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About HShires

  • Birthday 09/03/1983

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Choropy (3/14)

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  1. Hello everyone! Ahead of tomorrow night's Alpha stream which I will be hosting (full details on Discord) I am interested in getting ideas for themed channel point redemptions that could be used during the live stream and on an ongoing basis to make the experience a lot more interactive and fun ... possibly at my expense too! A couple of ideas so far: 1) Commit suicide (I definitely wouldn't want this to happen!) 2) No weapon for five minutes 3) Drop all food consumables 4) Sit down and do nothing for 60 seconds I would be interested to hear what creative ideas you might have and I will look at getting as many of them into the stream as possible! Harry
  2. I loved my Cleric but ended up playing my Champion more in the end. Gotta love the solo PvE grind
  3. Definitely the Jelly Beans.. followed by the Jelly King
  4. HShires


    Hi guys! Just a quick hello! Like many others, I too used to play ROSE Online back in the day. I have especially fond memories of grinding the Goblin King for my battle cart and many hours at the Moon Child! I used to go by the name of Gater (or derivations of the name) and was also a moderator at the time along with the likes of KingArthur and CoffeeMuse. Someone may remember me! Looking forward to seeing you guys around! Some pics attached! Harry
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