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Status Updates posted by Yoshi

  1. Christmas without this game is Christmas lost. I can help you something if you want 🙂


    1. Yoshi


      @HoneyBuns Thank you bro for listening me 😄 

      Love you lol XD

  2. When we can start playing? 🙂 

    1. Avatar


      Early access will be at the end of the year with a full launch tentatively scheduled for mid next year. Check back for new announcements and check out the discord! 

  3. Hello!

    How long we musi waiting, for start official server? 

  4. Good evening. Do you know when the beta version will be released? I registered over a month ago and still quiet when it comes to testing.

    1. Rebus


      Hello there, it will still be a good while until we do any open testing. As you already noticed, the closed alpha has kept getting pushed back.

      Taking over mostly unmaintained code is unfortunately not a simple task. And because of that it's unpredictable which issues arise. We want to announce the alpha start by next week though, if everything is going according to plan.

    2. Yoshi


      This is great news. I look forward to the opening. Best regards.

  5. Is it true that we will be able to play on the new server on Tuesday?

    1. Winniethenoob


      Tuesday is a meme on discord we all used, joke was that Alpha will be released on a Tuesday, they just didnt specify on wich Tuesday.

      Also, they will have a closed Alpha first for wich you had the apply, looking at your question i dont think you applied for alpha, so youll have to wait for Beta (like me)..

      Gonna be a loong time before that

    2. Yoshi


      Haha thanks for the answer. Overall, I signed up for beta, but so far no response.

  6. If u want talk pls add me on discord Yoshi1994#6142 🙂


  7. I don't believe this game is coming back! I'm excited. 😄 

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