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Posts posted by Majestic

  1. 10 minutes ago, Forestwithin said:

    Mate, you can still support other players as a cleric so i dont really see the problem at all, and i jsut love how people keep complaining without trying the class out. 

    how support if i have no buffs?? only 2 little ones and what u want me to be a healer bot spamming heal heal heal heal no thank you sir.....
    and im not going to chase after 4 other toons and beg them to buff me too pls
    hii hawker plss bufff hii dealer pls buff buff mee plss you think this is ok?? omg
    and all those people who open minded i guess never even care about cleric

  2. 1 hour ago, Forestwithin said:

    Yeah and i bet the ones complaining now saying they wont play still will be there at launch. 
    I dont get it, why do they even complain instead of just waiting for release to try everything out? 

    whyy cuz uts unacceptable thats why
    why hurt us why limit us why doing it to us casue you are the majority that thinks its ok and crying over about it for 10 years slave slave slave you ranting about it for long and there are people that think its totall fine and thats what how we play it as it should so why to mess up with the only thing we care about and had fun with is the cleric..... why why mess with it why close this door of our fun and script us of how to play cleric
    you dont care of cleric right so dont play it... choose ur other class i want to be a buffer healer support not a healer only bot excuse me!!!!

  3. people need to wake up and stop with this mantra stigma buff slave buff slave
    you dont want to play it dont play it why ruin this fun of support class to others??
    by removing its whole purpose of existence that he was created for since day 1
    you dont like it? just dont play it leave it to us to play it and have our own fun as we like
    dont break this class into pieces and fraction turning him into a puppet of your own liking
    it was great and unique as it was.... and you can alter his skills and play it otherwise or just make another toon another class other job
    dont ruin support class and leave him to be heal bot

  4. 7 minutes ago, Loerslang said:

    Seems like there is no possibility for a normal conversation unfortunately. Too bad.
    Can't wait until 13 december to make my characters (including cleric which i have played a lot) and dive into this wonderful game 😄 
    Maybe we'll meet in-game, or maybe not 🙂 
    Anyway, i wish you a good time till release day!

    i respect your comments but this is my comment too and it is normal to disagree.... there is nothing to add its a BIG NO for me and i disklike this change

  5. 12 minutes ago, Loerslang said:

    First of all, please read back my comments and search for the part where i called you a crybaby. Because i can't find it 🙂
    So please don't say i'm calling anyone anything. I am here to have a normal conversation about upcoming changes in a normal way! 
    The thing is, how can you be so 100% sure that it will be so bad that the entire game will be destroyed? The question that i get with that is; Have you already tried playing with the new changes? Have you already hit max level with the new changes and thus seen most of the game with the new changes? 
    If not, i think you can't be 100% sure that everything is destroyed am i right? First, things need to be tested and played. If it works out, it works out. If it doesn't work out, the changes can always be reverted. 
    Besides that, i want to mention again that changes will always be made to whichever game there is on this planet, and that in Rednim's case it is never the intention of the Dev's to hurt people. They work hard and try their very best to come up with solutions to make it as much as fun possible for everyone! 

    there was multiple suggestions sir about cleric ranting stigma "buff slave"
    why am i sure? cuz i played it over 10 years cause i know its core
    cause i fall in love with his mechanics and control when he was level 10 to max 250 and after that helping newbies giving them knowledge
    bringing more new players to the game and explaining them how it works
    and i dont need to play to level 250 with new changes to know its bad my friend... you are KILLING A CLASS CALLED SUPPORT thats what he is supposed to do
    to support heal buff bonefire and any player is welcome to take other path and choose other skills for him like battle cleric
    but bro you remove his entire soul and purpose of his job! taking stripping away all of his buffs and making by that progress slower cuz dam i need to find some hawker in town to buff me with some speed or whatever buff you need instead looking for 1 class to buff me i need to find 4
    and making them "buff slaves"
    you can read all other non mainstream comments and decide for yourself if there is sense in it or not

  6. 8 minutes ago, TheShredr said:

    I also ROSE for over 10 years and always hated the 'buff slave' aspect (or the building a seperate character for an AFK purpose only) of this game! So maybe there are more voices than just yours and of your followers. It is fine to share your opinion, as do I, but you are disqualifying every other opinion to be dumb or not valid.

    and u welcome to say whatever its in your heart
    but as i said before you dont need to hurt other people fun and expericne just to please you and your followers
    there was enough suggestions how to balance cleric and "solve" whats not need to be solved buff slave issue without removing his buff and purpose of been a support class
    and saying slave slave slave is ranting also..... so dont play the support cleric class choose other class bro put skill points on other skills
    why smacking cleric's name class as a support and purpose for the sake of getting rid of the buff slave stigma
    i love it and there is alot of other players that like it
    and with that u like forcing to create 4 classes buff slave
    what a blast

  7. 4 minutes ago, Loerslang said:

    Everyone is allowed to have an opinion! 
    I myself have also played Rose many many years! 
    The problem is that games change. That is something you can't turn around. In every game that was or will be released, there will be changes made that people don't like. There is no possible way to please everyone in a game. It is up to you to decide if you want to accept and try out the new changes and see where it goes, or you don't play the game at all because of 1 change. That is your free choice, but i think that continuing about this topic on this forum will also lead nowhere. The change is made. We can't all have everything we want. Better to go in the game with an open mind and just try it out! 😄 The change might even amaze you!

    i wish it was just one change
    but that change as you see affected all classes now so they are mid buffers making them buff slaves whats the point in that sir?
    so all the other commetns are nonsense and the majority with open mind are just and right?
    and we are the cry babies?
    we know what we love we know how nostalgia is important
    and you dont need to hurt one class to please those people and hurt other people
    there was lots of suggestion for cleric how to make it good without removing buffs from him

  8. 5 minutes ago, TheShredr said:

    It feels like you are ranting sir, I never stated you are a troll or some baby. Neither do I turn people who disagree with me into something weird. I don't really know where you get all those things from sir!?

    The Sad emoji is something Rednim themselves provide on the forum to show you don't agree with someone, so not really disrespectful.

    That's fine and if the majority agree with you and after people tried the changes come to the conclusion this was a bad choice and the solution would be to revert the changes, I'm fine with that. (do far the vote doesn't look like to agree with you)

    if you played like me for over 10 years the one class you really liked and get that change to your face you probably rant too
    or it will interpreted as a rant and thats why im saying that i guess the majority dont see the mess it will cause
    and the few that voted yes can actually see how bad its going to get and doesn't need "a try" to prove themselves corrected sir

  9. 4 minutes ago, Loerslang said:

    I agree 100% with what Amino said! First we need to try it out. We don't know if it will be that 'bad' until we try it out. Plus, i also think that when a game never ever changes its mechanics, and never tries something new, it will always lead to a dead road for the game.. I can't wait to see the new changes live in-game and see what Rose will become 😄 It's a bright future!

    sure and you welcome to try and experice this for yourself sir
    i played long long years since 2003-2005 till end of NA to know enough that i will not like it
    cleric was my main char and i loved everything in it
    and no need to destroy one class for the sake of players that dont like "buff slave"
    by that you forcing 5 classes to be buff slaves what do you think will happen ?
    players will create double of every char or keep doing reskill and max charm making more buff slaves of each class such a wonder right?
    super unfair for players like me

  10. 3 minutes ago, TheShredr said:

    So you imply everyone support your side are 'legit common sense people with brain', and the rest don't? @HoneyBuns This guy is quite disrespectful still.

    you put sad emoji on my comment and call me disrespect ?
    when someone doesn't follow your op you turn him into something weird and like i need to live with it
    when this game was a big part of my life for long long years and i like it and i give honest comments and i do have lots of experience to know its going to be a mess here
    and when you dont agree you turn me into a troll or some baby.... i dont agree with you bro and thats my truly honest op and i will not accept it

  11. Just now, Critpeak said:

    @Majestic When you quote me, at least you should say that you've quoted me, considering how many times you did that.

    As for the cleric - I personally won't bother to download unless cleric is an actual cleric, what it used to be. Definitely won't bother chasing people around for party or "slaving" 8 characters and playing 8 clients  so I could just play rose.

    you are right sorry for that friend
    i just wanted to collect all legit common sense people with brain that understand the disaster its going to be
    so my apologies sir

    • Sad 1
  12. 3 hours ago, ShockRifted said:

    Why can't this version of ROSE be special?  Change the Cleric class, change the Dealer class while we're at it.  This game needs a major revamp and I'm very excited for the changes.  Whats the downside of not needing a buff slave?

    this game was lack content on the end game sir not needed class revamp
    everyone was had a role to play
    champ knight
    dealer artian bourg
    each class was unique on its own and it had the beauty of it
    u dont have to play buffer if u dont wanted to
    and i liked every way of cleric buffer
    gravity and warpportal didn't care less for the game content
    this was the major flaw NOT THE CLASSES
    watch other comments on this change stop this madness

    "It was awesome being able to stack up your friends to help with leveling progression. But without their buffing tools they become a heal bot. /:

    I understand the switch to making them more active party members, but that changes their function into basically a second mage which I think is redundant  Its kind of deterring me from playing the game when it releases again."

    "Ive read a few points on this, and id be sad to see the clerics identity completely changed, making the cleric basically mage 2.0."

    "And now it's return have been announced, only for me to be disappointed by such an extreme change in classes, which doesn't feel like rose anymore.

    Cleric is a support class, and should remain as such."

    more and more comments like that from people that actually know something and loved the cleric!!
    cleric is not a mage and this change going to kill his identity

    "If you remove that from the game - there will be a significant portion of players who either won't be able to enjoy that part of the game, or won't be able to contribute for that part of the game.

    If this is going to be a long term project, changing parts of the game which have been like this for almost 20 years is not the solution - everyone who knows and have played this game at some point is used to classes as they are.

    If you want to add something new - either add a completely new job/classes or add 3rd job which each class will be able to choose for themselves.

    Another thing which will keep hardcore rose players is possibility to finally see what rose was meant to be, what the name stands for - rush on seven episodes. Slowly expanding rose world to all of it's planets, remodeling and expanding useless old features like castle gears per say. Enabling factions to have greater impact.

    There are plenty of paths which the game have left unexplored and untouched. 

    Dividing the perks which single class has amongst the rest - will simply kill that class as a choose-to-play."

    how can you find sense in that change? you want to attack choose the mage u want to support choose the cleric
    now there is NO CHOICE nor freedom to enjoy

    • Like 3
  13. 6 hours ago, Ashura said:

    The devs are trying to promote socializing ingame and not make this iteration of Rose another carbon copy dead pServer. They listened to what the issues were when it closed and made (still making) changes to combat and improve the game. 

    They have said it countless times that if the changes aren't well received by the community them they will revert the ones deemed not favorable. The alpha testers are currently giving feedback on the changes so for now that will be the lone voice until the community participates, until then current changes will remain. 

    They want everyone to experience the changes first before making a final decision. 

    bro official its official and should never change like a pserver
    and  thats total BS to say they want socializing.... when i was a buff slave i was always Socializing how bout that bro??
    i was always looking for someone to help and talk i was always welcomed to a party
    and even if someone had a cleric in party he would take his cleric out and invite my cleric
    no one was selfish everyone was nice! and we always making new friends CLASSES HAE NOTHING TO DO TO THE GAME ISSUE!
    its not a pserver for it to change so much from the original and bend the crap out of the game
    there was a uniqueness and beauty as it was.... refine is needed yes improvements adding content fixing issues bugs
    but not changing the whole secnery sir... and whole meta by remove the most important buffs and make him so useless and now in pursue after all classes just for been buff
    its out of the question

    just look at other people mind and commenting on this!

    "It was awesome being able to stack up your friends to help with leveling progression. But without their buffing tools they become a heal bot. /:

    I understand the switch to making them more active party members, but that changes their function into basically a second mage which I think is redundant  Its kind of deterring me from playing the game when it releases again. "

    "Ive read a few points on this, and id be sad to see the clerics identity completely changed, making the cleric basically mage 2.0."

    "And now it's return have been announced, only for me to be disappointed by such an extreme change in classes, which doesn't feel like rose anymore.

    Cleric is a support class, and should remain as such. "

    "If you remove that from the game - there will be a significant portion of players who either won't be able to enjoy that part of the game, or won't be able to contribute for that part of the game.

    If this is going to be a long term project, changing parts of the game which have been like this for almost 20 years is not the solution - everyone who knows and have played this game at some point is used to classes as they are.

    If you want to add something new - either add a completely new job/classes or add 3rd job which each class will be able to choose for themselves.

    Another thing which will keep hardcore rose players is possibility to finally see what rose was meant to be, what the name stands for - rush on seven episodes. Slowly expanding rose world to all of it's planets, remodeling and expanding useless old features like castle gears per say. Enabling factions to have greater impact. 

    There are plenty of paths which the game have left unexplored and untouched. 

    Dividing the perks which single class has amongst the rest - will simply kill that class as a choose-to-play."

    more and more comments like that from people that actually know something and loved the cleric!!
    cleric is not a mage and this change going to kill his identity

    need more honest comments?

  14. 10 minutes ago, Lapar said:

    How does that make any sense, how it was (multiple++ clients, buff cleric) you couldn't farm regardless because literally 1 person was dominating a certain spot. While putting the littlest effort in. If your buff cleric wasn't as good as the one dominating that spot you were out of luck. Because hey all you needed was to bulkclient bourgs and idle your cleric and nothing could be done about that. Now with the changes, at least people have a relatively better chance to compete at farm spots. 

    and who will buff that farmer that will try to farm?
    he buff himself with what ? with 3/4 buffs? or even less
    its not efficient
    i know what you say but now only 2 client is allowed so the thing u say that they use 4-5 client with bourg and cleric wont happen cuz its not allowed
    but cleric can still maintain his buffs without hurting his JOB to buff and heal

  15. 10 minutes ago, Ashura said:

    Why don't we just shuffle the buffs around for all classes. 


    Give AP buff to dealer, ASPD buffs to muse, Crits to soldier, E-DMG to hawkers. 

    That way all classes have something the other needs and makes partying more balanced. 

    if you could multi client more then 2 then fine
    but its only 2 this system fails cuz ur constantly in pursue on the other classes to get your buffs instead of searching and bringing one class that buffs and heals you
    that is what support is all about and thats cleric's main job
    ofc people can him other path to fight and not be a support and invest the skills points in attack skills
    but dont destroy cleric and all nostalgia its not fair to the players that do enjoy the "buff slave" like me

    • Thanks 1
  16. 29 minutes ago, Lapar said:

    Honestly pretty tired seeing this everywhere, but I think it's fair yall give the new changes a shot before burning it to the ground without even trying it. Back in the day, yes cleric were primarily used for buffs, but you've seen with your own eyes where ROSE ended. These new changes are here for a reason and honestly, the new distributed buffs idea is a very thoughtout idea and I'm excited to try it. You can still get your nostalgia shot one way or the other with ROSE coming back. If that's not enough I advice you to search for your old HDD and look at your old pictures for nostalgia. 

    good luck trying to farm with that divided buffs my friend..... add to that ur alloed only 2 clients per pc
    so how a farmer can farm when there is another farmer around him lookig for the same mats item whatsoever and he cant buff himself fully like before with one class
    how you can fight with half of buffs, only decent buffs are in hawker class
    and now needs to beg and search one just for movement speed or attack speed
    bro its nonsense to divide buffs instead of collecting them into one class like always
    thats my OP there is other ways to deal with the issue without destroying cleric

  17. 9 minutes ago, OwlchemistVile said:


    what a clown.... keep doing that
    i will say it again no one asks you where did u see me refer to you specific question?
    it wasn't even a question it was a say i hope devs will reconsider and bring back buffs to cleric where it belongs
    stop trying to start a fight here

  18. 2 minutes ago, HoneyBuns said:

    I'd like to remind everyone about the forum rules.  Treat each other with respect.  Name calling is inappropriate and may result in a ban if it continues. 

    ahh welll and his gif was appropriate ?
    to make funnn of me and my will of revert this change
    and noo i didn't ask him!! it wasn't a question!! specially not to him to reply he is not staff !!! so why is he coming after me with this ridiclous comment

  19. Should the devs Revert the Buff Change?
    i think yes... this is the whole purpose of been cleric and the essence of it
    he was born and created to heal buff support

    Quote of @Critpeak
    "If you remove that from the game - there will be a significant portion of players who either won't be able to enjoy that part of the game, or won't be able to contribute for that part of the game. If this is going to be a long term project, changing parts of the game which have been like this for almost 20 years is not the solution - everyone who knows and have played this game at some point is used to classes as they are. If you want to add something new - either add a completely new job/classes or add 3rd job which each class will be able to choose for themselves. Another thing which will keep hardcore rose players is possibility to finally see what rose was meant to be, what the name stands for - rush on seven episodes. Slowly expanding rose world to all of it's planets, remodeling and expanding useless old features like castle gears per say. Enabling factions to have greater impact. There are plenty of paths which the game have left unexplored and untouched. Dividing the perks which single class has amongst the rest - will simply kill that class as a choose-to-play."

  20. i hope devs will revert all this nonsense of buffs divide to all classes and bring back cleric to glory again
    this was my total fun from 0 to 250 to support and after 250 just to wonder and help other newbies and buff them speed them give them konwledge

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