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Posts posted by kaiserkiva

  1. 33 minutes ago, GodOfEntity said:

    *looks at Austinbom with slight concern* 

    You might have too much free time on your hands sir. 

    But also, this is pretty awesome. Good job. 

    He’s like the pvp guru. This is really helpful though. Now I know that artisan (my fav class) is 🐕 💩 in pvp.

    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Seanos said:

    I have been wanting to write a response to both of you but haven't felt the motivation to do so, but here it is. 😛 Sorry for the wait.

    I will do @kaiserkiva first.

    As for the skill point idea I think its a neat idea, personally I think either lowering the passives to one skill point will have the same effect as doubling the skill points at the earlier levels, in fact doubling below 100 might lead to quite a surplus.

    I agree that the problem isn't exactly a zulie problem. I had no issue making zulie, but for newbies there are so many zulie costs that it was nearly impossible to keep up, funny enough it probably doesn't impact ultra late and rich players at all. It was the combination of starting new but having to buy scrolls/storage costs/repairs/but mainly food for regen. It is ridiculously expensive.

    I also felt that my characters didn't feel normal until I maxed all the passives as well for attack power. It didn't feel like I was super strong, but rather that is where the baseline should have been. Since most of the passives and skills are percentage based it doesn't have much of an impact on the lower levels very well, making solo play really daunting. I love partying but due to weak food, until those passives are maxed you will spend most of the time eating 4-5 food between fights or sitting after every mob. Not ideal or fun. Maybe after 2-3 mobs sure..

    I really agree with what you said about the exploration, progress, and focus on new experiences because that is what is going to keep people that try the game. Right now I am sitting in orlo looking at my storage for like 4 hours pretty much giving up because its impossible to manage due to not enough space. Sure you can buy more.. for $10 a page...call me crazy, but I am not dumping that kind of money into a digital extra page of storage. I know the developers have to earn a living, but it just seems the amount I would have to spend to get enough pages would be excessive. Not including the 500k zulie I spent just moving stuff around without even closing the storage window.

    I am not really convinced about the hardcore or losing a level after dying method to stop botting, usually a few bans on main accounts stop something like that right in its tracks, but I think the botting is really a symptom of other problems rather than a cause. I think most people do not tend to enjoy hardmode things and having something such as dying and losing a level would be so heavily punishing people would hate it. Like I mentioned, I want to feel rewarded for my hard work and effort. I am sure other people share a similar sentiment.

    I am trying to keep an open mind and continuing to play, but certain aspects of the game are making it rather difficult. 🙂

    I guess we’ll just have to wait for rednim to fix those issues. 

    tbh I can relate to your last point now. I’ve played this game for nearly a year and there’s barely any difference in gameplay especially in pvm since I started playing. The levelling phase is too fast, low and mid level items are irrelevant due to most players being at max level, botters everywhere and random dcs when you try to vend or when fighting mobs. I’ve also noticed that there are lots of posts in the ideas section of the forum but have not been read and the ones that have been considered are still not been implemented. The rate of development is slow and it may take them 2-5 more years to fix the game and  new content for new players. The updates are becoming predictable now. I bet there will be new mounts again next update and few tweaks in pvp. Mark my words lol.

    I’m probably same with you of not having much motivation to play.  Atm, I just hunt bosses to kill time after work. I’m trying to find new things to do in game. But soon I will be watching the development in the sideline or just stay afk in game.


  3. You’ve pretty much summed up the rose online experience of this current version. I think the majority of players have had similar experience in their levelling phase of their first character. I personality struggled on my first main character as when I reached max level I only had 2m zullies which is quite sad. I joined at the time went there was an influx of zullies due to the 20m quest in Orlo. Even though there is so much zullie last year, players levelling their first char are poor and struggling. This is still the same now even after the nerf of the quest to 2m. Everyone is just equally poorer but the poor will stay poorer (kinda sounds like normal society lol). Why am I mentioning this? Because zullie is one of the resource that helps you with the levelling phase by buying pots, refining and traversing around the maps. If you are poor and lacking zullie you will struggle as you’re character is weak early. I think it would not be good to introduce more zullie creation at early levels as this will create another zullie inflation like what happened year. Nerfing mobs clearly should  not be done as older and more experienced players will just monopolise the game even more. 

    When I read your post, the main big problem isn’t really about zullie  but rather the characters (especially muses) being too weak. I think one big solution to this is to earn more skill points in early levels. Currently there are 250 skill points and earning 1 per level may seem reasonable and fair but it’s actually penalising lower level characters due to passives that require 2 skill points to learn. Passives are so important that they help your char with sustain healing/damage/defence stats that helps you with levelling. And choosing between having a passive and active skill is a hard choice. Obtaining only 1 sp per level just seems unfair imo. I think obtaining 2 skill points per level up to level 100 and 1 skill points per level after 100 should fix these underlying issues with levelling and killing bosses. With this change, all class especially muses/clerics would benefit from this the most as when the class turns level 100  they will have the same skill points as a current level 200 character. They will max out healing and other required passives to be a full support. If this is implemented I think there will be no need to rush to max as your character will be strong enough at level 100 and you can slowly explore other maps and kill mobs with ease. Also, as the SPs will all be used in level 150. There will be less requirement for players to do the gruelling levelling phase between level 160-180 and spamming the fossil quests. There will likely be more dungeons and more pvps at this point as the peak is already at mid levels. 

    And as you say, until orlo is completely finished as well as other new content. There shouldn’t really be a reason to suffer from levelling and worrying too much about zullie. Exploration, progress and new experiences should be the focus of the  developers for new and former players to play the game.

    My comments regarding the botting problem. I think it’s difficult to actually stop them from doing it. The only thing I can think of is more penalty when a character dies for example: losing 1 level after dying. Botters thrive because of only losing a few % experience points upon death. Having a large penalty will encourage them to be attentive and try their best not to die. I’ve also posted an idea of having a rose online hardcore mode. Maybe this is an alternative to the old easily exploited game. 


    Overall, I agree with all your points. You kinda indirectly mentioned me on point 7 but ye, I guess there is a game genre preference there. But it was mentioned that drop tables will be worked on which is something to look forward to. And I heard rumours that will be a new a dungeon coming up soon. I just hope that more content will come in the next couple of months or this year in general before everyone loses interest in the game. Anyways, I would advise you to keep playing, learn about the game and play slow until full release. Until then, we should all be patient, keep calm and play some more Rose Online ✌️. See you in game. My IGN is shaws and zstark.

  4. 2 hours ago, Oxaliis said:

    I still don't get why you bother so much about drops, cleric powerful buffs and everything else, the fact is, Irose is generous, Irose is fun, Irose is addictive. Cleric buffs are powerful ? Yes, and IT IS fun, it is fun to chain kill mobs like a mad rabbit on steroids, it's fun to buff lil newbs and watch them overkilling mobs, (ah, another thing removed, no more overkill on mobs ? Are you sure it was REALLY necessary to remove this very tiny xp bonus ?). It's fun to have something to farm here, then running to another spot to farm something else, It's fun to have almost always something to do when you are bored of a place or mobs.Also, give us back  the old refine system, remove those atrocious bindrunes, remove the valor point system and you'll see suddenly coming back a massive interest to farm. The sad thing is you have made some really good change and addition (seeing the village in valley of luxem tower populated was awesome) Take the Irose version, improve/fix all the little flaws it got here here and here, and boom, i'm pretty sure you can attract a massive amount of players, even in 2024. New players, and old players who didn't like the overall ambiance of the actual only Irose private server, but i have to admit they have made some good things too, like the reborn system (maybe they have stolen the idea on another official server ? Jrose maybe ? don't know, but it's a very good idea for super addicted people). I wish you the best, seriously, but in this state the game is like an almost dead body on life support.

    It’s time to move on. Sticking to tradition will not suddenly bring back or attract new players or players playing more. New content = more players and playing time. Reborn system will make classes hard to balance so it may not be a good idea. Regarding the lack of zullie it can be fix with more repeatable quests that gives zullie as rewards. I believe there’s no zullie quests in Luna and only a few in eldeon. There is also no levelling/zullie quests in gorge of silence and dessert of the dead for levels 80-100. So more of what game already has should be implemented. Imo, I don’t think it’s the grind that makes the game fun, it’s more on the progress of your character and exploration of the game. Without this, the game is monotonous and players will get bored.

    I should mention also that theres a bigger problem that has not been mentioned yet. It’s botting. A lot of players do it for levelling and clan points farming. Botting speedruns the levelling phase making majority of low level items irrelevant. Players go to botters botting spots to level up since it’s convenient and this limits exploration. Botting encourages other players to bot aswell. Imagine botting and you get the bonus exp by over killing a mob, that would mean that they will speed run the game even more. Botting sucks basically. A possible solution is to make every life matter. Once you die you either started over again from last save point or lose a level each death. Currently, you only lose a bit experience from dying. I think it’s not punishing enough for afk botters.

    So to sum up, exploration is fun, progress is fun, challenge is fun, new content is fun and botting sucks. The game is not dying. It’s still in early access. 😎👍

  5. Btw i would like to highlight a potential bug. If another player attacks the mob or boss you’re fighting, this tends to reduce the chance of getting good drops. I think is this is kinda troll because whenever I fight a boss, sometimes a random player will auto the boss once then run away and the drop becomes shite. I’ve experienced this plenty of times. Soloing a boss without any intervention gives better drops in my experience. Hopefully, this can be fixed. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Seanos said:

    I'd like to toss my opinion in there since I am an old player that started recently playing again and has felt.. pretty useless.

    So far my experience is thus, I started the character going through the quests and each zone feeling like I was getting the full experience. The levels and new mobs excited me as I proceeded through adventure plains all the way to Zant and Junon. I was pretty devastated by muse/cleric buff changes as well, I can understand the desire to not have them become buff bots, but at the same time.. I rolled a muse to .. do just that. I find it fun to buff people, heal, and give bonfires.

    Here is what I have observed so far.. I didn't have any problems finding a party with random strangers who were just killing mobs, I struggled with money and still only have 50k zulie, unable to afford a car after the initial quest and killing 50 million clowns. (Joking, I am fine with this. It makes the reward sweeter.. except the whole no car thing so I can't use my new skill). Anyways, back to the initial thoughts/problems.. I pick up all the drops and slap most of it into storage and I am sure I could have made extra money selling my dirty items to shops, I wanted to hold onto it to use for crafting for later use. The only problem is, unless I roll a craft I can't use those materials. Personally, I always thought that a single class focused on crafting was probably just as dumb as most peoples opinions on buff bots. I don't have any ideas to fix that because dealers identities are centered around that kind of dogma. I would love for all classes to be able to craft and use materials and to rework the artisan class into something new and cool. No idea what, but I can't remember any other game where I had some basic materials on and went over to a crafting table and couldn't make new items. I understand the idea was to make it unique just like a tank can tank.. a healer can heal.. but crafting being held behind a class has always felt weird to me. Anyways, enough about that.

    I want to move on to the buffbot conversation because I have fond memories of that, yet I see the glaring problem with it. I personally loved buffing noobs like you mentioned above, but also see the problems of it being so strong that when the buffs wore off I felt terrible, too weak, too slow, too defenseless, no regen. Literally felt unplayable. I also noticed that... there are still buff bots and clerics following people around. I have seen so many people macroing/boting multiple heroes just spamming aoe and group heal abilities. I attached a picture of myself looking for a party and getting rejected because I had a wand. My role was useless. They already had an insanely high level cleric that can heal and provide buffs.. my character was completely not needed I felt unwelcome and all my time had been wasted. Also, what's with the whole group/party thing? Groups can provide buffs but don't share experience? Again, as a returning player the whole thing felt confusing to me. In every game I have always played they were one in the same. If you were to have multiple parties join it would be considered a raid, which in previous games I have played were usually indicated by a different color, or have the whole raid names be purple. (EQ2). Now I am left with the urge of quitting, I can't kill anything without taking 30mins because I wanted to be hard support, my heals/bonfires aren't needed because peoples high level clerics, and my buffs are weaker because they have higher stats on their max level clerics they can just group with. I have seen many people address this with different ideas.. personally the ones I liked were to allow buffs on randoms, but significantly decrease their effects with non partied individuals.. and if a cleric joins a group to buff, immediately remove them when leaving.. but this wouldnt really work since any level can join a group it seems. (None of the grouping was explained in the tutorial at all so I have no idea what it is compared to a party still), or to have the buffs be very short term, while this is a cool idea, it would get annoying I think if it was EVERY buff. The idea of the usual 15 minute buffs in addition to other buffs to make people really feel stronger again might work, or maybe as some have mentioned debuffs on mobs. Such as an aoe heal radius, and every mob in that radius reduces magic resistance or something. I am not sure what the right answer is, but just giving my first person experience so far. (Side note, restore/heal icons look really weird.. ESPECIALLY the heal/party heal.. it looks like a pair of weird AI toes and just gives me an off feeling.) but anyways, (Don't worry I am almost done) Again, I know the current developers love the game.. I can see it how they read everything and even how they write shows they clearly care and are tossing around ideas in the ol noodle. I am not sure giving each class their own buffs works either, the only other character I have is a soldier and my experience with it (Same path of questing) was that I had shoveled everything into passives or I was wayyy to weak. My attacks felt weak, my armor didn't feel great, and my skills also felt pretty weak even though every stat point was in STR. (Food also felt terrible considering its cost). Luckily sitting is OP for regen, but I don't like waiting forever.  I am not sure how to feel about it at the moment.

    Side note, my heals are all maxed and incredibly weak. Some people have 2-4k hp and my heals do like 150-200 maxed.. the heal over time is good but it doesn't heal on the initial cast which is super weird.

    Side note side note, have krawfys always been non aggro? I could have sworn you just needed to run around to get a bunch of them. Sorry about the long rant. I hope it doesn't come off as preachy.. but playing today just made me.. sad..

    Screenshot 2024-03-10 105542.png

    If they don’t invite you cus you have wand. Buy a staff and reset your skills to aoe. It’s about you adapting to their party and not them adapting to you. Muse heals are weak. I agree with that. But you can use your summons to tank for you and kite mobs. 

  7. On 12/3/2023 at 3:36 AM, Yamz said:

    The requirements on obtaining this item is way too grindy compared to getting the phoenix which is the same tier with them. Hopefully they make adjustments on obtaining this.

    Since forest ash can be obtained from SC why not make a game arena where the final boss is the astarot king which drops the required mats for FAW. The game revolves around being max level so having a Luna game arena dungeon at mid levels e.g. 130-160 will be good for the game. This will reduce grinding and monopoly of astarot feathers. Will likely be a popular dungeon. No more rushing to max level. Reduce the price of FAW. Another way of earning valor. I can’t think of a con for this.

    • Like 1
  8. Nobody is looting because it’s probably their other char and not their main. If someone doesn’t loot it’s likely that they’re already rich. New players tend to loot much more though there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Clerics are not buff slaves and having individual buffs for each class is a great improvement imo.

    I do agree that repeatable quests and levelling in a few spots kinda sucks and it may even feel like it’s not an open world game. However, the alternative is fighting mobs without quests which takes longer to level up. Or doing other quests i.e. valor, obtain a pet and clan point quests but these do not give a lot of experience unfortunately. I think more repeatable and daily quests should be introduced in all maps to diversify levelling spots. And increasing experience gained from other types of quests should be implemented.

    In low level areas, farming is quite dead. The usual farmers are likely high level chars killing kings for medallions or uniques. The game seems centred around end game for pvp and pvm/dungeons. Being low level does not seem as rewarding as being max level and the levelling phase feels like something most players want to get over with.

    Btw, this is my perspective of this version of rose online and opinion on some of your points. The game surely has evolved and I can’t say for certain whether this version is better than the old. This is the only version that I’ve gone far into the game and so far it’s been fun after months of playing. So far you’ve only played 2 weeks. I think there’s a lot of content you may have missed. My advice is to keep playing and see how you get along from start to finish. The game is still in early access and more updates will come. Anyways, good luck, have fun and see you in game.

  9. 7 minutes ago, HilariousFace said:

    Red dot is timed spawn, White dot is kill-to-trigger spawn, there might be more spawn, but I don't wanna bother too many annoying sikuku assassin around



    Thanks, much appreciated. 😎👍

  10. 1 hour ago, Arbell said:

    The game loop of Rose is about leveling a character to the main level and farming until one has their gear fully maxed out.
    It would be a strange user experience, if the game enforces users who worked months towards the goal of maxing out a character are not able to farm the materials they want with the said character. From a UX perspective it would be difficult to explain to a user, that they worked month towards maxing out a character, just to notice that they are not able to farm the items they want to farm and start all over again.
    Since certain valuable items can only be farmed by killing specific monsters, those monsters also need to drop items for maxed out players.

    Something to consider, item catagories that can be farmed in every level range, e.g. chems, catalysts, ..., should not drop for players outside of the level range of the monsters.
    E.g. It's ridiculous that maxed out players can farm chems in the goblin cave, while Armastyx are also dropping chems.

    I agree that farming Chems while being max level is ridiculous. All players should atleast put in some work to obtain good drops. That’s why I think the level difference for farming should be increased so a player will be able to solo a boss with a single char or atleast with a dual client both at the right levels. Because currently bosses are too overpowered and the game encourages players to rush to max level to get ahead due to active dungeons at high levels (ez valor for full pvm gears) and grey farming in all areas. In an ideal rose online world, a lower levelled player should also be able to farm a pvm/valor gear, farm in dungeons, farm mats at the right level efficiently and kill bosses.

  11. 12 minutes ago, HilariousFace said:

    I don't know, it was like that for many years, the system might have some time expire window probably to prevent people to pre-register hit reg to acquire drop ownership and then go afk.

    I got Gypsum Round from Turak King before, you need Raspite Round [3] to improve the odds to get gem drops.

    The Lv.178 Turak is the stage 1 spawn, Lv.179 King Turak is the stage 2 spawn, Lv.180 King Turak is the final form stage 3. And the Lv.190 one I'm not sure about that one. But the time spawned one is Lv.205, it is orange to my Lv.200 characters, which is the one you are killing.


    5 minutes to kill the boss is too long, so your drop is usually ruined.


    So it is what it is and just kill it quicker?. That doesn’t explain why drops are ruined if you take longer to kill lol. This just shows that being at the right level when farming sucks. 

    Can you tell me any other spots where king turak spawns? I only know one spot in shady jungle.

  12. 56 minutes ago, HilariousFace said:

    Legendary 0.48%

    Epic 1.21%

    Very Rare 80.00%

    Rare 3.16%

    Uncommon 14.63%

    Common 14.63%

    This is the drop chance for each tier for Lv.205 King Turak (assuming the database is still reliable), it is important to remember that you don't add these numbers together to get 114.11% and then wonder why am I not guaranteed a drop, it doesn't work like that, these tiers are independent.

    The probability to not get a single drop is P(no drop) = P(no legend) x P(no epic) x P(no veryrare) x P(no rare) x P(no Uncommon) x P(no Common) = 99.52% x 98.79% x 20% x 96.84% x 85.37% x 85.37% = 13.88%

    I fought the dumb King Turak over 30 times with my Lv.200, most of the time it does drop me some blue gear and rarely gems, but not like what you said 75% of the time no drop, are you taking a very long time to kill it or you took about 2-3 minutes to kill it? because if you take 10 minutes to kill it due to missing and dying, it tends to ruin the drop.

    Yes it does take me a while. Is there any reasonable explanation why taking it too long to kill ruins drop?. Gems havent dropped yet, some are blue but commonly no drops at all. According to rosefandom website king turak is level 180.


    update: I’ve killed 3 turaks in the past 3 hours and no drops. Took me around five minutes to kill. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Heatfist said:

    There’s probably a default 20-30% no drop chance. So if a king doesn’t have a common drop tier at all the no drop % would be higher due to the gap in drop tiers. 

    In theory if a king only had rare or higher drop tiers and the chance of rare within level range is 30-40%, very rare at 10-20%, epic at 5%, and legendary at 1-3%, there would be 60-70% for no drop.

    Turak needs fixing then.

  14. 42 minutes ago, HilariousFace said:

    Which Turak King are you referring to? The timed spawned dumbed one that never use any skill but auto attack? Or the kill to triggered spawned one that AOE stun non stop?

    The dumb one has 80% chance to drop blue gears, the kill to triggered spawned one is probably just for entertainment, it doesn't even have a drop odds on all drop tier according to rose fandom wiki.


    Never knew there was another turak. I only know the dumb one in shady jungle (west of the village). You’re right, they do drop blue ones and trash drops but most of the time it’s no drops which makes me wonder if 75% drop reduction applies to over 21 level difference below monster level.

    Btw this is my other forum account. 


  15. 10 hours ago, Ashura said:

    well clearly you didn't read my post with an intent of understanding and just took offense for what i said in response to yours, in any case those where examples i made regarding what you would normally get from monster drops and you just made my point by reiterating you farm for valor points to purchase cart mats when it use to drop in abundance in GoS from golems but yeah make your point regarding end game farming and not comprehending what the thread really is about actually. Regarding your disassembling its mainly RNG btw but yeah way to go i am glad that you find fulfillment in other ways and hope that that will never change.

    Reading it back now i think You are right this is a troll-ish reply with misinformation. 


    I didn’t really take offence. When you mentioned that hook wing pieces are in the valor shop, it made me question whether you even farm or had a look at the shop. Anyways, thanks for clarifying.

    I do agree with the thread that having the mats in the valor shop somewhat killed traditional farming. However, I think having those mats available are still good as not everyone has time to farm all day. Regarding cart mats being only available in valor shop, maybe reinstating them back in gorge of silence again in a form of treasure chests would be good. The chests should only be obtainable from repeatable quests for a certain levelling bracket for example level 70-100. This would prevent max level players farming them, have more players visiting the map and stop people moaning about valor shop. I know this is not the ideas section but this is like killing 3 birds with 1 stone. Boom! Problem solved *insert gorge of silence music* 


  16. 7 hours ago, Ashura said:

    I think you are missing the point of this whole topic, the problem is not about farming certain spots its about the lack of farming in general since the valor shop has all the materials you need so there is no reason to farm, also most of the items you want as drops do not drop from mobs anymore you can just do dungeons get Valor Points and then buy it in the shop.

    You dont have to hunt Orple or Eudy's for Eudy Feathers or you dont have to hunt hookwings for hook feathers to create wings just go to your trusty Valor Shop and you are good to go.

    The drop tables have to be revisited to make the game more enjoyable for many of the players who want to farm and feel that sense of thrill when you get those mats and you can finally craft the wings,armor,weapon or sub item that you desperately want.


    You have vague points while correcting another post. What do you mean by ‘the valor shop has all the materials you need so there is no reason to farm, also most of the items you want as drops do not drop from mobs anymore you can just do dungeons get Valor Points and then buy it in the shop.’  Chemicals can be farmed from mobs (not in the valor shop). Gems can be farmed from Kings and dgs (most of the gems are not in the valor shop). Hook feathers (NEVER IN THE VALOR SHOP LOL). Fibres, forest ash, dirties (not in the valor shop). All feathers, all hearts and all scales were removed from the valor shop a few patches ago which is a big improvement.

    As an artisan who actually crafts gems, weapons, armour and subitem, I rarely use valor shop for my matts (I.e. threads, furs, metals, leather, etc.) cus I either disassemble items or farm them as it’s most cost effective than using valor for these mats. I only buy from the valor shop for cart mats but I still have to ‘farm’ valor to get them. My point is that using the valor shop for mats is optional. I agree with @akosimaki that not all players have the whole day to farm mats. Therefore a mixture of dg and more farming spots would be nice. 

    I realised that I mentioned valor shop 9 times lol. The last reply just seemed troll-ish with the misinformation and without making a valid point.

    • Like 2
  17. 8 hours ago, Yoerikadoeri said:

    Hey, thanks for the tips!

    Will definitely look into the dual client! 
    I did notice the player shops in Junon seem super expensive, but that also is fine, I’m enjoying my time as a noob and saving up for npc vendor gear, I’ll get stronger as I go!


    Edit: Is there any guide on the dual clienting? 
    Do you just keep a muse close by, kill with your main, to level both at the same time? Or should I level a muse first and then use it to boost an alt?

    True, there are still super expensive items. I think it’s ok to window shop for now if you ever want to sell materials. You’ll eventually become richer and stronger 👍

    I don’t think there’s a guide. But it’s pretty much as you said keep muse close by. Main char first hits then muse heals and attacks. Level them at the same time. Solo levelling can be difficult if you don’t have a pt especially the higher level you go.

  18. You’re similar to most of the players that started playing this game again. I think you’ve joined at a good time as the game economy is becoming stable now as vended items are cheaper and vendors are still buying materials for a decent price. There are repeatable quests that give zullie which helps. I would recommend not refining items more than +10 at lower levels as you’ll likely out level those items fairly quickly, do quests as they give a lot of experience, dual client with a muse to save zullie from pots and find parties to level quicker. Enjoy and welcome to rose online.

    • Like 1
  19. 15 minutes ago, highwitness said:

    Nobody cares which other games you play in your spare time. We're talking about the game dying, and we're making suggestions on how to fix it. You're not making any solid arguments, your point is moot, and this isn't about your personal experience; It's about reality, and the reality is that the game is dying.  


    You are not really getting my point. The fact is the game is in early access and what people need to realise is rednim is fixing the game and still in development. Burning yourself out, being too negative and making it seem like it’s the end of the world while it’s not official is not really helping imo. I don’t see why this has to be argument 🤷‍♂️. It’s a discussion page not a debating soceity. And the game is not dying. Everyone just needs to be relax and be patient with the progress. 

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