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HoneyBee (5/14)

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  1. I dont think you can, but im not sure.
  2. So low level players cant get any drops, experience or quest kills because there is some level 250 killing everything there. That's bad.
  3. I can see what i can do when i get off work, free of charge ofc.
  4. For sure, i'm going to add some features. Decrease skill level - done Maybe: Share the build. Summary of all passives
  5. I've put togeather a Hawker skill calculator you find here: buff-plz.com/skill I'm still looking for data on Raider / Scout skill trees so i can finish this hawker tree. If you want to help, pm me. Let me know if you find any errors.
  6. In the folder where you installed Rose Online. The file has to be named mark.bmp
  7. I've put togeather a few icons you guys can use for free if you want to. I want to add more in the future. I cant upload .bmp files to the forum, so i made links to them where you can download it. The Vending Machine The Currency Quest Mark Lionhead Heart Jelly Bean Feel free to request your own with an explanation on what it should be, if i feel like it and have time i might make it.
  8. It sounds like we're starting all over again? From the announcement on discord: Link
  9. I think adding material to the bank holding shift should increase the stack if that material already exists in that tab in the storage.
  10. 1. If you hold ALT you bypass all players and only target npc. 2. Isnt that the fun in games, to learn and explore new things?
  11. Yes i only equip the weapon without equipment and skills. But i still cant get it to add up. Edit: It does add up, i have trouble with something else in the attack power formula.
  12. Id like to know more in depth because i dont get it to add up. I know the formula to calculate attack power unequipped, but not when i equip weapons.
  13. Beam blades comes from disassembling weapons, it can be any weapon. Yellow, blue etc. But how do you get all the stones you need for crafting for example hardened weapons. There is an easy way to know if you're a dealer. You can just look at the type of weapon you want to craft. For example i want to make a Hardened Shadow Staff. It requires: 1x Shadow Staff 7x Beam Blade 5x Leo Stone Now i know what i need to disassemble to get that stone. Buying and disassembling Shadow Staffs have a chance to give you both Beam Blades and Leo Stone. This goes for all other weapons. The stone you need to create the weapon is the stone you get from disassembling that weapon. So you dont have to buy Zodiac Stones in hopes of getting the kind of stone you're looking for. Lemmings Rod: Aries Stone Animal Rod: Aries Stone Mage's Rod: Taurus Stone White Staff: Gemini Stone Wisp Staff: Cancer Stone Shadow Staff: Leo Stone Golden Staff: Virgo Stone Anima Staff: Libra Stone Land Staff: Libra Stone Holy Staff: Scorpius Stone Dark Staff: Sagittarius Stone It doesn't have to be staves, it can be any type of weapon. You get the same stone from the same tier based on level. Level 64 Staff will give you the same as Level 65 Wand and level 64 Katars. More expensive items seem to reward more material. Staves (More expensive) vs Axes (Cheaper) for example.
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