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Posts posted by Bluntastic

  1. 4 hours ago, GodOfEntity said:

    Why should Kill Stealing be encouraged by Game Mechanics? 

    Kill stealing is not a mechanic. Its a way of life.


    Jokes aside, MMORPGs are meant to fulfill all sides of fantasy. Your fantasy is to frolic free in Adventure Plains, pick flowers with your friends and live a happy hobbit life. Mine is not.

  2. Repeatables should be limited to a number of completed turn ins. I see the repeatables being a great method for getting people to different areas of the game faster, during the Alpha phase and seems like a great way to kinda "boost" players into the zone (entering Kenji at 50 and using repeatables to 55 for some intertia into the zone).

    There should definitely be some edits to the current leveling system. New players seem unaware of the repeatable system which also puts the toxic mindset of "i cant level without finding other people to party", in my opinion. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, GodOfEntity said:

    kill still IS negative and rude.

    These are your emotions being expressed. Not the truth of how the mechanic actually works. Game mechanics have no feelings and cannot be interpreted to have some.


    8 minutes ago, GodOfEntity said:

    Yes, I do mind editing the options to spare peoples feelings from reality. 

    Your feelings are being spared by including them into your diagnosis of what the mechanic should and should not be.


    Games fixed this issue by making things client side. Other games fixed this issue by introducing participation mechanics like Ive explained. First hit was a mechanic that was fair in earlier versions of ROSE but not current, in my opinion.

  4. 9 minutes ago, GodOfEntity said:

    Actually being KS'ed as a lowbie at Aqua king is probably one of the worst experiences for a lowbie.

    When is this actually happening though? This is one specific instance that will not happen every day. Both players have the option to attempt the quest/kill/medal on another day that is less frequent as well.


    What will be happening every day are focused high level areas. Which is why I also mentioned there is probably more sense in creating multiple levels of kill participation depending on mob class; normal, elite, boss


    If first hit becomes implemented I believe adding trade restrictions should also be implemented. This may relieve some of the market complaints with too much open availability to items.

  5. 1 minute ago, GodOfEntity said:

    I don't understand why it should be any different at different levels? 

    Well, to me, the leveling process of the game is pretty stagnant. You get to 30/35 and its AoE groups to max. Its also rather quick and you're most likely not being ks'd at this time. Also, the game is 5 months old with no reset plans and majority of members max level with significant farming potential. 

    So theres only one real set of players who want it changed.



  6. I think we need to understand where this matters most. Is it during the beginning of the game, during the leveling process? Or is it during end game, where high tier bosses are important to camp and have timers for continued farm. 

    Both may also require different rule sets. Normal Mob, "First to X%". Elite Mob "First to X%". Boss "first to x% but lost on death". 

    Also what about Group rules or party rules. If your party or group member is 2nd to hit, do they lock it in if 1st hit dies?

    These are just suggestions.

  7. On 4/2/2023 at 9:13 PM, GodOfEntity said:

    One of the reasons I came back is because Rednim position on this 

    Do you also approve of the "no wipe" mentality after Alpha?


    The whole community is crying wolf on RMTs and zulie stabilization and the only way to fix it is sit down, create a market that stabilizes itself or reset the whole game and introduce lower drop rates for things such as Liscent. Make end game harder to reach. 5 months in and we are already discussing about trillions of zulie in circulation. 

    This isnt WoW either. The future expectations for expansions or more planets to finish the ROSE Universal storyline is slim to none. 20 years in and 4/7 planets are devloped. The other 3 need to be created from scratch still...

  8. On 4/3/2023 at 2:54 AM, GodOfEntity said:

    When you say, oh, a person here sells for this, but then you go over there, it sells for different. -- This applies for EVERYWHERE in the game. Even refine matts. - Want to sell refine materials at the max price? Sell near Crune. -- Want to sell Carts on the cheap? Do so near Mildun. 

    Want to sell Gems? Near Mildun (why idk) Want to sell exaulted? Near bridge near Mildun. -- Want to pay less for dirtys? Buy them in Zant. 
    Red pots? Near valor / Honor shop for people running DG's/Aram. 

    This could be still an activity by creating some sort of vending/auction system at each vendor. Mildun, auction your carts, Crune, auction your Weapons. Saki, Armor...etc. 


    This will relieve a few players negativity towards one singular spot for an AH.

    So far, if its possible, creating a system that when you Vend (regardless of location) it goes to an accessible system from either town or the localized shop. Making it so players can either buy items from a local shop or go to the auction. This would pretty much solve all issues besides relieving the town of AFK shops. To some that makes the game feel alive, to me it makes the game feel dead. To force hundreds of accounts to stay online to vend is just a small flex to keep investors happy, imo. Losing a few hundred open accounts would make investors worry theyre losing the player base.


    Remember, rednim is a business. The goal of any business is profits of some sort.

  9. On 3/29/2023 at 11:43 AM, Artsy1 said:

    Because it would be too easy.  It’s so satisfying and rewarding to see that your shop has sold many of your items overnight!

    There will be a section that shows sold items and received amount for sold item, within the Auction House. Allowing the player to "receive" the funds upon checking the "Sold" section. 


    The Auction House will be just like Vending in ROSE currently, just better, updated and makes the game feel like its not going to be 20 years old forever. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Artsy1 said:

    AH would make buying and selling more convenient.  Maybe too convenient.  Thus makes the game boring.  I like the vending system and I hope it doesn’t get replaced!

    Can you explain how selling your item would reduce the rest of the games enjoyment? Selling an item is 1 aspect of many other options to enjoy the game.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Heatfist said:

    The way I would see it is to have an AH be implement in main city hub areas (Junon, Eucar, Xita, Mauris) as a literal house where players can walk into talk to an NPC to place an item within it for a starting bid price and pay a fee for how long the item would stay in there for. It would be treated like an actual auction house. Once a bid ends the money and item would be picked up from the AH through the NPC again.

    I state this in part of my PROs; implementation of an AH would mean implementation of it across all worlds. It can be a physical building you enter (like WoW) or it could be a slightly larger NPC that players can click on easier without worrying about mount stacking issues, or just a larger version of the current shop sprite. It brings up a dialog and you click "I want to auction an item". 

    9 hours ago, Heatfist said:

    The ability to vend scrolls or potions on maps away from NPCs to players leveling and questing is a great feature in it self and should not be removed.

    This is mentioned in my Negative part of removing shops. This can be fixed by just adding more inventory slots for people to carry the ridiculous amount of items there are in the world. There is no downfall in providing players with more inventory space. This is not an ARPG and even WoW came up with larger bags when introducing newer zones. You cant have the same inventory space and introduce 100s of new items, including event items and item mall items. This also clears the annoyance you mentioned of having to run to the AH...except you have to run to shops and find the right deal? Annoyance is I cannot get straight back to the game after finding the item I need at that moment.


    9 hours ago, Heatfist said:

    IMO not everything needs to be simplified and spoon fed to the player base. Hunt for the items, browse player shops. Communicate with the sellers for a better deal through whispers. These add to activity. AH feels too monotone. Makes players chickens in a coup waiting for deals to pop up without the need to move around.

    Spoon fed? Not sure how developing a more sophisticated system to reduce and track RMTs, give access to shopping across the universe and increasing game stability is spoon feeding players anything. You're providing us with a much better system for us to play the game with.


    9 hours ago, Heatfist said:

    If you want to completely replace vending with an AH market system, how would you want it implemented in this game exactly?

    Copy Maplestory, apply and adapt it to ROSE online. I think we would only need 5-6 Column Titles. The AH will have a simplified picture of the item, you highlight over it just like any item, you see the stats. You can add filters so that players can search for specific item grades, duration left, if its a one hand sword/axe/mace, armor type, item mall type, etc... Maplestory also does taxation based on duration and possibly total cost. WoW has the player name attached to the item being sold so you can contact the seller and possibly get a better deal, or they are your clan mate, etc. 

    Item | Item Type| Grade | Zulie Cost | Player Selling | Duration Left

    Zant Scroll | Consumable | 0 | 250 | Bluntastic | 7h 04min

    9 hours ago, Heatfist said:

    TLDR: I wouldn’t mind an AH as a separate market style beside vending for those who don’t like vending but removing and replacing vending completely I’m against.

    Having an Auction House is the same as having hundreds of shops in Junon; just better. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, VenomX said:

    Oh boy.  The, “don’t like it? leave it!”  counter argument.  I’m legitimately giving you reasons why I don’t want an AH, and you’re just telling me to leave the game if I don’t want an AH lmao.  Love it.  

    I'm not telling you to leave at all but you aren't suggesting any improvement to the system. You're saying that you want to keep the community small and niche, instead of  getting more and newer players involved into the game upon launch. Why would any company want to stay stagnant? I don't think Rednim is building an official server just so we can stay in the past (I hope). 

    12 minutes ago, VenomX said:

    You sound like a pretty new player that has yet to reach end-game tbh.  Not that that matters, but once you reach end-game, you shouldn’t have any problem selling valuable stuff.  Now if you’re trying to sell like, Angel Wings and Ashura Masks, yeah obviously those aren’t going to sell.  We aren’t having an influx of new players coming in and looking for those items.  Vending is a beloved and staple feature of ROSE.  

    I don't need to reach end game to know a 20 year old system will not work in the long term. It's fun and cool for a small amount of time. I'm over it and not because of not finding good deals, because its taking time away from the game. The game is not a shopping simulator, its an MMORPG with lots of additional content that needs to be explored.

    12 minutes ago, VenomX said:

    Also, if you’re having trouble running a 2005 game on your computer, you should seriously consider updating your computer.

    I can guarantee you some players are playing with under 60 FPS and that is not your decision or financial choice to update something that is someone elses.

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  13. 13 hours ago, VenomX said:

    The priority is fixing all the bugs and glitches.  

    That is one priority, mainly in this phase of the game, as its ALPHA. This is not a cry for an immediate auction house. This should be done as a general improvement to the quality of life of the game, sometime near official release. 

    Again, if you need the feeling of old ROSE, there are private servers for that. Let the official server be a place of expansion, growth and new ideas. Not that the AH is a new idea but it works in every game and eliminates major issues of the server. People should be able to sell the items they find immediately, not struggle or spend 24 hours with their computer on just to gain some passive zulie (which I just added as a positive to bringing an AH available. There is no passive zulie income for players, its farm this or farm that)

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, VenomX said:

    I mean, an auction house would be convenient for new players, but it’s not like new players are coming in to play anyway.  So I’d rather the devs focus on other aspects of the game.  


    I'm going to create a "Negative" section of bringing an AH into the game. I do agree with the point of removing the shops takes a certain feeling of the game away. If you need me to add more or correct anything let me know


    On 3/26/2023 at 9:59 AM, Jamie said:

    You can run Rose on a toaster, I'm not sure the old hardware issue holds anymore. But I can see some of the other things you said have are valid.

    Implementing Offline vending and making other improvements to the vending system as they are planning may fix some of the wasting time argument you stated also.

    Yeah you can run ROSE on a toaster but we are in the age of having everyone at least running 60FPS. The goal is to update to current times. Not force the past. 


    We can implement offline vending on this forum alone. Just creating a Trading section where you post a screen shot and an asking price. This helps the game but you aren't updating the core of the game. The market isnt the only thing that needs fixing as well

  15. 4 minutes ago, VenomX said:

    There’s just a certain charm and competitiveness about vending in ROSE.   We have such a small and niche community, I don’t think an auction house would matter.  There’s like 50 other things they should improve before they should even consider talking about an auction house imo.  

    The game needs an entire overhaul - but its hard to have the final outcome in mind. No game can be perfect. It can at least move forward with an updated market though.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Thystro said:

    Okay bro, but what you suggest would bring in loads of people to make the game feel more alive? I think that's a whole other discussion. 

    If the point of Rednim to manage ROSE is to NOT introduce newer players then what's the point? May as well just call it a private server...


    Flyff has a daily player count of less than 4,000 players. I bet if they introduced a new market system it would increase lol

  17. On 3/26/2023 at 4:14 AM, Rootstock said:

    Yeah, wealth begets wealth. And ROSE has no progressive wealth tax. 😉

    However I still find the amount of zulie in circulation suspicious. Consider someone buying a set of items for 6b. That’s the quest rewards of 150 players for one accessory set. I’m just really suspicious that there’s this much zulie in game, which relates to my point #2. The problem with dupes is that it only takes one exploit(er) to ruin the economy. But it’s all speculation so I’ll leave it at that.


    Edit: So I’m hearing anecdotes now of random people trading randoms in Junon and handing them stacks of Lisent U. Before I’ve seen people running around dropping millions… Again, not proof of duping, but this is exactly what happened in previous ROSE versions when dupes were exploited.


    Hey man, I'm not a mod or dev or anything but I'm on your side on trying to create a stable, forever market on ROSE. I don't have the full game experience yet to know where the zulie comes from but I know about Ava, Hotch, Bith so far lol. Current mains are 16x and 17x, so havent gotten to end game yet. I think we should get together and put a spreadsheet together for the devs. There needs to be some internal work from community members to persuade the higher ups that. Their time is invested in getting the game stable, working, coded, networked etc. If you don't have the time to do some research then I enjoy hearing your future comments about this

  18. 1 hour ago, FelipeMontes said:

    Because they keep prying me for an explanation.  No means no.  Like you said, everyone id entitled to their own opinion.  Respect it buddy

    I have a feeling you are just a troll. We want you to join in on the conversation but you are just being an outsider, throwing rocks at people who are hanging out.


    2 hours ago, Thystro said:

    I'd prefer offline vending compared to an AH. 

    The shops makes the world feel more alive, also you have a better chance at getting some real steals instead of people undercutting 24/7.

    Also I love it that you can setup a shop in certain places besides the main city hubs.

    You know what would make the game feel more alive? People...Create a stable marketing system and you will have more players automatically. A 20 year old system will not work today. Maplestory even uses an Auction House after having the same In-Game-Shop system that caused the same issue. Players race to get the "Best spot" on the map so that way they are the shop that gets seen first. You have to waste valuable play time (something that has become less available for people these days) to shop... <Removed>
    Players are and will continue to get sick of the need to use their computer 24/7 to create a market for themselves in a game that has perfect capabilities to run "Selling House" system. This game does not pay my power bill either. Whether its an offline system or in game auction house. Diablo 2 had d2jsp which has advanced into a forum for many ARPGs. Creating a stable market is simple, and really on the developer team to enhance and take this game to the next level

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  19. 3 hours ago, Bobbity said:

    Unclear, please clarify.


    Any particular downsides to an auction house you can think of?

    The current place to sell is Junon.You can obviously post up in any town you want but the hot spot is Junon. So if I find a hot item, I have to set up in Junon when I'm done playing, or my alt account thats shopped. This stops me from playing the game that I'm playing (grinding or farming, etc) to do a transfer, or wait til the end of the day to set up shop. I could just run to the AH NPC and put it up for sale and it'll be available for purchase 24 hours of the day (or for the duration of the sale period)


    This also forces me to have an alt account permanently be a seller at certain instances instead of a permanent dual character

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  20. Unfortunately I haven't seen a post that has been detailed enough that would describe the immense relief the game would have by removing the Pop-Up-Shop-Vending and by introducing an Auction House. I think over 90% of the community is in agreeance that the market is unstable in its current form. Honestly, I don't think anything after iRose had a stable market. Even that was hell. The introduction of more planets, more items, more uniques, more skills, more everything has put the game into a market hell hole. The only way out is The Auction House implementation.



    Economy Stability -

    The number one reason for an Auction house implementation is obviously, stable economy from player level 1 to player level 250. The auction house will remove the ability for a player that has more play time to overcome a newer player. 


    Faster Learning of the game -

    An auction house allows players to view items that they may have never seen before, or plan for their next potential gear up. Without prior knowledge or assistance from in game help, players may struggle to find an upgrade or materials to upgrade their current set. (For instances, you find a Pink and then Purple Powder and then a Low Essence, you can assume there are higher grades of that type of material in the end game)


    Lower End PC Issues-

    This game is just about to reach 20 years old. I'm going to safely assume that some of these returning players are not coming back on the best PCs. Removing shops would enhance load times in all main towns and significant overall computer performance would be had by all players. 


    Removes Additional Accounts Open -

    If the rules state that dual clients are legal, why force a player to remove the ability to play a secondary character? Also this forces people to consider breaking TOS by running 3+ accounts. One will always need to be in town to make passive income.


    Game Stability - 

    Less accounts open will mean the servers will be more stable as well as my game stability on my computer.


    Shopping is a waste of time for players - 

    In todays age, time is important and most of us are adults. We don't have the same amount of time we did 18 years ago. Not enough viable farm time, not enough viable leveling time. My time investment needs to be returned to me in gear, level or valued goods. If I can't sell my valued goods without requiring a 2nd account to be actively open 24/7, or at the end of my play time, run a shop. It's a waste of time and resources that Rednim is not paying for.


    New Players -

    There is a high probability that Newer players who may be interested in this game will walk away immediately. The system is outdated and not welcoming to anyone who has not played a game similar to this. Create a system that all players are familiar with to use in todays games. 


    Everyone, Anywhere will access -

    The implementation of an Auction House would mean the implementation of a new NPC in all main towns, accessible for all players. Currently the town with the highest density of shops is Junon, which floods Junon and takes players away from their main area or forces secondary accounts to remain in place. 

    Relieves "Muling" -

    With the current amount of items that need to be held for crafting, players tend to hold onto stacks of items and requiring separate characters to hold them. This can be relieved if players have instant access to a market to sell their items at. Some stacking will still occur as items can go to 999 but we will see less players holding multiple stacks of 999. (Yes, market manipulation can still be an issue)


    Passive Income -

    There is no place for a player to generate passive income unless they have a secondary account specifically set for vending. Implementing an AH will give all players access to passive income, which there is none of currently.




    Vending is part of ROSE -

    The vending part of ROSE is a definitely a huge nostalgic part of the game that puts a special part in our hearts. Removal of the vending shops would make the game feel "dead" and take some part of the "finding the best deal" aspect of the process

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