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Posts posted by Gloviano

  1. 20 hours ago, sandbox said:

    Hi friend you found the time for a bash script? I dont have a windows installation by the hand.



    Unfortunately, I'm unable to determine what type of compression algorithm is being used on the remote files. Unless a developer @lazypenguin is willing to chime in and point us in the right direction then we can make our own custom launcher.

    Or even better, some insight on what windows system call is being made to perform downloading of the remote manifest, because this is where it currently fails under Wine, as noted above. I've tried both wininet and winhttp libraries w/ urlmon and it fails, so I'm not too sure at the moment and don't have the time to debug it further.

  2. Unfortunately, it appears they're using WebView2 runtime in the launcher which from my experience does not play nice on Linux under Wine. Inside your WINE prefix you can install the Evergreen Standalone x64 Webview2 runtime from: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/

    This will allow the launcher to load (but will not display the web elements, this seems to always be the case with webview2 under Wine) but I'm currently running into the following error, likely caused by another missing dependency:

    ERROR [0m rose_updater: Download task failed or cancelled, error error sending request for url (https://updates.roseonlinegame.com/manifest.json): error trying to connect: OS Error -2146762482 (FormatMessageW() returned error 317) (os error -2146762482)

    I could write a bash script to manually download and extract the files listed in the remote manifest to update without the need of the launcher, but will have to find some time later this week.

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