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Everything posted by Austinbomb

  1. Can you please provide a team name?
  2. Registration extended until 18MAR by popular demand!
  3. Happy Valentines Day!
  4. Incorrect. You can't have 3 members of the same class, even if they have different builds. Only 2 of the same class are allowed.
  5. I would assume it would be mostly max players participating. I have no intentions of doing different brackets or groups for different levels at the moment. I only have planned rewards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
  6. The current plan is to restrict matches to the green field inside TG. No entering the stands or leaving the field. Not sure what to do about the NPC and blocking skill use. If anything changes I will update the rules and provide a map.
  7. There can be tasteful trash talk (if that's a thing) without cursing, sexual content, or slurs. With this event being streamed, I would be conservative. Current and new players may view this content. We don't want to deter them from playing. Example: "Awwww they sleeping" after defeating a team
  8. Might consider this, however, I would like to avoid players rotating out or substituting. This also causes complexity with reward distribution. I think allowing a team to register with 1 reserve is a good idea in case a player is unavailable to participate, but the team members can't change out after the first match is initiated.
  9. .Answers to additional questions for clarification: Q. Do all 3 classes have to be different? A. Nope. You can have 2 of the same class on your team, but not all 3. Examples: You can have 2 clerics and 1 champ (Battle Cleric, Support Cleric, and Axe Champ). You can't have 3 champs (Axe Champ, Spear Champ, Sword Champ). Class is what you are regardless of your build. Q. How will the rewards be distributed? A. They will be provided to those participating characters and their respective accounts. Each participate will receive 1/3 of the total reward. Q. Can you use honor buff potions? A. Any consumables allowed in Training Grounds are permitted in the tournament. Q. Matches are best of how many? 3? A. The currently plan is a single match for the sake of time and large number of teams. If we have the latter, we can do best of 3. Q. Why not have all 3 members be different classes? A. I want to promote diverse teams, but I understand that within each class can be different builds. Allowing 2 classes to be on a team provides the opportunity for different builds to participate without being overshadowed. I think we will see a variety of different team composition and tactics used. Example: Battle Cleric, Support Cleric, and an Axe Champ. 2 of the same class but different builds. Q. Why allow consumables to include honor buffs? Why not keep it to internal class buffs? A. It would simply be hard to regulate the use of consumables. Referees would have to closely watch for the consumption animation, and I'd rather avoid missed calls, unfair advantages, etc. Q. What happens when there's a stalemate? Allowing 2 of the same class can lead to teams like double cleric knight or double knight cleric, which probably won't die to a team of 3. A. A. 13. Matches have a 5- minute limit. The team with he most kills wins upon the end of the match. A draw will count as a loss for both teams. . Noone wins in a stalemate, so try your hardest to woop the other team. This helps to discourage having team builds like you mentioned. Q. How do you deal with interference? A. Interference or "trolling" is the biggest threat to a successful tournament. If someone intentionally tries to interfere, the community can help eliminate that player and we will restart that match. If a player continues to interfere as a way to "troll", a MOD or DEV may assist. Spectators must stay within the stands. There might be options to conduct the matches elsewhere but nothing official at this moment. I am exploring options.
  10. Welcome to the first community-lead event! Gear your characters, muster your teammates, and prepare for a PVP event to remember! This event will be held inside training grounds on 23 March starting at 1pm server time. We expect to be complete with all matches and determine the victors by 4pm. Register for this event by 12 March so that we can build the brackets and post times. Prizes (split evenly between team members) 1st Place - 180 mil Zulie & 6000 IM points 2nd Place - 120 mil Zulie & 3000 IM points 3rd Place - 60 mil Zulie & 2100 IM points Tournament Rules 1. Players must stay within the boundaries of the tournament area during the match. A player that violates the boundaries will be out of play for the remainder of the match. 2. No more than 3 members per team. They can be any class, any level, and from any clan. All 3 classes cannot be the same. 3. Players can only be part of one team. 4. Participants must register before 18MAR with a team name in the forums. Include participating character names, class, and lvl. Only one player is required to register the team. 5. Only 1 res permitted per character if the team has a means of doing so. If a player accidently gets resurrected a second time, they must exit the boundaries immediately. If the player attempts to aid their team after dying twice in any manner ie buffing, healing, attacking, etc. that team is disqualified. 6. All consumables useable in training grounds are permitted for the tournament. 7. Buffs can only be from within the team. If you are missing a class, you will not have those respective buffs unless you use consumables. 8. If you are not in a match, you must stay within the stands inside training grounds until called forward. 9. No explicit language or arguing with the referees. This will result in disqualification from the tournament. 10. Remove buffs when not participating in a match. This will lower latency with in-game spectators. 11. Teams must be ready to participate in matches throughout the event. A team that is unavailable to participate at the announced match start time will result in a forfeit. 12. A team must have all 3 members to start the match. 13. Matches have a 5- minute limit. The team with he most kills wins upon the end of the match. A draw will count as a loss for both teams. 14. Have fun! Disclaimer: Rules may be updated as we near D - day! Remember, this is a community-lead event but we will attempt to make it as polished as possible. Player feedback is much appreciated. Registration: Register for this event by clicking “reply to this topic” and posting the team name, character names, their classes, and their level. Example: Team: Cartoon Network LVL 250 Knight – Ed LVL 250 Champ – Edd LVL 250 Artisan - Eddy Volunteer Opportunities: - Streamers (We would prefer to have multiple videos of this event from different points of view) - Referees (Four is the current requirement with 1 being the lead. Once the lead makes a decision, it stands.)
  11. Song contains explicit language. Delete is not allowed!
  12. Song contains some explicit language. Delete if not allowed!
  13. Welcome to Bloodline! We are welcoming NEW and OLD Rose players! New to the game or this version? We have a place for you! Feel free to ask questions and for help. See you in game! Our mission: Improve player experience and grow the community through competitive play! We will participate in PVM and PVP! See you in game Join our discord! Request to be a member by providing in game name, lvl, and class in our guest chat. https://discord.gg/93CRyH2x FOR OUR DEBUT WE ARE HOSTING A CP FARMING EVENT!
  14. Looking for someone savvy that can make a clan icon. Please message me.
  15. Please let me know what you think!
  16. if it makes you feel any better.... mages melt everyone regardless of magic resistance. nerf them please and make soldiers great again MSGA!
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