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Posts posted by xUndead

  1. Im a new player (~1,5 months). i can't really comment from experience about endgame in Rose. i never got to endgame in other versions and dislike playing luna, which is mostly the reason i quit in the past.

    so i will comment on my time so far

    starting new

    Not being able to get buffs (or give) is a real bummer (yes group i know, its cumbersome). this results in meeting higher level players being useless. you might get lucky and have a unique dropped or a pile of zuli. but most just run by because they can't help in a meaningfull way. unless you are at a popular leveling spot.

    leveling speed/getting max level:

    i like, for the most part, the speed to get higher levels. just not the few fixed spots and somewhat required parties to get there. but on the other hand if it is more spread out i doubt you get a party going at all. And as a consequence of leveling fast, any gear you find is so short lived that it is not worth putting resources in. this also means there is no market to speak of untill you reach a certain level.

    i don't remember where, but i read a suggestion about making dungeons available for more level ranges. that would have been a cool change of pace instead of grinding out repeat quests.

    lvl 250 / endgame

    so now the RNG and valor grind begins 🙂 im enjoying my time because i feel like with every new find im getting stronger. i recieve help from the clan im in, and is active enough to engage with on a daily basis. so as long as both of these are still true, i will probably enjoy my time playing this game.


    dungeons are hard to get enough people together for. most of the time its pretty rough going even if you get in (not the right classes present). then when you try the daily DG quests and can't complete them because you run out of GA and/or time, that is pretty frustrating. with unlimited GA this situation was a lot better, but also means drops get more common in the market. not sure if thats good or bad

    all of that said

    to actually reply a bit and stay on topic.

    reaching endgame, maxing everything out. what to do next? i can understand the question. ofcourse the game is in early access. more planets, gear, levels, skills, 3rd job would be very welcome. but those are still long(er) term goals.

    im unsure what is possible short-term, my thoughts or ideas i've read:

    - something to look forward to. maybe a roadmap so there is a bit of hype to prepare and get more active players. (it might also backfire and ppl don't login until then)

    - damage statistics in a group/party would be cool to see. this would create some competition

    - the above flows neatly in a sort of ranking system (dmg output/ amount of dmg recieved/ achievements/ time challenges/ other?)

    - maybe some kind of world notification system about a world boss someone killed (when or if there are wold bosses)

    - some random boss spawn that you must race to get (but what drop would excite endgame players?, a 100% upgrade scroll or something)

    - maybe a clan hide-out / dungeon you can build up.

    - a clan vending shop

    - other games have a hardcore gameplay option. maybe a modified rose version of this could be interesting.

    - games like poe or d4 have seasons. i don't know what a rose version of this would be like if at all possible. but that would be a cool way to try out new things and keep interests going





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