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Everything posted by Fel

  1. Bro what was the point of writing this? I don’t even fully know that I got the point you were trying to make (if you even had a point, which is questionable). If you’re saying wars in this game are supposed to be boring and monotonous and grindy, then that is a terrible take. It’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun. The grindy part of an MMO is supposed to be getting to the end game. End game content is not supposed to be grindy and boring and brainless. It’s supposed to be the reward for the labor. Wars in this game are NOT supposed to be boring or mindless or grindy. They have been fun far longer than they have been boring. Wars can last a long time and still be fun. The negative part about the wars is not that they last long. It’s what you’re doing in that time that’s cancer. Whether a war lasts 10 hours or 10 minutes, if it’s fun and engaging it doesn’t matter.
  2. It’s not a bad idea for pvp game arenas, but Asur is right. The problem with pvp (really the only worthwhile content in rose because the pve is abysmal) is the actual combat mechanics and class designs. It’s not fun or engaging or stimulating or exciting or anything positive. It’s not even fast. It’s slow, monotonous, and boring.
  3. Don’t need to think that I’m smart. I objectively am. And this isn’t about me being smart. It’s about what’s good for the game in terms of PvP. I don’t just play raider. I play every class. If anyone is narrow minded, it’s you. Unable to see past your own situation in PvP. I don’t “think” anything. I WATCH dozens of games of AA that I’m in on all different classes. Every single one goes 1 of 2 ways. Either one team far out classes the other and spawn camps them until the game is over. Or both teams are equal enough to where they can both make it to the mid crystal. And once they do? The same thing happens every single time. 95% of players stacking on each other hiding in the crystal and the group so you can’t even target them efficiently (because the terrible game has terrible targeting mechanics). What’s going on in the middle? Clerics are spamming salamander flame and party heals brainlessly, no thought required. Knights are spamming target enemy, sacrifice, and taunt on cooldown, no thought required. Champs and bourgs are spamming aoe. The game is literally unplayable for anyone else. It doesn’t matter if that’s all they do or not, what matters is that the game has fostered this kind of pvp situation and even rewards it. It’s not just AA. Turak wars are the same. If you are ACTUALLY supporting this style of combat and pvp then you really are beyond reasoning. Really can’t be anything other than a lack of critical thinking ability.
  4. This is the take of someone who doesn’t understand what pvp is like on rose. First of all, not every single subclass of every class needs to be viable in pvp. If you want to stand in one place and click one button. Go play pvm “content”. This is a 20 year old game. There are virtually no skill-based mechanics that make it engaging for people to play. And now the way large wars are, there’s no real interaction with other players in pvp. You can be just as successful as 20 dudes sweating it out in discord comms by setting up a 1-5 button script and posting your knight, cleric, champ in one spot. Let’s face it, the game is too old and too basic (and frankly bad) to compete with the fun and engaging aspects that other games like Call of Duty, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft have. What ROSE DID have at one point was UNIQUE combat that was fairly exciting and fast paced. There was some skill expression to determine who successful PvP players were. Kiting with movement speed, timing your attack windows on people, and using stealth (if you’re a hawker) intelligently would allow you to win against multiple people who weren’t as good. Attack speed, crit, and movement speed made the game fun and different from other games. All the skill changes have done is made ROSE an infinitely worse version of other already established MMORPGs lol. On top of that, the pvp scene is basically a bot and afk cess pool now. But hey! As long as you can play your little knight and “protect your team mates” who cares about the quality of pvp!?
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