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Everything posted by Sumbudy

  1. great idea, honestly i was just about to create a topic about something like this also
  2. suots? trying to figure out what you mean by this
  3. if the purpose is solely leveling, then as long as you have a party probably around 100 hours or less. However like myself and others, with al the farming we are looking at 400+ lol
  4. oh ive made a couple tickets and showed screen shots, i also have them recorded however i cant upload those on support, its there in case they ever need them. Definitely ruins the fun for others
  5. you probably have multiple stacks of crystals. Go to your storage and deposit the smaller stack into the "character" tab. You may withdraw now and put in current stack to equal 999 or less. try buying again now. That will solve your problem
  6. ive caught and reported multiple people. They have been recorded also, no replies to whispers and such too. Its unfair to people who actually farm and use up their time.
  7. Sumbudy


    Buffs are now split between the classes. So every class has buffs corresponding to them, makes it more of a party game now so you will need members to get all buffs. Classes have 4 buffs now. To look for party buffs, under skills -> Job. Type: Status Effect (Self). Target: Party Member Just make sure you see the party member target to buff everyone in party within close proximity, otherwise there is one target for self.
  8. Seems like a great idea, lots of people are always wondering about prices. Some get ripped off in game, which sucks but i mean rushing to buy is not always the greatest
  9. try one of two ways. 1. delete the 3ddata and installer folder from your Rose directory and reopen client to redownload. or if that doesn't work 2. open 2 clients and put the information of the username that is being 'server disconnect', once you see "account is already logged in" try again. if that doesnt work either than submit a ticket. https://forum.roseonlinegame.com/support/
  10. whats funny now is that a lot of people are in their late 20s early 30s playing this now haha. i played back 15 years ago or so also, damn... im old too now!
  11. unfortunately not, that would have been great though. Full wipe so everyone starts fresh. More players now so itll be easier to party, also they changed a lot of things so check out the new guides and such
  12. Santa Frame, Skis, Engine (set) - 1m Snowflake - 1.1m Christmas Wreath - 1.1m
  13. I don’t understand the language, however if it’s what I think your asking. on your original tab that will be the gear you use. The stats will stay, for costume it is purely cosmetic, it will just make your character look different however all the stats will stay. hopefully that is the question you asked lol
  14. Personally, I think that dual client is fine, as long as you’re able to control both, sure there are lots of people that go afk on one, or both. it’s good that there’s a limit of 2, cause in the past I used to quadruple client or more (for people who understand the reason) now that there are 2 limits there will be more active players.
  15. Alright boys and girls, your boy is here. I was around during Ruff and Titan, for those who remember the gold old days. OmniX, Fir3Bat, Fir3Lord honestly I can’t remember all the names I had lol.
  16. There are multiple posts all the time, people just need to read the announcements. It’s always updated regularly. I think everyone just needs to be more patient when it comes to server updates. and you’re all right, we need a healthy community to grow.
  17. people have spent way too much time already through grinding and commitment. There is no use for a reset, at all
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