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Turn Kings into Worldbosses with actual timer On Screen and teleportation feature


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Since farming kings is making everyone mad and frustrating, I would suggest a system that would benefit everyone instead of the big clan only that are hogging all the gems and making billions easily. 

Make them stronger with a lot more hp like a minimum of 1-2mil up to 10mil or even more.

Make all participants who do damage receive rewards and maybe valor points as set reward for killing the world bosses.

Make a counter ON screen where we can monitor when the next world boss will spawn and make it so we can teleport instantly to that planet and location. Of course set lvl caps for each boss so low lvls dont get the chance to participate in higher lvl world bosses.

This way everyone can have fun and are more encouraged to hunt down these bosses. Maybe even give us daily rewards for killing them.

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I dislike teleportation features due to killing world building. 

I like seeing people run around, it makes the world feel more alive and immersive. Instead of people AFK-ing in town and warping in and out to dungeons, world bosses etc. 

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51 minutes ago, Thystro said:

I dislike teleportation features due to killing world building. 

I like seeing people run around, it makes the world feel more alive and immersive. Instead of people AFK-ing in town and warping in and out to dungeons, world bosses etc. 


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On 3/20/2023 at 8:09 AM, FrozzenBite said:

this system just make the rich being richer

bs, the current system is making elitist clans richer than ever. I rather everyone has the opportunity to get gems and rare loots. The more goes into the market the cheaper they get.

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I just realized this is a partial answer to the GA energy consumption issue. I reckon if people want to do a SC run without spending GA energy, they can wade through Prison and get to SC that way. Anyway, I think we should make some world bosses harder to get to physically AND allow for a GA option so people can teleport to them directly (in their own instance? maybe.)


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