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Skill Builds


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I’ve attempted a search on the forum, but can’t find any other suggestion topics regarding this but I remember vaguely someone mentioning this at some point. If anyone is aware, please post here. 

With elements being a thing since the paradigm update, would it be possible to have like 3 different types of skill tabs that you can save and with the click of a button be able to switch your skills depending on which tab you select? 

For example, if I want all fire related skills because I plan on raiding a dungeon that’s weak against fire type moves, I click the skill tab 1. 

If I want to switch to water/ice type moves, I click tab 2. With each tab click, it’ll revert your skills bars to where it was at the moment you saved the tab. If you’ve gained levels since then, then everything will revert to where you last left it off (or this could be unlocked once you max your level). 

For those who don’t know, before NA closed in 2019, they released an update called the paradigm update. This made every skill and every monster in the game to have an element associated with it. Depending on the element used, the mob would be harder to kill or easier to kill. If I were to attack a water mob with fire, they would take 500 damage. If I were to attack with electric, they would take 900 damage instead. 

What it also did was make AoEs not have a flat damage amount. Instead, the more mobs that’s present, the less damage your AoE skill dealt. For example, if I AoE 5 Slags, they would receive 300 damage each. If I AoE 1 Slag, they would receive the full 700 damage. I’m not sure what the percentage is regarding each additional mob, though. 

Does this sound capable of being done or even worth it? 

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One small caveat, not all skills and monsters were given elements. There were neutral elements that adopted either your weapon element [if one existed] or ammunition element [if such existed]. Weapon and Ammunition could also be neutral.

I don't mind the idea of skill-preset tabs, and would even recommend it be extended to equipment possibly.

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On 12/6/2022 at 11:25 PM, OwlchemistVile said:

One small caveat, not all skills and monsters were given elements. There were neutral elements that adopted either your weapon element [if one existed] or ammunition element [if such existed]. Weapon and Ammunition could also be neutral.

I don't mind the idea of skill-preset tabs, and would even recommend it be extended to equipment possibly.

Thanks for the correction! 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I would like to suggest Skill Build Storage. Since people are always changing builds on their characters and stuff we might as well add storage for skill builds. I also think it will generate income for the server if you put it in the item mall people will donate if they want to get the storage for skill builds and for a reasonable price. 


Before people start to cry that it is a pay2win suggestion it is not it is a QOL suggestion. 

Edited by laa
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I would like to humbly ask for a skill page to be added to save our uniquebuilds instead of having to reset our skills all the time just so we can fit in the right skills differently for pvp and pve.
example: page 1 I can save it for my pvp build and page 2 for pve build to make things easier

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