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Allow to Open Main Website by just a click on the ROSE Logo from any pages in Forum


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I think it would be beneficial if the ROSE Logo in the Forum could point it's URL Link to the Main ROSE Website (www.roseonlinegame.com) than just the Forum's Main Page like that on the hover pop up.

Because there is already a HOME link on the forum and it is a subdomain of the Main Website so going to the Forum's main page is just actually deleting the remaining part of the other page URL but if the user wants to go to the main website, just like me, we still have to delete the first part of the URL (forum.)

My own solution for that is to always start browsing from the main website and then go to the forum which opens in another tab but most of the time, I often open other post in another tab causing a lot of opened tab then have to close those and oftentimes close the page with the main website.

So with the link from any page of the forum, it would be then just a click to open the main website in another tab.

Edited by HLAJR
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Sorry, I did not see the WEBSITE link on the Forum...

I think it was not there yet the previous time so my memory did not marked it 🤣


By the way, if there is a Support Link, Why not SHOP too...

Edited by HLAJR
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