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Everything posted by ZeroSignal

  1. Kudos to you OP, you have earned my respect. Thanks a ton for your diligent work on this project, I'm looking forward to the Charm DoT scaling stats. If even 1% of the community were to be inspired to make meaningful contributions such as this stellar data set, this game would surely attract and retain new players exponentially.
  2. So I started doing my own research and shall post below what I was looking to see as an example. Please correct my errors and add anything helpful. Thanks. yes I noticed that a couple entrys are transposed in error after posting, sorry
  3. No man, you are missing my objective. I was hoping people could post a few common words/phrases in both languages, not a tool.
  4. Hi guys. I often join parties that are primarily Pinoy players and struggle to understand any of the communication. I know that in the culture many do speak English and often will until friends join, in which case communication seems to go back exclusively to their native tongue (understandably so). So I figured I'd come here to ask for help with a sort of basic crash course in learning the most common words as used in the context of playing this game. Ideally I'd like to engage better as well as to not appear to be rude by ignoring what I can't understand. Google translate isn't really practical in time critical combat either. I haven't really picked up much other than the wkwkwk laugh so far haha. Maybe someday the devs will grace us with an auto-translate chat feature, but until then any help is appreciated. Thanks from America
  5. Ok, I can understand not wanting to spend funds to advertise until the game is released. Now not showing initiative to draw interest to the game in early stages (of an already matured game) I don't get. Sure I'm autistic (quite literally) so I think differently than most, but I do see tangible see examples of this in other games. Ashes of Creation for example is not officially released and is in Alpha phase, yet they very passionately invite their community to contribute in the games development and are extremely transparent with the development cycle. There are frequent YouTube trailers, AMA's, monthly updates, cooperation with streamers, email newsletters, etc. I'm just saying that just because corporate mainstream business models of companies influenced by shareholders dictate that a development cycle should adhere to this rigid defacto plan, doesn't mean they have to or necessarily should. Different can be positive at times. I'll stop posting suggestions, I'm obviously always wrong and am wasting my time with my poor communications skills ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. I'm concerned with the state of the game as far as player count goes. We've lost a ton of the playerbase since the Zuliepocolypse gutted everyones finances. It seems like good intentions had a massive adverse reaction that just keeps snowballing. It is growing more frustrating daily as a semi-new player to this server. It is extremely rare anymore to find a competent party of people that play in my timezone who aren't primarily speaking a language I can't understand or are afk running scripts (normally both). The economy is another headache to newer players, especially those like me who like to rotate between many alts vs having a "main". I understand that the Zuliepocolypse action by the devs had long reaching impact on the playerbase and quality of life for new players. It is hell for new folks to try and make any gains, nothing has value. Things such as feathers that could be farmed for decent income no longer sells well, even when undercutting the competition significantly. Seems that the supply of wealthy players is finite and shrinking if anything. Supply drys up and the cycle of new players has slowed to a trickle from a once somewhat steady stream. So long windedness aside, I feel we need to get the good word out there about ROSE to the masses. North America especially desperately needs some loving. I have talked with tons of gaming peers and none have heard of this game, and those that did check it out after I gave it a mention have been scared off by the "chibi" characters. There was nothing wrong with that 15+ years ago when those of us long timers first discovered the game. Most of us have aged along with the games evolution. This game has has a decent itemization, relatively balanced classes (yeah we know mage is OP, but relax), a unique refines system, and lots of replayability. I feel that we should push these aspects of the game given it is what more mature audience is interested in. If outsiders know of this they might give the game a chance even though the "chibi" art style may be a first impression turn off. In a perfect world this game would only need to be making a big push to advertise once it leaves open access, but there is huge risk with that. Massive damage has already been done, and we need to heal those wounds with new people so that there is a thriving community. Our Wiki is trash, that is the biggest complaint I hear from new players. They are underwhelmed with the official server's Wiki as it has next to no info, when compared to certain private servers sites. Since this is the official server, if legally possible, Rednim should exercise their power to simply take over the unofficial sites layout/data and simply change the differences to match this servers particulars. There still is massive love for this game, those folks either remember the Evo server being shutdown and don't know this server exists or have retreated to one of the private servers which I will not name. Heck the only way I learned of this games revival a couple months ago from a random YouTube reply to a comment that I had on a RoseEvo video from many years ago. There are many untold others that would love to get back into the game but just don't know that it's been resurrected due to lack of advertising power. Let's make it happen please, get us some fresh blood and renewed interest. It is critical to team up with big name content creators. One mention by someone like Asmongold would probably crash the servers with new people trying to download. Just food for thought. Chip in with any constructive critisism/ideas guys/gals.
  7. I've tried to help with reporting the super obvious offenders for a time, but have tired with it for various reasons. The common sense solutions such any semblance of an in game reporting system, human confirmation checks when probable cause, regularly monitored spectator mode of hot zones for Devs, and better randomization of king locations/timers are still mostly ignored in an almost 20 year old game. That is completely inexcusable in any way. If Rednim's IT doesn't have the skill to catch a simpleton using a fixed timer macro on an infinite loop, then you guys are fully and utterly boned when AI eventually comes knocking... I like to be constructive when possible, but eventually patience wears thin and then it's time to to put it on blast. Please hire outside consultants to help if you lack the resources. Personally I would be willing to pay a monthly fee to help support such improvement efforts to the game. I'm only salty because I hate the slap a reactive Band-Aid on it while ignoring the root problem approach, reminds me of the lazy management at my last job. I can deal with the 90% zulie loss once if the core problem which caused said event is has been corrected, it has not. As an analogy, compare it to a boat with a weak punctured hull, they only plugged a hole and drained out some water (reactive) and haven't reinforced the hull (proactive) or stopped traversing through jagged rocks.
  8. Lot's of familiar names here, quite nostalgic. I played as ZeroSignal, Hyperbolic, EdgeCrusher, DragnunovSVD, BerserkGatsu to name a few. I repped a couple private clans; FearFactory and Synthesis
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