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Posted (edited)

Name: My real name is Paul Michael, but, because my nickname is GodOfEntity, many people prefer to call me "Entity" or "GoE" 

Preferred name to call you: Entity/ GoE . 

Gender/country/age: Male, Canada Ontario, 1989

When did you start playing Rose Online? 14 y/o

Who introduce you to Rose/ What brought you to Rose? I played UNREAL TOURNAMENT under a server called ROSEBUM. A post was made to check out a game called ROSE, 

What do you like the most from Rose Online? MULTI-CLIENTING!!!!!!!! 😄 

What's your favorite class to play? (and why) --- I kind of enjoy all of them.

Share your favorite memories from Rose Online! The time Rosita made Chris actually buy me a pizza, and then his credit card got marked for fraud the next day. 

Favorite monster:  SC boss's 

Favorite places in Rose Online: TOP SECRET, only people that get to know me, will know. 

Things you hate the most in Rose:  How I behaved in my past. 

Anything you want to say? I incurred several bad accidents where I broke all of my limbs. Then broke both of my arms after recovering from breaking all of my limbs. - I also broke my face and lost two of my teeth. From Scooter accidents. 

image (1).png

Edited by GodOfEntity
18 hours ago, Avatar said:

Hello and welcome back! 

Glad to see that you have worked and are continuing to work on yourself on a daily basis. Never stop growing!

Thanks! I made it to having a lvl 120 Cleric, a lvl 120 Champ a lvl 83 (was becoming) Artisan. A lvl 30 Scout. -- all this in less than a week! ... I learned a lot about this game. 

Thanks for the words of encouragement. 

18 hours ago, ryonix said:

Dude I was watching your stream last night. Great to see you here! 

Thank you! I really hope you Enjoyed my stream. I'm really trying to put effort into it. I'd like to even try to do more with it. I'd love to be a GREAT streamer when I stream. I'd also like to be more consistent in my stream. I do really appreciate the viewers that have been consistently on my stream every time I stream. Streaming to me is EXTREMELY draining. But I do very much enjoy it. I think focusing on the fact that the VODS are there, and knowing that replay-ability with my stream is there, that I just need to always play like I am playing for someone that's watching! .. - 

TL;DR, I wish to improve on my stream. - That is really all we can all, always do. Is just, improve. There's always room for improvement. It's kind of fortunate that I'm not good! BECAUSE, SO MUCH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT!  🙂 


  • GodOfEntity changed the title to GodOfEntity (ROSE Twitch Streamer/Youtube Content Creator)

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