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Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean (2/14)

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  1. only 15 atm just trying to get used to it again. but eventually we could catch up and play together anyway i play Hawker too
  2. thank you thats very helpful i didnt notice that newbie center i'll be sure to check it out. thanks so much for the warm welcome i've already joined the discord too, all very nice and friendly over there!
  3. that would be great my name ingame is "Saiper" incase your able to add me and im not on.
  4. Amazing thank you so much for the help and useful information i'll make sure you remember and follow it best i can thanks again!
  5. Thank you MeNewbie i appreciate the response i think i'll take your advice and go for the DW for now then reset for Katar near end game. Also do you know of any good leveling route ? is there some kinda map i can follow or something that kinda steer's me towards the right direction interms of leveling zones or is it just follow where the game guides you to?
  6. Hello I grew up playing this game and it randomly popped into my head decided to check it out to see if it's still a think, really glad it is i'm looking to play it again casually level and play majority solo (least for the start, i have no-one to play with anyway). Not super knowledgeable on the game, i just know theres alot of grinding involved, I'll be making a Hawker DW/Katar (not sure which yet, trying to look up which is better for solo play ). Was wondering if there are any new player guides to get started, things i'd ideally need to start doing early, mistakes to avoid etc and if possible a sort of level-route for zones and stuff. I cant remember how extensive the quests are in this game and how important they would be i just remember being a kid and just mindlessly grinding jelly beans and stuff , such good memories. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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