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Eventually restoring the Tree house Character select to proper capacity

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Im partial to the ever nostalgic tree house character select, however i noticed a missing detail which gave the character select its charm.

Back when the Tree House Character select was the main one, the house would actually hold each of your characters, they would sit in the chairs in various poses and even some leaning against the walls, and you could click on them individually to swap. When you made a new character, they would walk into the house and sit down, it was so cool.

That being said, i would like to restore the chairs functionality, and have the tree house display the 5 most recently used characters, even if you can't select them via clicking or even have them in unique poses just having the unique charm of all your characters "living" in the same house like a bad fanfic comic is a very nostalgic feature to me.

Con wise i imagine it would put the tree house as thematically superior over the other ones, but those other character selects were always one character at a time, while the tree house was many, id prefer it to be atleast the same charming idea as before and maintaining them all as close to their original function as possible.

Who knows maybe you could update the other ones to have your other characters in the background to give more life to the screens, i just love the tree house one and want to see it back in full glory. 

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