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Posts posted by Molecular

  1. 4 hours ago, redinis said:

    I never stated that point, that is just false. Never said anything about pay-to-win either.  My opinion is the same as yours on the storage. They even had storage expansion in the old item-mall. 

    Sorry. I think I expressed myself improperly. What I meant to say it that. The only thing you spoke about was cosmetics and the benefit to the development team with the additional funding. I "disagree" in the fact that only cosmetics was mentioned when reasonably priced and just additional storage/inventory expansions be added as well. Sorry for the miscommunication I did not mean to imply that you tried to mislead, nor did i maliciously try to misrepresent you're post. ❤️

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  2. I believe there was a mention of a UI overhaul in another post so this might be a bit of a redundant suggestion, but here I go anyways.

    The way buffs display are quite archaic. 
         1. Really small Icons
         2. Duration only displayed while mouse over
         3. The text box sometimes is slightly underlayer from the hardware cursor making it hard to read sometimes.

    I don't think I need to make a pros vs. cons on this because its simply an update that helps visual information for players. I suppose that you could make the argument that higher level or veteran players wouldn't need to read the tooltips because they already know what specific buffs do, and wouldn't need a duration timer since they would just rebuff more often than not, but this a visual aid that is now apart of all modern MMOs I can think of.

    To continue this. Unless I'm simply unaware of the UI settings for the game. I don't see a location for tracking personal/target debuffs. This i would argue is quite important for PvE, and even more so for PvP.

  3. I agree with everything you said. The only thing I would disagree on the post with is the item shop stuff. I think the only reasonable "P2W" purchase that "could" be in the item shop is storage/inventory extension.

    Having a reasonably priced method of expanding inventory/storage size for hoarders or just for the sake of not having to reset inventories so often is probably not that game breaking of a concept. This would also help open the market to people who would not buy cosmetic items. Giving them an avenue to help server funding with something that has actual utility.


  4. I don't recall a taunt ever only being 1 second long in any games I've played. So if that's the case for Rose Online that's probably not good for the game. Sure if there was a threat list where "taunt" would add 10% to the top threat list it could be only one second long, but I'm not even sure the exact mechanical functionality of taunt on this game.

    The AoE taunt should also have its ranged tuned with other melee DPS' AoE abilities. For example if most melee DPS AoE's ability have a range of 8, then taunt should be 12. *These are just example values* .

    I think fighting to hold threat on single encounter boss fights is kind of nice so that the tank must have high up time in control to "control" the boss, but it seems a bit lack luster from what has been said here so far.

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