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Everything posted by gaygoyle

  1. Adventurer's Plains is often of extremely high level characters farming Jelly Beans but especially the Pumpkin patch by Claude, and they're definitely dropping boxes.
  2. While it was already somewhat of a problem before, the current event incentivizes people to go to extremely low-level areas and mass-kill mobs in one hit to farm event/other drops. As a new player to the server, it's ridiculous to have to fight level 200 characters to even have a chance to complete my starting quests. Can anything be done to alleviate this?
  3. Hawker seems to have really low damage output in the early game (I'm level 50) compared to other classes. My level 40ish Soldier and Muse can both output damage much higher. It took me barely any time at all to get them to 40, but with Hawker it just seems like it doesn't have the damage to solo level effectively. Is this something other people have experienced? Are Bow/Xbow better early to level with? Am I crazy for trying to level a Hawker first?!
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