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Recruiting Game Moderators


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Hello ROSE Community,

We're excited to announce that we are opening up recruitment for new Game Moderators! Being a Game Moderator provides an opportunity to contribute to our mission of ensuring a high integrity game experience.

A few months ago, we ran a small trial for this new role and invited a few of our Ko-Fi supporters to apply. The initiative was a great success! We on-boarded 3 great moderators who contributed significantly to the effort! We saw a notable change in player behavior and were able to more effectively enforce our game rules.

We specifically sought to involve members of our community in this effort and were happy with the result. We are fortunate to have a vibrant community of ROSE fans who are motivated to make this game the best it can be!


How does it work?

Every 3-4 months we will re-open the Game Moderator application and invite community members to apply. Once we've received some applications we will rotate some, or all, of the existing moderators with new applicants. Our goal here is to have many members of the community involved in the process by providing opportunities for new members to participate in the effort.

Once selected as a mod, a Game Moderator will be expected to show presence in the game, help players when needed and work to enforce our rules. While this might sound "fun" on the surface, being a Game Moderator is challenging and takes more effort than it may appear! We kindly ask that players who apply be prepared that this is more of a "responsibility" than a "perk".

Players who have already served one term as a Game Moderator are free to apply again in the future!

How do I apply?

Please fill out this google form completely: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2WbMUyHpHU6_-Ajdl20PHXZBdVZF_3-EBr_bZjQHNxv_B-w/viewform.

Note: If you previously applied,  please apply again so we know that you are still interested.

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