds are muted (RIP Whoopie screams)
    • Sounds are now positional in 3D space, i.e. closer sounds will be louder than farther sounds
    • New sound options added to options menu for fine grained control of sounds including a new option to hear other player's footsteps

    We have upgraded the beta client's sound engine to use a new, higher quality industry standard engine. The effect is immediately noticeable in game as the old sound engine had many limitations such as being unable to mix multiple sound sources (i.e. only one sound would play at a time), played some sound effects even when fully muted, did not utilize positional sound effects and more.

    With the new sound system, audio sources will be played based on their spatial location in the zone. For example a closer sound to the character will be louder than one farther away. A sound you can see on screen will come from the front while those off screen will appear to the side or to the back. Additionally, with the new sound system multiple sound effects can be played simultaneously and will seamlessly blend to make a much more immersive in game experience! The new sound system also brings in some advanced features like the Doppler Effect, which occurs when moving quickly past a sound source. See this demonstration of the new sounds and take note of the waterfall & windmill sound effects! The video does not do it justice and we recommend trying it for yourselves.


    Additionally with the new sound system, we took the opportunity to improve the options around sound to allow more fine grained control. Music volume, effects volume, footsteps volume, vehicle volume, NPC volume, environment volume and UI volume can now all be controlled independently. We also introduced a new option to hear other player's footsteps!



    We highly recommend visiting Breezy Hills and other zones to explore the new soundscapes!


    Glistening Orbs + Unique Drops + Mystic Charm/Protective Amulet

    • Reworked Glistening Orb drops to spread different colors across different mobs
    • Small orbs now have a blue name and large orbs have a purple name
    • Mystic Charms and Protective Amulets removed from drop tables
    • Unique drops at endgame have been balanced and adjusted on some mobs


    Glistening Orbs are vital to crafting higher grade gems but previously were difficult and annoying to acquire. We have completely revamped how these drop and from which mobs. Different mobs over Orlo will now drop a specific size and color orb. Players will now need to farm specific areas to acquire the specific orb they desire! Additionally, we clarified the importance of these items by changing the the color of the name. Small orbs now have a blue name and large orbs have a purple name.


    Mystic Charms and Protective Amulets are refining materials that are currently unused. Originally these were designed to refine unique back items and other non-weapon uniques but currently there are none in the game! We have removed these for now as they occupy space in rare drop categories while not being useful. In the future if we introduce non-weapon uniques then we will consider re-introducing these item drops.

    Finally, we balanced the drop tables of high level uniques to be more consistent in their drop categories and more standardized across the mobs that drop them.


    PvP - Salamander/Mana Flames Disabled (Temporary)

    • Salamander and Mana Flames have been temporarily disabled in all PvP zones

    We have temporarily disabled the Salamander and Mana Flames cleric skills in PvP zones. This is a temporary change for the team to observe the effect on PvP. We have consistently received feedback about the negative impact of Salamanders on PvP with some players advocating entirely removing them. The team is planning some class balancing changes for the next patch, we will take into account input from players to inform those upcoming changes (e.g. balancing cleric heals vs. flames, etc.) so please share with us any feedback regarding your experience PvPing without salamander/mana flames!



    New Character Dialog

    • Added new character interaction dialog that can be opened by CTRL + Right Clicking another player

    Currently it is quite tedious to interact with other players for things like trading, dueling, etc. We have added a new character dialog with shortcuts to these functions that should make it a lot easier to interact with other players! Simply hold CTRL and Right Click the character you would like to interact with!





    • Beta Client
      • Fixed several memory leaks which were causing resource exhaustion and the "black" rendering issues after extended playtime
      • Migrated to a new sound engine and added more sound options to options window
      • Fixed several crashes
      • Reduced minimum Direct3D compatibility from 11 to 10.1 to support older hardware (~15 years old)
    • Misc
      • Enabled auto skill-reset system which will force reset characters with invalid skill points from the skill rollback several months ago
      • Enabled dueling when queued for game arena, the duel will automatically draw if the game arena begins
      • Fixed several issues with Mairath's dialogs and quests
    • Game
      • Temporarily disabled Salamander and Mana Flames in PvP zones
      • Removed camera collision from tree tops of most trees in Orlo
      • Reworked Glistening Orb drops and updated the color of the item name
      • Adjusted drop tables of end game uniques
      • Removed Protective Amulets and Mystic Charms from drop tables
      • Increased the server side view distance for all PvP maps
      • Increased drop rates of level 200 accessories
    • Items
      • Updated gem effect position for several of the Dark Oblivion weapons
    • UI
      • Added a new character dialog window that can be activated by Ctrl + Right Click on another player
      • Fixed incorrect messages stating that an item could be lost when failing to refine
    • Like 14
  2. 1 hour ago, Thystro said:

    Awesome! This sounds great! Does this also exclude max level players for farming for example: goblin cave? Or will they still just receive loot anyway and can just grind their ass off on a max level character?

    It's been a big discussion in the team for some time right now. Right now players get a drop rate penalty for being out of range of the mob but it doesn't go to a 100% drop rate penalty so that is how higher levels can still drop loot from low level mobs albeit at a lower rate. I think there's a good chance we'll make some adjustments here but we haven't finalized what that would look like.

    • Like 4
  3. Thanks for this post, appreciate the input! Unfortunately we inherited some poor game design choices that we are slowly beginning to unwind. The team agrees completely that the current progression is boring and relies too much on repeatables that lock players into small areas that can get oversatured with players. I also personally find the progression less interesting due to the blandness of drops where nearly all zones drop the same thing. We have already been making changes to improve things but there is still much more we plan and will do. Here are some of the things we already changed:

    • Boosted EXP rates on Luna/Eldeon
    • Changed refine drops to drop on specific maps, e.g. goblin caves rather than drop in all zones
    • Reworked prison to make it a new viable leveling/farming alternative to Sikuku Ruins and other maps
    • Reworked luna clan field so that level 180 and lower characters have a PvP advantage over max level characters and introduced a rare drop exclusive to this map
    • Reworked prismatic lattice/dust/fibers to distribute them over different mobs so players are encouraged to farm in different zones for them
    • Introduced new accessories to reduce the reliance on wandering mobs which benefit hardcore and experienced players who can camp these mobs
    • Improved refining so that items are not lost and the success chances were increased
    • Removed all Pay-to-Win elements from the game (there was a TON and we are now having to rebalance the game for a non-p2w focus)

    In the next patches we have some more drop table changes to improve farming as well and we're starting to shift our focus to lower level zones. In fact we are in the process of reworking ALL the drop tables so that progression and drops go hand in hand it will just take some time as it's quite a massive change. The team believes that drops should be location specific rather than universal like the current drop tables are (I cringe getting little angel feathers in Eldeon). We are also taking a critical look at the honor materials shop to that players are more encouraged to trade with lower level characters rather than buy from an NPC.

    Regarding lower level PvP, there were lower level instances previously but we disabled them due to abuse. We are currently working on an initiative to balance game arena queues, I think once this work is completed there's an interesting opportunity to consider a queue that balances across level ranges as well. Ideally though we'd like to bring back more dynamic PvP content than just game arenas (e.g. clan wars, union wars, etc.). The team also has some plans for lower level dungeons and gameplay to spice up the progression but these take time to design and implement.

    So in summary we can say we basically agree with everything here and we are working towards making these big changes. Unfortunately the progress has been slower than we liked but there's some exciting stuff to look forward to rather soon! In general we greatly appreciate feedback like this as it helps us prioritize and

    • Like 8
  4. We are excited to release our new client beta! Check out the announcement post here:



    • General:
      • New ROSE Online Beta Client released!
    • Misc:
      • Fixed a bug where a nearby shop would cause players to crash
      • Fixed a bug which was causing client crashes in Prison
      • Fixed sabertooth mounts not dropping reliably
      • Fixed terms of service screen showing parts of old ToS
    • Event:
      • Removed Halloween event monsters from Adventurer's Plains and Luxem, Zant
      • Lowered respawn time of Grand Pumpkin Respawn
    • Like 3
  5. Introduction

    Hello everyone,


    We are extremely excited to announce the beta release of our new game client! For several months we have been working to completely overhaul ROSE Online's core graphics code and this release marks a major milestone for the game. We've rewritten the graphics renderer, added a new physics engine, added a new text renderer and fixed many, many visual bugs. This is the biggest update to the game engine in 20 years and as a result the game runs faster and looks better than ever before!



    NOTE: Please note that several of the media below are interactive!


    Getting Started

    To get started using the beta make sure the "Use Beta Client" option is selected on the updater, then start the game as usual!





    New Renderer

    • Renderer rewritten from scratch for maximum performance
    • Easily achieve 300+ FPS in busy areas on a mid range machine
    • Effects, particles, etc. performance improved dramatically (RIP bonfire lag 🫡)
    • DirectX11 now supported by default for better native GPU performance & compatibility
    • Future support for OpenGL/Vulkan/D3D12/Metal/WebGL/WebGPU




    The biggest change in this update is the complete rewrite of the renderer. Previously the game exclusively used Directx9 for rendering which is now legacy technology and has a lot of limitations. We rewrote the renderer to use new technology with a fast and parallel graphics pipeline that can target many different native graphic APIs. The game will now dynamically select the best graphics API to use which for most players will be Directx11. Additionally we took the opportunity to remove many inefficiencies in the rendering code. All these changes compound into massive performance gains unseen before in ROSE Online. The days of applying a mod to disable bonfire effects for better performance are a thing of the past. Things such as particles and effects will be noticeably faster for all players, especially in situations like Akram Arena near the crystal with a high amount of salamanders, AOEs and more effects. For most players, it is now possible to achieve an extremely high frame rate (300+) even in busy areas like Junon (see screenshot)! Once you've played ROSE with good performance you'll never want to go back!


    Visual Improvements

    As part of the renderer rewrite we also made many visual improvements to the game! We can proudly say that ROSE Online has never looked as good as it does with this new update.



    • Major visual bug called "z-fighting" was fixed!


    Before our release we increased the maximum view distance in the game so now for the first time in ROSE Online you could see an entire map at once! This was a big change and we were quite proud of the achievement but when we increased the view distance some of the other problems in the engine started to become more noticeable. The biggest and most annoying problem was an issue known as "Z-fighting", here is what that looks like:


    These "wavy" and "blurry" artifacts such as on the ship's sails are a result of "z-fighting". In the new engine we have updated the rendering pipeline to completely eliminate these visual artifacts!



    This results in a much smoother and silkier gaming experience and is especially noticeable for players on high refresh rate monitors. There's nothing like playing ROSE Online at 144hz+ with no z-fighting!


    Exponential Fog

    • Distance fog system rebuilt and improved
    • Objects in the distance look better and more natural
    • New fog opens opportunities for new environmental effects


    When things are far away there is a "fog" effect that is applied to slowly transition those objects from visible to not visible. In the old client this feature was quite primitive and the effect was underwhelming and not immersive. With the new engine we have completely rewritten the fog system to a new "exponential" drop-off. This provides a more natural and immersive transition.

    The improved fog system is flexible and opens up the door to experiment with new environment effects, such as making Goblin Caves more spooky and dark! Here is an example of how a new dungeon fog system might look like:



    Improved Shadows

    • Character/NPC shadows rewritten to be faster & more detailed!

    The ROSE engine doesn't technically have any dynamic lighting (yet?) but it does have a primitive shadow system that is limited to players, monsters and NPCs. While the shadows are an important effect they always left a lot to be desired and usually appeared as a blurry blob underneath the entity casting the shadow. For example:



    We have completely re-written the shadow system to provide A LOT crisper and detailed shadows. Now even back items, weapons and other details of your character will appear in your shadow! Additionally we added the option to be able to control the level of detail for those who prefer a certain style or who are seeking maximum performance.




    Improved Glow

    • Glow effects have been improved to be softer and less blurry

    Glow is an important part of the game. Highly refined items glow, special monsters glow and players even have the option of changing item glow color! However, the old glow in ROSE was a bit underwhelming as it used a basic technique to achieve the effect, in a sense it was more of a "blur" than a true glow. We have redesigned how glow works in the new client making for a much more satisfying and beautiful effect.



    For our players who love to play at MAXIMUM EYE CANDY, we have a new option that allows you to toggle the power of the glow. Of course the effect strength can be reduced but why would you lower it? Behold maximum glow:




    Character Lighting

    • Lighting received by characters has been improved!

    As mentioned previously, while ROSE does not have full dynamic lighting there is a basic light system for lighting characters. For example when you are turned away from the sun, metal objects reflect less and there will be a shadow on the side facing away from it. We've rebuilt the character lighting system and light now has more of an impact on characters!


    New Physics Engine

    • Added a new physics engine to the game!

    Since it's original release ROSE Online has had a very primitive physics engine at its core. The functionality was limited and was used mostly to keep players on the ground or detect if they were clicking stuff. The original developers (Triggersoft) had ambitions beyond the current system but were unfortunately never able to realize them. A ROSE player preserved some old recordings from their experiments in this area 20+ years ago and called the series "The Ex-Future of ROSE Online"!

    Imagine how different the game would be with a proper physics engine! Well, you don't have to imagine anymore as part of this update includes incorporating a new industry standard physics engine into the client! Here is an example of short swords having physics and raining down a hill using the new physics engine.

    All existing physics functionality has been ported to the new physics engine which opens up the opportunity for some exciting features in the future. We are particularly looking forward to experimenting with adding physics to carts and castle gears. We no longer have to reminisce about "The Ex-Future of ROSE" and instead we can look forward to a very exciting future to come!


    Better Options & UI Scaling

    • Improved video options for resolution/monitor/etc.
    • Added new graphic options such a FPS limiter, glow quality, shadow quality & more
    • Added new options for UI scaling

    When ROSE Online was first published, it was not uncommon to have video resolutions of 800x600, 1024x768 or if you were very lucky to be an early member of the WIDESCREEN club something like 1280x800. These days monitors come in all configurations and with many many more resolutions available including up to 4k and 8k! Unfortunately the game was never designed with these resolutions in mind and so the user interface had a fixed size. This means that if you play the game today on a high resolution monitor, you either have to suffer with a VERY small user interface or otherwise play the game at a smaller resolution. We're very excited to share that we have added UI scaling to the game options! Players can now select a scaling factor that makes sense for their play style and all interface components will scale accordingly! We also added the option to scale character, NPC and monster names.

    New Client Interface Options.gif


    Additionally, we entirely reworked the display options for the game and added several new ones. Most importantly, it is now possible to choose which monitor to display the game when using fullscreen/borderless and all available resolutions will be shown in the resolution window. We also added some modern amenities like supporting v-sync and displaying FPS. We separated the view distance option from the quality option so players have more flexibility in balancing performance and quality. Finally we added some other options to enable players to customize their game further such as controlling glow quality, glow level, shadow quality and anti-aliasing strength.

    New Client Video Options.gif


    Ko-Fi Supporters

    We would like to thank our Ko-Fi supporters (https://ko-fi.com/rednimgames) who have been instrumental in testing the Alpha versions of this client and giving us invaluable feedback. As supporters they were able to get access to the early builds and provide their feedback through private channels. A big thank you to our supporters for their patience during our iterations.


    The Future

    This update has been several months in the making and we are very excited to bring this to the community. While all of us ROSE fans may have gotten used to these shortcomings of the game and adapted to the limitations, in modern times they are no longer acceptable. The team has a long term vision for the game and is committed to growing our community and bringing new players to our ranks. Part of that strategy means aligning ourselves with modern standards for games and this graphics update was a big part of that vision. We cannot understate how much of a landmark update this is for ROSE Online and in our opinion there has not been a more revolutionary change to this game since it was released. This change represents a new chapter for ROSE Online in which we are driving forward towards a strong and bright future backed by strong technological underpinnings and a beautiful game. For many of us on the team, our nostalgic glasses have cracked and the time spent reminiscing the iROSE Beta is diminishing. Using this new client and playing with all the features it brings, it is hard to go back to an older version. The future looks bright and we are excited to bring ROSE to its full potential.


    Thank you!

    Dear players, thank you all for being on this journey with us during our early access time. We are grateful to have this wonderful community of ROSE Online fans and we cherish your support. We hope that you will find this update as thrilling as we do, and that you are looking forward to the exciting future for ROSE Online!


    • Like 32
    • Thanks 3
    • Haha 1
  6. This patch was mainly to fix some issues from last patch and prepare for the Halloween event!

    - Misc:
      - Fix some option settings not correctly saving between sessions
      - Fix enter key not focusing chat box
      - Fix animated items (e.g. fallen astarot wings) not appearing correctly when riding mounts/carts
      - Translated all quest names and quest items to French
    - Game Arena:
      - Fix bug preventing players from queueing multiple PvP arenas simultaneously

    • Like 1
  7. Hello community,

    We are excited to announce our latest patch which sees a return of dragon mounts to the game! Additionally we've made a big change to the game arena queue. Check below for more details.


    Dragon Mounts!



    Battle Merchant Rena has returned to Junon Polis and she is looking for Draconis Peak badges. Earn badges by completed daily quests in Draconis Peak and when you've collected 3 and accumulated 10,000 honor points return to Rena to claim your dragon mount!


    PvP Game Arena Queue - No Groups


    We have disabled pre-made groups from being able to queue in game arenas, everyone must participate solo. Our goal by disabling pre-made groups is to reduce queue times and to reduce the chance of a one-sided match with a strong pre-made group on one side .This is the first step in our process to improve the PvP game arena balancing issues. In a future update we plan to extend these changes by distributing players more fairly by taking into account level, job and more. Stay tuned and please don't forget to give us your feedback!


    Increased attack speed substat


    The 2.5% attack speed substat in the highest substats was increased to 5%. We will be observing the effect of this change and may adjust this value again based on player feedback.


    Halloween Event (October 13th)


    Mark your calendars! The Halloween event will begin on October 13th, there will be plenty of activities to participate in, items to collect and more!



    • Game Arena:
      • Disabled groups in PVP game arenas (everyone must participate solo)
      • Added NPC Rena to Junon Polis
        • Rena exchanges Draconis Peak Badges for Dragon Mounts
      • Draconis Peaks: Increased maximum team size from 5 to 8
      • Sea of Dawn: Changed the Prismatic Lattice drop to Prismatic Fiber on Fallen Judge Talratha
      • Halls of Oblivion: Added Prismatic Dust & Prismatic Fiber to boss drop tables
      • Sikuku Catacombs: Added Prismatic Dust to boss drop table
      • Sikuku Catacombs: Removed 9th grade Bindrunes/Apotropes from boss drop tables (again, sorry)
    • Gameplay:
      • Increased the highest tier attack speed substat from 2.25% to 5%
      • Increased the leash distance for all summons to 40m
        • NOTE: This might change again in the future and currently only applies to summons and not monster capsules
    • Maps:
      • LCF: Added heal debuff to Astarot Jealousy
      • Added a new mount to Eldeon drop tables
    • Items:
      • Mammoth Mount: Increased size of Mammoth Mount
      • Prismatic Fiber: Change color of item name from blue to purple
      • Fixed the following items causing the player to have incredibly low movement speed when equipped:
        • Cat Pads
        • Cow Legs
        • Dog Pads
        • Bear Pads
        • Dragon Talons
        • Jellybean Shoes
        • Lion Pads
        • Moldie Pads
        • Penguin Flippers
        • Woopie Pads
      • Demon Mana Fusion Boots: Fixed this item incorrectly disassembling into Muse gears
      • Plutorunes: Corrected incorrect description (+ added French translation)
      • Venurunes: Added French translations
    • Quest:
      • Changed the level range for the Healing Krawfy quest to levels 65-75
      • Fixed description of "A Miner Problem!"
    • UI:
      • Migrated the Options UI to the new UI system and fixed some long standing issues (e.g. volume slider, etc.)
    • Misc:
      • Add a crash report system so players can optionally share crash details with the team
      • Fixed sound effects not working in the background even when the option is selected
      • Updated the configuration file format
      • CvC decorations removed from Junon and Training Ground

    If you have any feedback about this patch, please share it in this topic.

    • Like 3
  8. On 9/19/2023 at 5:03 PM, horton925 said:

    updater won't go through and i am always getting an error message. Its been more than a month already, i am still experiencing the same problem.

    Please share some more details about the error you are getting. If you can share a screenshot that would be very helpful!

  9. Hello all!

    After a long delay we have (finally!) distributed the clan rewards for the Clan vs. Clan event. All current members of GodLy have received their special winners costume:


    All current members of Sevenhearts, Envy, ZoneOfGods, AbonFoundation, MadaKyoudai, Aura, Vanguard, BlackMaskClique, DYSTOPIA, Purge, GodLy and Psychosians will receive the Summer CvC costume:



    All costumes have been placed in "premium" storage

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, publisacman said:

    so on steam deck i could install lutris and download the game and install it using lutris?

    On steam deck you do not need to install lutris at all, simply add it as a non-steam game. You need to copy the updater to the steam deck then launch it through steam using proton (latest preferably).


    We will try to provide an official guide at a future time

  11. This is a small patch to fix the current issue where players clients are crashing after vending a whole stack of items (or sometimes equipment). A few other fixes were included in this release.


    - Misc:
      - Fix clients crashing when selling whole stack or equipment
    - Duels:
      - Fix Debuffs, Stun and DoT skills not working in duels
    - Clan:
      - Fixed clans unable to learn past level 2 of "Clan Expansion" skill
      - Fixed clicking on online status triggering the entrust button behind it and triggering a permissions warning for non-masters
      - Fixed newly invited members not appearing on roster for clan members currently online
      - Fixed any clan member being able to change the clan mark
      - Fixed not being able to demote a rookie to a "red rookie"
      - Fixed clan disorganize warning incorrectly stating clan members would be removed from clan automatically (all members need to be kicked before disorganizing a clan)

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, horton925 said:

    can anyone staff upload a fully patched client? vpn wont work for me. 🙂 i cannot play anymore since 2 weeks ago or after the latest maintenance. so sad.

    Hello Horton can you describe your issue?

  13. Hello all!

    We are excited to launch our largest feature to-date, duels! Duels are the highlight of this patch but we've also included some maintenance fixes such as fixing friends list and some minor features.





    We are excited to announce the new duel system! Players will now be able to challenge each other to a 1 vs. 1 duel in all major towns using the new "Duel" basic Skill. This basic skill is available to all players level 10 or higher and players within 20 levels of each other can challenge each other to a duel.



    Duelers will be able to set their rules (best of 1/3/5, 2/3/5 minute rounds, buffs/no-buffs, etc.) and bet zulie and up to 3 items on the match. The player who requested the duel sets the rules before starting the fight.



    Once the match starts, the players will be restricted to the dueling ring and must fight to the death! If the players are unable to kill each other in the allotted time then the round will end in a draw.


    Players in the area will be able to see when a duel is taking place and can monitor the progress of the rounds. Each icon interface represents the class of the players involved in the duel.



    The winner of all the rounds will receive the rewards set at the start of the match. Additionally, once the duel is over, players in the nearby area will be notified of the results.

    We look forward to seeing some epic duels! For our hardcore players, elevate the stakes by wagering some precious items or money to make the fight even more exciting!



    Resurrection Confirmation


    Previously, when a cleric revived any player, the player would be automatically revived. We have added a new feature that requires the player being revived to confirm they would like to be revived. If the user does not click confirm within 5 seconds, then the resurrection is cancelled.

    In general, we believe the player should be able to control whether they want to be revived or whether they would like to respawn another way. In some cases this might save the player from additional deaths and exp loss (e.g. when fighting a boss) or from being harassed in PvP or Game Arenas.

    We ask that players provide their feedback to us regarding this feature!



    Cooldown Countdown


    We have enhanced skill cooldowns to show a numerical countdown in addition to the visual cooldown indicator. While the visual indicator is useful, having the exact countdown provides more precise information.



    Drop Indicators


    The drop indicator is a new feature we added several months ago that can be optionally enabled/disabled. When enabled, the names of items which you can pick up are appended with an asterisks (*). Unfortunately, this indicator was not consistent and so the feature was not fully useful. We have corrected the issue and extended the functionality. Now, when you can pick up an item, a green asterisks will be appended, otherwise it will appear red.

    Note: This feature can be enabled in the game options window under "Show item pickup status"



    • Gameplay
      • Added new duel system
      • Fixed Unique Skill Retraining not returning all skill points for unique skills with multiple levels
      • Added new confirmation dialog when a player is resurrected
      • Added skill cooldown text timer
    • Quest
      • Corrected misspelled word in "In need of Food"
      • Corrected "Crash" quest hinting the wrong NPC in Quest Tracker
      • Fixed Invalid Wrealith Hatchery quest showing the wrong amount in quest tracker
      • Added Hope's Haste Spell to Quest Tracker
      • Added Hope's Pride Spell to Quest Tracker
      • Fixed Snow Place Like Home(1) items not working in Quest Tracker
      • Updated descriptions for Magic is Everywhere event items to refer to Keenu instead of Judy
      • Fixed Investigating Artifacts #2 quest tracker not working
      • Fixed The Great Gorilla Escape quest not working for Visitors
      • Fixed [Junon Order Elder] Oscar Patrick's dialog
    • Items
      • Dark Visitor Sandals: Corrected this item so it can be refined
      • Nurse Shoes: Fixed this item having the wrong icon
      • Removed restrictions for all Firecrackers
      • Modified Thief Bug mount restriction to be account locked
      • Removed Account Bound restrictions for all CvC items
    • Misc
      • Fixed a bug where the login ui would not appear when using autologin and the returning to the login screen
      • Fixed drop ownership indicator not correctly showing if you can pick up an item or not
      • Updated drop ownership indicator to show a red asterisk if you cannot pick up the item
      • Fixed a case where a player's settings could be corrupted if the client crashed early
      • Fixed friends list and messaging not working
      • Added more French translations for various quests
      • Fixed Sahrazod NPC name

    If you have any feedback regarding this patch, please share it with us in this topic

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