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KATARS vs DUAL (Hawker stats distribution and pvm)


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Every high level raider i saw was using katars
When we compare stat distribution :

Dual scaling : Dex/str/sen

Katar scaling : Dex/con/sen

Katar build con and gain accuracy & attack power 
Dual build str and gain def and hp

In terms of pure dps katar is better

 In terms of tankyness katar seems weaker

Dual :   Attack power (5%+5)/lvl  // Defense (2% +10)/lvl //  Accuracy (2%+4)/lvl                   
Katar Attack power (6%+6)/lvl  // Dodge 5% /lvl            //   Attack Speed 10 % (+2.5% / level)

Dual :  Skill power 5%+5 /lvl    //  Pierce defense 3%+10/lvl
Katar :       Critical 1%/lvl         //   Critical damage 5%/lvl

In terms of pure dps, katar get 4/5 passives dps driven : AP / AS / Crit / Crit dmg
Katar also gets an additional dodge passive which brings its tankiness pointless

Dual seems more spell based, and in comparison it has 2 Aoe when katars has 1 

Weapons :
From what i've seen (<lvl50)
Katars have 10% more attack speed
Duals have 20% more attack power

What do you guys think ?
Unless you have some specific plan with friends of playing an aoe comp, isn't it pointless of choosing dual ?

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1 hour ago, etyenneuhh said:

When we compare stat distribution :

Dual scaling : Dex/str/sen

Katar scaling : Dex/con/sen

Katar build con and gain accuracy & attack power 
Dual build str and gain def and hp

How did you get this info?

According to @OwlchemistVilepost its:

I think the difference is:

Kater = Fast attackspeed, (mostly) autoattacks, really high dodge
Dual Weapons = Skills over autoattacks, high dodge but also high(er) hp and def.
Duals also have more aoe skills, a temp buff that makes them really tanky, debuffs and a lifeleech skill for sustain.

Edited by Nacho
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1 hour ago, etyenneuhh said:

Yeah i think i saw it on another post, dual got a buff like 75% dodge and 75% def, is that correct ?

Yes, I made a post here where you can see all hawker skills.

Duals got a 75% dodge and 75% def buff for 30s, 60s cooldown.

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  • 1 month later...
10 hours ago, Azrail said:

This makes me think that Katars no more need CON to gain higher AP. Or might the list be wrong?

You can hover to the stat ingame to know which effects they give.

For Katars, the list by @OwlchemistVile is correct.


On 1/21/2023 at 5:46 PM, etyenneuhh said:

Dual seems more spell based, and in comparison it has 2 Aoe when katars has 1 


Correction: Dual has 4 and Katar has 2.

On 1/21/2023 at 5:46 PM, etyenneuhh said:

Unless you have some specific plan with friends of playing an aoe comp, isn't it pointless of choosing dual ?

Their AOE damage is kind of underwhelming. I main dual raider because they have several usabilities instead of their AOE. 

For example: (Single Target) Defense down, (Single Target) Attack speed down, (AoE) Accuracy Down, (AoE) Movement Speed Down, Damage over Time (2 knives & PvM Bloody Assault), (Self Heal) Bloody Assault.

These CCs bring a different taste to the table instead of seeing Katars every time where they only have single target accuracy down as CC, and often need a tanker.

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  • 1 year later...

I've tried making a dual weapon hawker and at the beginning he feels kind of weak. Especially compared to my xbow soldier...

Is there a specific skill distribution tactic to follow? I get destroyed by a couple of mobs and need to rest often, killing is slow also.

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