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Hey Rednim and Rosarians, long time no chat.

It's probably pretty obvious I had taken a break from the game, and aside from the odd response here n there, I haven't been around much. So I wanted to address that in a way I feel might be beneficial to Rednim's team members and the community could use as a springboard to chime in on some things as well.

So, why did I leave in the first place:

To be honest, I saw my progression ending far too fast. There's been a recent thread here with some points raised, and some seemed to catch fire being that "people leveled too fast". Speed is highly subjective, and it wasn't my character levels that I felt running out too fast. It was numeric sources of improvement.

I don't mince words often, when this newer version of ROSE was under development a very large function was being advocated for removal. I saw this as a huge mistake. I won't dance around the subject, Runes [Paradigm Runes] should not have been removed.
To keep it brief as possible «this is a complex topic», Runes had a couple VERY strong effects that needed reigned in, and the largest community upset was with Warpportal rolling them out without fixing the duplication exploits, fundamentally making their progression null; but also with the fact that as is Warpportal tradition, there were pay-to-win elements. In fact, they were built into a secondary tier of pay to win, being the WP's GA Energy system, something derived from Gacha pay to win games and should have been stigmatized and removed long long ago. (Yes, this means you too Rednim, I do not see this mechanic as acceptable in anyway, and it should be removed. Period)
Runes should have been reduced in Grind by a marginal amount, all RNG about upgrades removed, and balanced in regards to the more over-powered stats (AoE Radius, Skill Range etc) «Rednim already removed the items from the Cash Shop that were pay to win so this is already fixed» They were a corner-stone of end-game. Removing them without replacing the role they filled was asking for player dissatisfaction in my opinion.
We'll get back to this as there's solutions to this missing end-game loop that don't involve bringing Runes back at all, so I'm gonna move on.

What's stopping me from returning?

So some of the issues of why I left are also listed here, as they're things that still affect me.

The biggest reason I struggle to return is.... there's just nothing new. ROSE is an old game, heck, by some standards I am an old man and was a child when I first picked up ROSE. But ROSE itself, has barely changed.

ROSE online since it's release over 15 years ago, hasn't added a single new class. They've added 1 new planet, which was rumored to have been in development at the time the game launched, as there is official triggersoft branded concept art of the mobs from Orlo. Which means there's never truly been a new planet that wasn't at least touched on by the original developers. There's never been a new weapon type added.
The combat is still largely the same, and still facing the same issues of the same skills being used in PvP and PvE causing massive balance issues and complaints from both sides about one affecting the other and vice versa.
New gear and character levels barely ever come out.
No long form end-game progression like mastery systems, prestige, achievements, collections, professions/life skills, housing, etc.
Everything we have right now, in end-game has been out in ROSE for about 8 years, with some of that content now removed and no longer accessible. There is less game now, than there was when it shut down. (Mind you, this isn't throwing shade at you Rednim guys, you've done great system updates, and added new and much requested features, you guys are doing a great job there, but we need more content not just systems)

Stagnation. Boredom. There just isn't anything new yet.

So, here's what I'd like to see. These are the things that would make me consider coming back, personally. I'm not phrasing this as representing the community perspective, or what I think would do good numerically, this is just for and from me.

1: Scoreboard in Dungeons. Stat break downs of damage taken, dealt, healing done, highest critical hit, valor gain, clan point gain, etc.
2: Mastery / Prestige / Achievement System: Some sort of long-form criteria based system that slowly rewards more power in certain scenario's. For example, clearing CoU 100 times gaining some title and a permanent passive minor damage increase to spiders in CoU.  I see these as possibly taking Runes long-form end-game progression place.
3: New Map[s]: New maps on Junon / Luna etc with high level to end-game mobs. Farming levels should also not require the higher level planets at all points.
4: New Class / Weapon types: Some more class / gameplay variety really needs to happen at some point.
5: More Story & Quests: I really want more story in the game. And I really want questing to be rewarded. Nich items, collectible cosmetic items, fun silly items, and maybe some cool powerful items at those levels. An MMORPG needs to have story, and lore to bring a reason for the world existing and the player to care about the outcomes and places. Expecting players in the modern game to "make their own stories" in a game with nothing to use, just doesn't work.
6: Make PvE and PvP skill tree's completely separate.

There's 6 things that would really get my attention and provide longer life at end-game for me. I often try to represent the community in the best way I can, even if I fail sometimes, but this time it's about me and what I want. So if others disagree, that's totally cool.

I hope this gives some positive fuel for the fire at Rednim, and illuminates where some issues may be. I want to see ROSE thrive and grow and expand. Being stagnant about all these old systems and claiming ROSE's identity is stagnation only signs it's perpetual diffidence, preventing it from growing.

I'll keep an eye on the project as I have been, and hope to see some new cool content and features soon. Cheers community, and keep cranking out work Rednim team.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Owl here is my review on what you saying 🙂


I agree with most listed and to point out I did myself post about Titles / Achievements and DG scoreboard and as you I complete what Rose has to offer and now I afk waiting for new patches and watch from shadow for now. I always said that rune had to be in game because that is "Next character build" once you hit max gear there is nothing you can progress so bring back rune with grind potential that make your char hit harder as you progress like Spear AOE once you max there is a limitation but with rune you can build your AOE to really feel AOE, or your tank/hp regen to really feel it. With Rune you had more build potential and more progress from 250. I don't blame the fast end game as people say that we push too hard and we need to chill well Rose back then was like that 250 wasn't end game and gems not even close I was a free to play on NA rose and Took me long long time to finish Rune to level 100 but once my Rune were Lv.70+ oh boy my Raider feel OP now I don't even like raider class not anymore even if it was my NA main.

And also what do you feel about p2w elements that were removed but nothing to replace them? Like IM passives? I feel like with removed p2w elements we removed the feel of an character to be OP and really stand out. And I also believe that Some p2w that were removed can be implemented in other ways were people can farm it.

I agree with you and waiting for new patch's 

Regards, MeNewbie 

Edited by MeNewbie

I think the Valor / Honor passives were fine, and were only removed because there was an IM version. It seems like anything with Item Mall ties was removed when most of it wasn't too bad.

EXP boosts are fine, now that the games been out a while.
EXP Costumes are also fine for the same reason.

Drop rate modifiers IF offered in-game, need to have an in-game equivalent, 1:1 modifiers etc.
Teleport Tickets were also fine as TP scrolls were only impactful prior to the Zulie inflation.

The Skill Tomes from the IM/Premium Stores were also a huge blessing, and I would love to see them replace the one-time use books in the Valor and Honor shop. [They should not return in the cash shop]

Paid mounts are fine, so long as there's proportionally equal amount of mounts to earn in-game. Having 9 cash shop mounts for every 1 in-game mount would be unacceptable.

Glow painters, Clan name colorizers, and things like that are all fine.

That about covers everything in the previous shop that I cared about. Socket drills, separation drills etc were also all fine so long as you could get them in-game within reason.

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Having an appropriate balance between Item Mall and in-game availability goes a long way to addressing Pay-to-Win vs Pay for Convienience concerns...


7 hours ago, OwlchemistVile said:

I think the Valor / Honor passives were fine, and were only removed because there was an IM version. It seems like anything with Item Mall ties was removed when most of it wasn't too bad.

EXP boosts are fine, now that the games been out a while.
EXP Costumes are also fine for the same reason.

Drop rate modifiers IF offered in-game, need to have an in-game equivalent, 1:1 modifiers etc.
Teleport Tickets were also fine as TP scrolls were only impactful prior to the Zulie inflation.

The Skill Tomes from the IM/Premium Stores were also a huge blessing, and I would love to see them replace the one-time use books in the Valor and Honor shop. [They should not return in the cash shop]

Paid mounts are fine, so long as there's proportionally equal amount of mounts to earn in-game. Having 9 cash shop mounts for every 1 in-game mount would be unacceptable.

Glow painters, Clan name colorizers, and things like that are all fine.

That about covers everything in the previous shop that I cared about. Socket drills, separation drills etc were also all fine so long as you could get them in-game within reason.

Great seems we both share the same agreements.

Thank you for the answer! 


It's nice to see you're still around Mr.Owl. I agree with all of your words, just wanna add few more thing like:

7. Clan war system

8. Clan hall

9. Castle/fortress siege

10. Bigger dungeons/World bosses


New class/maps/planets/class balancing might need much time & effort, but I think score board/achievement system/clan war system can be implemented first. 

Wish you all a merry christmas & Happy new year!

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