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Posts posted by Neverlander

  1. On 1/19/2023 at 6:03 PM, Rootstock said:

    Agree mostly with OP, but it’s not only about drops. The game is currently set up so that it’s really only viable to play in a couple of zones to begin with.

    Don’t want to level up at Fighter Clowns? Too bad, any other option will take 5x longer. Same with Doongas. All other maps are empty.

    Don’t want to be broke by level 100? Better join the Krawfy craze.

    And then Yetis, Pingus, Pollen… It’s all just a repeatable grind and you’ll spend half of the time returning quests. It grows tiresome quite fast. I was finally looking forward to the low level dungeons, but apparently their difficulty is scaled weirdly and they seem impossible (at least 120–150 CoU).

    Now everyone just grind at the same mobs (and literally grind: it’s so mindless that 25% of party members seem to bot their way through) — no skill or good gear even needed until 160. And the places people grind at are so overcrowded they become toxic (ksing, autoattackers, bots, just general hostility) because everyone wants that same spot. Try to go elsewhere and it’s all empty.

    Valor points are definitely op too. Lately I have max level people ksing me in Xita presumably for valor? And buying materials with valor is a bit silly too — plus all the OP valor gear IMO takes away from the good feel of dropping good loot or making good crafts.

    /rant (I just feel there is a lot of lost potential right now, and the game too much of a grind!)


    Majority of crowded power lvl spots are because people are lazy and want to walk in and just get invited to a lvl 20 pt with good heals, good lures and good aoe. People don't like going through the process of being the one who creates the pt, I've seen people who don't even know how to properly set up and power lvl pt, let alone know what a group is.

    43 minutes ago, GodOfEntity said:

    Aside from Fighter clowns being a good option for lvl'ing (there are better options) This is a pretty good point. But, allow a different perspective if I may. 

     I think, leveling is something can either be, time taken to do, just enjoying exploring, and killing all the different mobs, OR power lvl'ing. And of course, power lvl'ing is going to feel like a grind. 
    -if you expect to level fast, the other option is going to feel slow. But, it's supposed to be.  I think so anyways. 

    I've been power lvl'ing because I generally want a toon at max level. - But, I do intend on doing the slow, enjoyment leveling as well. Just because I think that's a part of the game I'm missing out on. You're not particularly supposed to be power leveling as fast as what is currently possible imo. But, we're lucky that it's an option. 

    Maybe I'm not correct, but to my understanding, this is a shared opinion. 

    I agree with this to the extent that power lvling IS indeed an option, you can progress through quests and following the MQ, doing some repeatable from time to time and generally just enjoy the experience as you like, people who say this is not option in the game just say so because they feel they need to get to max lvl ASAP, and reality is, most people, me included, if they'd reach max lvl, they wouldn't know what to do next.

    Enjoy the game, if you like power lvling, then so be it.
    If you like questing and exploring, then so be it.

    This is not a MOBA that you have to play what's meta or something, this is Rose Online, some classes are better for something than others, everyone has their function, and don't forget this is an EA, so of course, possibly, many things will change in the future.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Zeror said:

    You know what would make guns great? The running animation of your character holding the gun. Why tf is your character running with two hands holding the gun? It looks weird and no one runs with a gun that way.

    While I think it would be relatively easy for them to do so, but you are asking for an animation change, something I don't think they will do.

  3. 15 hours ago, Avatar said:

    As a result of the login server being on a restarting loop periodically, clan and friends list system are effected. 

    What has helped most people is to leave the clan immediately upon entering the world. I believe it’s a 10-15 min opportunity window to get this accomplished. 

    Any updates on this problem? I know you guys are working on this, just asking to know if there has been any progress towards a solution.

  4. 22 hours ago, JavIT said:

    Perdon por no responder antes siempre jugamos pero como el juego tiene bug no se ve a los miembros online yo al menos estoy presente todos los dias.

    Aun estan aceptando gente? Soy lvl bajo.

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