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Everything posted by LoreChief

  1. Of all the utilities an Artisan can't provide, I'm legitimately surprised they aren't able to repair equipment. 1. We are already the 'crafting' class, we even perform Alchemy 2. It would increase our utility in parties. A lot of people do not take Artisans into their parties for our perceived lack of utility ("Why not bring a Borg?" Perhaps make it cost a fraction of the zulie you would pay an NPC for. Allow us to repair allies stuff after they are prompted with a "Confirm repairs for ____ bill?" prompt or something similar. So you spend your own zulie to repair your own stuff, and allies can volunteer their money for accepting repairs from you. Thanks!
  2. One of the biggest complaints I have about the Muse leveling experience is the fact that you get very tied down by your bonfires. A lot of the time I will go to pull a mob to the group and the Bonfires will just despawn. It's not that I put them in a bad place either - it just has a *very* short range before it goes kaput. Unfortunately this is also one of the reasons AFK-muses have been using for why they're less active in parties. "Oh I'm not pulling anything because if I go too far you guys will lose my bonfires " We don't need any more reasons for muses to just stand around doing minimal work. Please increase the range before they despawn by something like ~30% at least. Obviously this suggestion applies to the evolutions of Bonfire (Salamander/Mana Flame) as I assume they have the same limited leash range before they despawn.
  3. The current limit is 999 per stack. That means if you plan on spending a few hours grinding out with a party, you need to occupy ~5 inventory slots with ammo about. That's also if you're a Launcher user which is kind of slow. I imagine the gun/bow/xbow users are going through a lot more ammo in the same amount of time. This is prohibitive on what is already very limited inventory space. Please increase the stack size for cannonballs to something more reasonable like 4999 or 9999 or something to that extent.
  4. Precisely why I put in the part about letting us invite people from chat line. You don't even need to click someone to find them and invite if you can just /invite their_name.
  5. There are a lot of parts of the party system that are really showing their age. Many parts of the game are tbh, but this post will focus solely on the party system. Issues: You can't invite people to a party unless you click on them and use a skill. It's difficult to add people to a party when they ask to join, because you have to find them - usually in a sea of loot, mobs, and other players. You can't see what level everyone is in your party. There are times where you can't figure out who you invited to the group that caused the Party Level bar to stop working (due to the level gap restriction). You can't tell if people in the group are actually pulling their weight. In high-density areas like Aqua Kings, many players will take advantage of the high activity of the area to stand amongst all the things and do nothing of value while they leech exp. Targeting party members is also difficult due to the nature of the party window. Names show in 'red' when you have them selected, but maintain showing in red even if you are no longer targeting them because you're attacking a mob. There is too much emphasis on click precision when using the party window that results in mis-healing when you really need to get pinch heals in. The Party Level system is not very well explained. It is not intuitive either, so a lot of people don't even know what the point of it is. The Party Settings are only visible to the party leader. So if you joined someones party you can't tell if they have loot/exp on share or free-for-all or not. HP bars are easily lost on the screen depending on the area. I think adding a border surrounding the HP/MP bar, giving it screen priority, and using solid colors that makes it stick out would be a great idea. I've attached a picture. Here is a list of all my suggestions on how to fix this. Allow inviting players to a party from command line similar to what you can do in other games like Ragnarok. /invite Name Allow inviting players to a party from community windows, such as Guild & Friends lists. Right-click -> Invite to Party Allow inviting players to a party from the chat window. Right-click their name in chat -> Invite to Party Show player levels in the Party window. Highlight the level of the lowest and highest party members so that everyone can see when there is too big of a level gap. Show activity level in the party window for each party member. If they haven't attacked/healed recently their name could be greyed-out. Make proper 'nameplates' for a party member, and make the whole area clickable not just the name. Add a tooltip for when you hover over the Party Level that explains what the benefits are you are receiving. Make the party settings visible to any party member that opens the Party Settings window.
  6. I don't disagree, but I will say that emphasizing damage done instead is just going too disproportionately impact less-meta-DPS classes. "You got first hit and did a decent amount of damage, but you are just a cleric so we reward the loot to the Bourg instead!" If the end goal is to make the system as fair as possible, it needs to be a completely different system. Perhaps... For Boss mobs (Kings, Queens, etc) - everyone gets loot so long as they or their party have contributed X% of damage done to it. For example, if 50 solo players go after an Aqua King, only those that did at least 10% of its HP get their own respective loot. This requirement maintains if you are in a party as well, to emphasize partying more. The loot drops are for each player/party that met the criteria. So if your group had 5 people in it, and you had enough contribution, each of the 5 gets their own singular random loot roll from the boss. It is automatically deposited into inventory instead of dropped on the ground. For non-boss mobs, it remains with first-tag system, but the loot drops on the ground. After 45s if you don't pick it up, it becomes free-for-all. It's not loot theft if you simply didnt choose to pick it up before it became available.
  7. Can't seem to find it.. so much chat in the discord about 'login screen' or similar topics due to the server problems. Do you have a link?
  8. Personally I'm a big fan of the treehouse title screen. Most of the time though I get the weird stone henge login and its nowhere near as cool. The castle one is pretty good too. It would be cool if we could choose which one we wanted, maybe in settings? Also it would be awesome if our alts were sitting in the other chairs (or statue platforms for castle).
  9. If they have the ability to make a distinct self-only loot skill, then by all means. It seems like that would require a more complex approach than just having autoloot though. There are definitely a lot of solutions for this - in the immediate future though the best bandaid would be reducing the loot lockout time.
  10. Part of the problem is that in these dense loot situations, you can't even grab your own loot because of all the surrounding loot. You either mash your looting button and get stuck trying to pick up nearby items that aren't yours, or you have to surgically pinpoint your own loot on the ground with the mouse to try and claim it. It wouldn't be a problem if we could just pick up the other loot around it that the original owners clearly don't care about.
  11. People in friends list, people in guild list, people you're grouped with but not partied with, people who said "yeah invite me to pt please" in the middle of a crowd of players. There are many reasons why we should be able to invite people remotely/from a distance to join a party, and not have to depend on the 'Party' skill. Other games like Ragnarok Online have this with /invite 'name' commands. Please add something similar to ROSE. Thanks!
  12. If I get 3 boots with the same name, I can't easily find the differences between their stats just by glancing at the tooltip. There's far too much information presented in a non-digestible way. On top of that you have to hold right-click in order to find out other details on the equipment such as extra stat lines. It's not intuitive. Skills behave much in the same way. Please remove the need to hold right-click in order to see all the item details. Also please make the equipment stats easier to read.
  13. The ground is constantly littered with items not being picked up by whoever owns them. Some players can be seen anxiously bending over nonstop trying to pick these items up, because clearly they value them more... Can you change the loot lockout to like 30 seconds or something? It's like 5 minutes right now or whatever, pretty ridiculous.
  14. Which stat increases the stats of summons, such as the ones you get from Dealer & Muse classes?
  15. Obviously we're a few minutes before the EA launch, so this issue really sticks out right now. Basically if you try to log into the game and are unable to (such as server not being open yet), it gives you a message telling you that - and then it closes your game. Please fix that last part so it does not happen. Nobody wants to have to re-open a game every time they get a failed login message.
  16. I see some suggestion threads talking about Cleric and how they might potentially be handled, but since all classes are in need of a level of reworking - it would be great to get an idea for what the current concepts are. A lot of the old resources for various versions of ROSE are no longer around, so finding kit references is difficult. If we had access to these, it would help with figuring out the intended concept for the classes, and allow us as players to make more realistic recommendations. Thanks, -LC
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