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CHAT ROOM on Community


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Hello good day! Since Community chat is already up and I think it's really fixed this time because of the newest patch update, I have some suggestions on the Chat tab. The very FIRST thing is to add more characters for the title of the chat room. This is very useful to make a chat room where you sell your stuffs in game aside from advertising it in Shout/Trade. With this, players can see what you're selling or what your chat room is all about (may it be selling stuffs or just random chat room you want) and they can just enter if they are interested . This is one less hassle for players who will have to spend time Whispering typing some long & difficult IGNs and to those players who won't like to Add you in their friendlist because you're only making business/dealings at that particular time. And SECOND is to remove the lock icon and password prompt on the chat room if there is no password entered when making it. It confuses players what to key in when there is really no password on your chat room. I hope these suggestions will be addressed, it may be not that much but I think it will help the community in game in some ways. Thank you and more power! 


Edited by sTaRgaZeR
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