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Posts posted by Paini

  1. I would love a Guildstorage for Mats too 💞

    I'm the Guild Artisan with my 2. Account and it's rly stressful after lvling getting all the Mat's from 5 Chars to my Artisan 🤣

    So they can store it ALL in Guildstore and i can just Pick it out of the store 👌🏻

    But there should be a rank restriction for taking things in and out for not beeing scammed by new Guildmates.

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, Avatar said:

    Other advantages:

    People are less inclined to overprice their items 

    Though, I wouldn’t want the implementation to be forced on everyone. People do like walking around from each vending to vending player. So maybe keep that aspect part of the game so we can please 2 different player stances on the matter. 

    True, the vedding skill didn't have to be removed so the players can choose what they want.

  3. Just an idea since there is no offline vedding (i know u think about this) what about an auction house?

    Like in WoW or other Games. 


    -no search for items at the Veddingspots (there should be a search button in the auction house)

    -lower stress for the server because of the missing vedding chars

    -lower electricity price for every Player 

    -vedding all the time


    You have to script/program it 😅


    Is it possible?

  4. Hm maybe with the Two Factor Authentication?

    Sure u can have more phones but i guess no one would use 6 smart phones only for multi Account a Dungeon 🙈

    If more than one IP will join a Dungeon u have to put a Authentication Code in any Account or smth like that.

    Don't know if its possible to script it in game

  5. Hello, 

    i play Rose with my family means: wife, mother, brother, father.

    We tried to go into a Dungeon and it always says "multiple chars". Yes because me and my wife live together and my Parents live together too.

    So we can't join the Dungeons via Tool coz we only play one char but some share the same IP...

    I understand its because of multi Accounts and abuse but is there no other way?

    Is the abuse so high that we need this IP tracker?

    Or maybe a other way of registration with a provment of Player with same IP (family).

    Sorry if i used the wrong Forum Tab.


    Greetings Paini 🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Like 4
  6. I Play Online Games since 2002 started with Ragnarok Online, Rose Online and WoW and i never ever found so many Ego players or a Server with no Rules against it.

    I dont speak from someone Hit 1-3 Monsters what i Hit.

    I'm talking about spam Aoe in the Mobs of my Party!

    Or change the "most dmg" back to just first Hit... Problem will be solved 🤦🏻‍♀️

  7. Hello everyone, 

    as the Topic says there is a huge problem with many players here who guess they own everthing.
    Once we got all Dced and get back fast in game so my Party lvled at Behemot spot for over 30 mins than a Party came and said we stole the spot (the other two spots was empty in this time too) so they kst us and insulting us.

    Next days we tried to get a spot a Party was in the middle of two spots and we just stand there and get insulted and kst.

    Today at Krawftys with a low lvl Party we kicked someone who was afk 30 mins (or 1h dont know but it was a long time) later he came to our spot with his high lvl 200 Champ and kst us just because we kicked him and he dont care if i report coz i think he know nothing happens...
    And i read in Discord now this Player ksing and insulting others too and say "nothing can happens coz im a donator".

    This can´t be and it rly doesn´t make fun! You rly have to do smth about such Players...

    How about a Jail like in Ragnarok Online? And a report Chanel in Discord with 2 or 3 GM´s who can look after the Report and get this Players jailed or even banned?!







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