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Posts posted by Kid

  1. clanfields in the past version of narose was pretty much useless because they made clan points drop in instance. can we make clan fields great again? by making clan points only drop in clan fields, would make for pretty awesome pvp content.

  2. are you guys still going to implement premium accounts? if so what are the benefits of having one. i know from the previous version of narose benefits include

    -access to inventory anywhere

    -free chest every 24 hours? i think it was 24 hours

    -unlimited arena energy

    -30% exp boost? or was it more than 

    -premium storage access which was until page 10?


    thats all that comes to my mind, i dont know if there was more.

    my question is will the benefits of premium accounts stay the same? or will you guys add more or take some away


  3. stats and skill reset should not be an item mall item, should have access to atleast a free one and then after that should cost zulie to do. cost should increase over time depends on how much you reset your stats or skills maybe like a 5% increase each time. i dont know how much the 1st one should cost though maybe a few million zulie? 

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