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Everything posted by Basterd

  1. The problem is not the grinding part; the game should involve interaction with the game itself. If I have to wait for everything, I'd rather play something else. Rose is not a big game yet because of its relevance right now. I've been playing since 2010 and have consistently witnessed the demise of the system over and over again due to the same issue with waiting. Therefore, with this new launch, I hope there is an understanding that WAITING IS NOT PLAYING.
  2. More than just farming, when you finally find a good drop, you have to sell it and wait until your product is sold! What's even more frustrating is that after you've sold it and want to try it in the Akram arena, you have to wait again! for people to join, and many times it can take hours! ._.
  3. Killing the king in a sequence or placing each character for the spot of the wandering spawn, and waiting for hours to finally get some drops after a huge competition for the first hit with other players, makes a lot of people quit this game. This issue is significant since the biggest time spent by the user who farms is the "waiting" part, not the playing part. There are already several ideas, such as random spawn, random timer, killing the monster first and then the king spawning, etc. However, at the end of the day, people will always find a way to make the competition more crowded. I mean, Rose is not a big game yet; it's still in early access right now. But we can already see how the waiting part makes the game super boring. There are several ideas that can be implemented to remove the waiting part: Kings and wanderers should spawn in the endless dungeon. "Endless" means it should be infinite, and therefore, the monsters can become higher and higher with zero experience gained from killing each. Each layer should have a different boss or wandering creature until the depths are unknown. This idea will push players to have different gears and equipment for each layer and build a stronger character. Whatever it is, it's better than waiting. Best regards, Basterd
  4. I found this Brizo NPC quest in the Ancient Oasis Shrine, where I was supposed to bring some items in exchange for Grace Wings. However, after I brought the items, I was forced to say that I suddenly changed my mind and therefore cannot proceed with the quest. I guess there is some mistake in the game or the quest is not updated yet. But at least remove the quest completely so I do not waste my zulie and time buying stuff to do this quest ._.
  5. Just wondering if there is any place where the updated drop list for all monsters can be viewed. It would be more enjoyable to hunt for materials or items with a specific target in mind, rather than relying on random chance. If anyone knows where I can find this list, it would be greatly appreciated, especially for drops from the kings. Thank you very much!
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