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Mob aggro is too high. The mobs hit very hard in this game, which is understandable because players like a challenge. However the distance that they chase you is extremely long. In some cases, with low mov. speed, you cannot even escape/get past a group of mobs you're not even trying to fight. 

Today was the most extreme example. I was wandering through Arumic Valley / Crystal Snowfields (do not recall exact map) and mammoths literally followed me from north portal all the way to south-east of the map where the Dread. king spawns. This is literally all the way from top to furthers bottom of the map. It is ridiculous. There was no way to outrun them, even in cart I could just stay ahead of them.


Not sure if bug, or intended, but could you please review?

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After I posted, just found this topic. Well, at least I'm not the only one here thinking the mobs aggro is extremely high and they will chase you until you are dead. Even you run and reach the respawn point, the mobs still won't stop. Previously it wasn't like this, the mobs chase you for like 10m or 15m, then they will turn back.

On 12/17/2022 at 9:35 PM, Sjoerd said:

Mob aggro is too high. The mobs hit very hard in this game, which is understandable because players like a challenge. However the distance that they chase you is extremely long. In some cases, with low mov. speed, you cannot even escape/get past a group of mobs you're not even trying to fight. 

Today was the most extreme example. I was wandering through Arumic Valley / Crystal Snowfields (do not recall exact map) and mammoths literally followed me from north portal all the way to south-east of the map where the Dread. king spawns. This is literally all the way from top to furthers bottom of the map. It is ridiculous. There was no way to outrun them, even in cart I could just stay ahead of them.


Not sure if bug, or intended, but could you please review?

I feel you. The mammoths! Really, the mammoths!

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