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Posts posted by MagicianTrent

  1. Same here, had no issues until the day I posted. So makes me wonder what is happening behind the scenes to make it trigger as a virus.


    And neither of my systems reported Themida as the cause, it reported Trojan:Acll as the issue.

    • Like 1
  2. First it happened on one of our laptops running AVG virus protection saying there was virus in the trose.exe file. Now it just happened on my gaming pc where Windows security says there is a virus in the trose.exe file.

    My question is what is all of a sudden in the trose.exe file to make them quarantine the trose.exe file?


    additional info i found:

    Typical behavior for Trojans like Trojan:Win32/Acll is one or more of the following:

    Download and install other malware.

    Use your computer for click fraud.

    Record your keystrokes and the sites you visit.

    Send information about your PC, including usernames and browsing history, to a remote malicious hacker.

    Give remote access to your PC.

    Advertising banners are injected with the web pages that you are visiting.

    Use your computer to mine cryptocurrencies.



    Screenshot 2024-04-16 192844.png

  3. The change they made is terrible. I've been in a couple parties and the only drops I can pickup are from the mobs I kill. If someone else gets first hit, does more damage or whatever you think the programming is supposed to be doing, I can't pickup the drop. And if someone else leaves their drops on the ground (not in your party or just someone who doesn't pickup drops) you used to be able to pick them up. Now you can't even do that.  This change should never have been done.

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah we wanted the game in a usable state that would be fun to play.  And yes it takes time to rework the game.

    Your early access for everyone should been more of a beta test for all (not just a few hand picked people) for month or so to see how things worked with a wipe at the end of it. Then apply changes/fixes/etc for an early access. Then you would of gotten a better feel of the game and how people would play it.

  5. I know I'm poor and will never be able to afford equipment, gems, etc.  I waited a while to start and decided to take my time leveling. But the knowledge for drops and leveling from NA doesn't even apply. Having to do repeat quests just to level up is making this way to much of a grind. Then when they nerfed the quest rewards and put level limits on it just made me play less.  The solution to fixing an out of control economy is ??   


  6. I don't want any P2W items in the mall either. And get it costs money to run a game an I'll leave it at that.

    Lets just compare to another game I currently play, ESO. I also pay for ESO+. The costumes I've looked at there range in price from $5 - $12. With most of them in the $5-$7 dollar range. Cosmetically for colors they range in price from $.50 - $2. Mask bundles (4 of them) cost like $5 - $7.

    I have no issue with spending money to support a product/server. I like lots of the costumes and other things to wear that were and hopefully show up in the item mall here. I spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on premium accounts and a lot of IM outfits, accessories and P2W items when it was NA. To me the prices they set here are high and above my comfort level. 

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, HoneyBuns said:

    Remember, this is Evo not iROSE.  Things are different here and always have been.  

    Basically the drop system takes into account the classification of the monsters (guard, fighter, ranger, etc) . There are some items that drop from every monster on the map.  Monsters with higher classifications have a chance to drop more uncommon materials/equipment in addition to the map drops. Kings have their own tier of possible drops in addition to the other tiers.  Some materials are planet drops (like Ice Shards on Luna).

    So when you kill a monster you have a chance to get several different drops instead of just one. It actually makes farming easier because you can get multiple drops from the same mobs while you are just leveling.  As someone who is working on a dealer-artisan, having those map drops is very useful.  Every material drop that is in the Valor Shop can also come from monsters.  It's a personal choice whether you want to spend valor points buying materials.

      I made a guide to help players who are unfamiliar with the changes in Evo.  Maybe instead of suggesting that we take things back to how they were almost 20 years ago, spend some time to understand how things are now.  I come from a long history of playing on iROSE servers and I can honestly say that I prefer Evo to the cookie-cutter approach the game had in iROSE. 

    The tiers for drops looks to be broken currently.  In NA you would get all kinds of loot and most of the time to get good loot you had to use the IM medals. Now there are no IM Medals and no zulie drops. What ever changes they made to the drop system aren't working. I lost count of how often I get no drops or just hp/mp. I considered buying the gems for drops but until I see some type of change to drop system its not worth it.


    I also agree that all Mats should drop in game and should be removed from the Valor shops.  Gravity wouldn't change it, maybe rednim wil?


    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Kid said:

    there should be rng in the game wouldn't be rose if there wasn't but make the chance % better and none of that degrading while failing when refining

    The reasoning of just because its there it needs to stay isn't a justification.  Specially if you want better % of chance and no degrades...

  9. 2 hours ago, SlothnessMonster said:

    I like the gamble on refining & crafting stats it makes it more rewarding however i agree with keeping the refine system using bindi/tali + powder & or lisent depending on the level of refine.

    I like ref9 but really as everyone has said the number is technically arbitrary and can be anything though I feel people will like to see the bigger jump in power that comes from the lower ref limit??? idk. As you have said these are parts of the system that where gradually made more p2w then the previous Irose versions and definably need looking at either way to bring them into accordance with a non p2w play style

    Loot drops I agree also need to be revamped especially Boss drops as said above over time I feel things where adjusted more and more to require p2w items

    Crafting like in Irose would be nice u had a "Base" Material so wings needed cloth the better the quality cloth u used the better chance at crafting both success rate & stats. but i believe they removed this to make all materials useful rather then just the high end ones?

    The Craft success is fine how it is as it is geared towards your characters level & con

    You spend weeks if not months gathering enough mats to craft a high level gem. When you go to craft a level 9 or 10 gem and it fails you are ok with it? Same goes for refining?    These things need changing.

    An definitely I'm not talking about Irose type of crafting. The mats should be specific for whatever you are making.

  10. 4 hours ago, Whoop said:

    I wouldn't want all materials within valor/honor shops. This would only push the game more towards only doing dungeons and get mats that way. 

    to add to Vexoi reply,  all mats are already in the valor/honor shops. WP moved them there when they did the honor/valor update, they removed a bunch of mats from the mobs. I'm asking to add them back to PvM

  11. 4 hours ago, Vexoi said:

    For drop rates, I think a simple guarantee to get at least one drop from mobs would be good enough (When we tested with a few testers the Moonbrother for like 30 minutes and then got no drop, we all agreed on that lol)

    For crafting, I think that the % should somewhat stay, because the success rates are also partly based on level. So it would be strange to have 100% chance of crafting something at level 10.


    I watched the stream where you did the boss. Boss drops under the tier system really became P2W. It will need to be changed.

    For crafting you add level requirements to the skills so a lvl 10 couldn't craft high level gear, make it scale. WP had already changed some of the dealer crafting so low levels couldn't get high lvl stats.

  12. Maybe some of these have been suggested. Not going through pages to look...............  Copied from discord


    couple of my thoughts for some of the game:
    -drops: they need to adjust all the %'s for each tier to undo the P2W aspect. Which then you can eliminate those gems for drops.  All mats should be in both the valor/honor shop and drop from mobs. The drops should correspond to whatever is needed for crafting gear for that range. And some overlap would be needed from map to map and world to world.

    -refine: get rid of the % of chance to level up the gear (just like Owls suggestion).  Max the top refine lvl to 9 and just up the %'s for each lvl of the refine. Leave the 4 slots for refine materials. As the level goes up you need a certain amount of a mat. Ex: lvl 10 gear need a bind, 10 irons and 5 pink powders. Refine lvl 9 need a bind, 30 irons, 25 low essence, 10 maple woods, 50 pink powders.. Something along those lines.

    -crafting: get rid of the % of chance. Make it similar to refining. You need specific amounts of mats to craft what gear you want. Then the only real chance is what stats (based on char Sen) you get  and the durability/accuracy (based on char Con) of the item when crafted.

    --getting rid of all the % of chance would basically eliminate the P2W stuff that WP had ingame.

    Hairy Infant — Today at 10:23 PM
    leave it RNG otherwise server economy will die out cause everyone will have max items and wont have to spend as much i get RNG sucks but its in the game for a reason and legit every other game out there (edited)

    MagicianTrent (Osiris) — Today at 10:29 PM
    The economy wouldn't be hurt. Cause now you need the mats that drop for refining and crafting.  You are also able to get them by doing quests/dungeons/pvp or from PvM.
    Players will have Max gear either way you go. Eliminating the % chance is better game play IMO.  Farming for mats over and over just to see it fail isn't good game play.
    [10:34 PM]
    And some of the lower level gears you could buy certain materials (like iron, maple wood) from an NPC. so it would be some type of zulie sink also (edited)
    [10:36 PM]
    You could also make each jobs gear use different mats for like the 2nd and/or 3rd slot

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