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Akram Arena

Akram Arena is an attack/defend style game, with one team attacking, and the other team defending a series of crystals.

Sunrise Crystals will spawn in both the left and right of the defender’s base, which the defenders must protect for the duration of the battle, while the attackers must destroy one of the two crystals to remain in the game.

When one of the crystals has been destroyed, the attackers will extend the remaining game time, and a Sunset Crystal will spawn in the center of the map.

Once the attacking team destroys the final crystal or the time runs out, the game will end and a winner will be declared. The defenders may also destroy the Dusk Crystal, located in the attacker’s base, to strategically teleport the attacking team back to their base.


  • Attackers – Breach the defender’s defenses and destroy all of the crystals within the time limit to win the game.
  • Defenders – Protect your crystals from the attacking team for the duration of the game to win.



Crystal Defenders

Crystal Defenders is an attack/defend style game, with one team attacking, and the other team defending a series of crystals.

Each crystal will spawn in order at one of the three marked locations, which the defenders must protect for the duration of the battle, while the attackers must destroy each crystal to remain in the game.

When a crystal has been destroyed, the attackers will extend the remaining game time, and a new crystal will spawn in the next location.

Once the attacking team destroys the final crystal or the time runs out, the game will end and a winner will be declared.


  • Attackers – Breach the defender’s defenses and destroy all of the crystals within the time limit to win the game.
  • Defenders – Protect your crystals from the attacking team for the duration of the game to win.



Draconis Peaks

Capture the flag - ROSE style!

Draconis Peaks is a dragon training ground, located deep within the heart of the Lunar mountains where only the fearless dare to refine their skills as legendary warriors.

The area is inhabited by powerful dragons who relentlessly attempt to claim dominion over the territory through the expansion of their brood. To aid in this expansion, teams of brave Visitors assist the dragons in stealing eggs from other broods.

Once all eggs in the area have been captured by a single team, the game will be over and a winner will be declared.


  • Capture the opposing team’s Dragon Eggs and slay their dragon to earn points. A team may slay their opposition's dragon to strategically delay them from delivering captured eggs to their base.
  • Capture all of the Dragon Eggs to win the game, regardless of time remaining. There are two Lost Dragon Eggs located at the center of the map - these eggs belong to neither brood upon the beginning of the match.
  • The team with the most points when the timer runs out will be declared the winner.



Daily Quests

Additional assignments for all PvP Game Arenas are available from:

  • [Battlemaster] Esmee - Junon Polis
  • [Battlemaster] Sappho - Magic City of the Eucar
  • [Battlemaster] Rubee - Xita Refuge
  • [Battlemaster] Amber - Desert City of Muris
  • Like 2
  • Vura changed the title to [Guide] Game Arena - PvP
  • Vura pinned this topic

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