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How to build for SoD


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Fire/Holly Defensive is the desired defensive Chest element for SoD. 
Opal7 with this stat configuration will give more gains than INT/MDEFF.  
(Opal8 is obviously slightly better than 7, but not required) 

For the WHISPS , you will use MDEFF. 
I switch set for the other Mobs in the DG. 



"Hello fellow rose'arians. Is that what we're called? I don't know. Rose players. *ahem* *cough* This is uh, a knight build uhhhh specifically for SoD, the dungeon. This dungeon, riiiiiight. Oops. No. Not that button, this button. I always push the wrong buttons. Ess Oh Dee. Sea Of Dawn. You want magic defense in this dungeon in order to tank it. This is how you obtain that. 5,681 We have, this, technically speaking, should be a valor. *deep breath* Chest piece. Brave peice. To be more precise. Uhm, but this will do just fine. We don't necessarily have to have brave. You will want to have one chest. Then the rest exalted. Uhm, why? Bonuses! You want the (3) blockate %2.5 uh the HP bonus isn't that necessary compared to the benifits you will be getting from the other chest. Uhm.  Now you don't want to use a magic defense gem here. You want to keep this the damage reduction. You don't want to use the magic gem here. You want to keep that damage reduction. Uh, this, should technically speaking be 25 int 100 mdeff. Just like this. Just like this. Just like this. This could be an opal 8 or even higher. But right now its an opal7 *voice dips in sadness* *clear throat to remove sadness* Gloopy Mask Opal Biolette 5 magic defense. So this comes from the valor shop. Uhm. And then these. uhhh. You want a spider set specifically because it's going to give an HP bonus of %6, it's going to give str bonus. AND That beautiful, beautiful, PvM resistance. You can have all the m-deff in the game, if you do not have that PvM bonuses, you will be squishy. Uhm. Spider bite is the play for knight.  Uhm, always, right now. (Deep breath realizing I said always right now) But yeah, that's uh, that's how to build for Sea of Dawn uh, and to have a magic defense rate, that high. Thanks for watching! And have a wonderful rest of your day!

This is not an optimal build, however this is a "decent" build.
--Let any guide that I ever share, be simply a guide, a baseline, to help path you into a better build than I've shown. 

Thanks for watching, and happy farming. 

Edited by GodOfEntity
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1 hour ago, zyk said:

Wait are you Entity the one who always jump. Beside me at CF area lol

Entity is me, yes 🙂

I had help with logging in all my chars for a group screenshot of myself, 
In order; 
GodOf3ntity, GodOfEntity, Entity, God0fEntity, GodOfEntityy
Knight, Champ, Raider, Cleric, Bourg. 



But yes, my way of saying "Hi, I think you're cool" is for me to run around in circles and jump up and down when I see someone I like... 
Kind of in the same way a dog wags its tail. 
Or a cat goes "Purrr Purrrr" 
Except different. 

Edited by GodOfEntity
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8 hours ago, GodOfEntity said:

Entity is me, yes 🙂

I had help with logging in all my chars for a group screenshot of myself, 
In order; 
GodOf3ntity, GodOfEntity, Entity, God0fEntity, GodOfEntityy
Knight, Champ, Raider, Cleric, Bourg. 



But yes, my way of saying "Hi, I think you're cool" is for me to run around in circles and jump up and down when I see someone I like... 
Kind of in the same way a dog wags its tail. 
Or a cat goes "Purrr Purrrr" 
Except different. 

Cool hihihihi. I'm just always Infront of that area lol. Chatting and being curious to stuff lol

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