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Posts posted by Lapar

  1. Add a cooldown, sure I'm in favor of it - a couple hours will be more than enough. But please no. Do not add a zullie requirement to it, at least not for early game. You see, we are already at an early state of the game where a lot of the things get nerfed in response to late game shenanigans - that (in)directly hurt the newbies, like me. I have barely time to play so I do not have massive amounts of cash, the occasions I do have time to play the server happens to be in maintenance quite often (not anyones fault though, just amplifying my situation!). When I do login however I am so happy with the feature that I can freely respec to a new build whenever I want to. As a hawker main (lvl 83), the fact that I can consider if I want to play dual swords or katar today is extremely pleasant. Binding a requirement cost to it hurts my pocket a lot and directly affects whether I should save up for a new armor piece or a skill/stat reset.


    If anything - IF we are going down the road binding requirements to skill/stat resets, my suggestion would be to bind certain requirements to the level of your character, for example;

    • lv 0-50 | FREE resets anytime
      You're too new to have any solid cash income and experimenting with what you would want to become should be encouraged
    • lv 51-80 | FREE resets every 30 minutes
      You have a better understanding of your class and start to learn how  to make a bit of zulie, still experimenting but not as heavy
    • lv 81-100 | 50k per reset every 1 hour
      At this point you should've made a bit of zulie doing repeatable quests. Fully understand your base class.
    • lv 101-120 | 100k per reset every 1 hour 
      At this point you get 2nd job so build-experimenting is important, you also made quite some zulie or know how to make zulie outside quest rewards
    • lv 121-150 | 200k per reset every 2 hours
      At this point you should have an understanding of your build and direction you're going with, you are viable enough to farm monsters for cash income
    • lv 151-179 | 300k per reset every 4 hours
      At this point you're viable with your build, can farm whatever you want to so requirements are more strict
    • lv 180-240 | 500k per reset every 8 hours
      Repeatable bone quest gives plenty of income, huge diversity of farmable monsters, build should be stable and viable for most of the content
    • lv 240+ | 800k per reset every 1 hour
      (Take this with a grain of salt, I can only imagine what end-game is) At this point main focus becomes PvP or end-game dungeons, for that you'd want dynamic builds so the TIME requirements gets lowered but you have solid understanding of zulie income so the zulie requirement should be high as a tradeoff.

    In fact, take anything beyond lvl 150 with a grain of salt. This is just for idea purposes IF the team decides to bind requirements to resets.

  2. 2 Weeks in still having a blast! Regardless of the hiccups the ROSE team faced they are doing an absolute beast of a job tackling every obstacle immediately! 

    I have seen a very solid suggestion by Sneaux that could provide the team with a fair income regarding slot expansions for characters and storage. I am in favor of that suggestion. Sneaux Suggestion

    I do, however, still feel strongly towards increasing the base amount of character slots to 5 so it matches the amount of name reservations one was able to purchase in a single bundle (+ 5 available seats at character screen). 


    TLDR: bump

  3. Fair point, especially since they are encouraging players to solo client, at most dual client. However, I think for their future plans they will want to implement the Premium Account system where they highly likely will provide more character spaces. But before that I'd like them to reconsider to increase the base amount to 5 characters since there are 5 seats at the character selection screen and since they allowed us to reserve at most 5 names in a single bundle.

  4. 3 hours ago, Zeror said:

    They have mentioned that the character limit is lower during Early Access. Maybe it increases later.

    I see, I guess I missed that! If they stick to what they've said that at early access the character limit is lower, then I suppose that is good news for later?

  5. Hi Team,

    First and foremost, already having a ton of fun regardless of the small issues we are facing, it's expected!
    One thing though, since you were able to reserve at most 5 characters during a single name-reservation bundle, I had expected that the base amount of character slots was also 5. Unfortunately at creation I couldn't create characters with the 5 names I reserved, since the limit is 4. Maybe consider to increase the base character limit to 5 since it matches with what was offered at name reservation?

    • Like 3
  6. Early access is planned for December 13th, exactly one week from now meaning the ROSE team has little time before we get our dirty little gamer hands on the game again. I wish the team best of luck during this last week and can't wait to try out all the new features and hard work you've put into this! 


    Thanks again for reviving this gem of a game and for bringing the little dead spot in my heart back to life, that I've had ever since ROSE closed! 



    • Like 14
    • Thanks 2
  7. I'm gonna refrain from commenting any further on this topic because it leads to nowhere. I'd rather see the results and changes in person and would advice you to do the same - then to reject a change that hasn't had it's full chance to shine yet. On launch day we can see if the changes were for the better or not, and if not we can always go back to the drawing boards and make suggestions. In all honesty it's sad to see every social media be plagued by a discussion that divides the community, I think it's too early to have bad apples dominating the community especially if ROSE somehow attracts new players. Remember the changes the team make are not to deliberately kill one class off and to favor another, but to work on the longevity of the game if we want to be able to be playing this game years from now. But - time will only tell if we at least give changes a chance. I think, instead, we should cheer the ROSE team on with the little time they have left for early access then to turn every conversation into a cleric thing.

    • Like 7
  8. 1 hour ago, Majestic said:

    good luck trying to farm with that divided buffs my friend..... add to that ur alloed only 2 clients per pc
    so how a farmer can farm when there is another farmer around him lookig for the same mats item whatsoever and he cant buff himself fully like before with one class
    how you can fight with half of buffs, only decent buffs are in hawker class
    and now needs to beg and search one just for movement speed or attack speed
    bro its nonsense to divide buffs instead of collecting them into one class like always
    thats my OP there is other ways to deal with the issue without destroying cleric

    How does that make any sense, how it was (multiple++ clients, buff cleric) you couldn't farm regardless because literally 1 person was dominating a certain spot. While putting the littlest effort in. If your buff cleric wasn't as good as the one dominating that spot you were out of luck. Because hey all you needed was to bulkclient bourgs and idle your cleric and nothing could be done about that. Now with the changes, at least people have a relatively better chance to compete at farm spots. 

  9. Honestly pretty tired seeing this everywhere, but I think it's fair yall give the new changes a shot before burning it to the ground without even trying it. Back in the day, yes cleric were primarily used for buffs, but you've seen with your own eyes where ROSE ended. These new changes are here for a reason and honestly, the new distributed buffs idea is a very thoughtout idea and I'm excited to try it. You can still get your nostalgia shot one way or the other with ROSE coming back. If that's not enough I advice you to search for your old HDD and look at your old pictures for nostalgia. 

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