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Posts posted by DegeneRedPanda

  1. Until the devs come up with some form of consistent income (such as a premium service of sorts), don’t expect this sort of thing. The item mall is their primary source of income. If you sold bread in the world to make money, would you give it away for free to your customers? You’d be out of business fast.  

    while I understand where the question comes from, it’s a ridiculous request.

  2. A big problem in the current system in my opinion, is the valor system; dragon scales for example used to ve a worm dragon wing drop, which now isn’t the case any longer, and is instead bought with valor. So the whole reason to kill that worm dragon is all gone. Just to give one example. Same with all other basic mats; no need to pick them up and / or buy them from other players, when you can just get them with valor.


    i’m fine with a valor system for gear and with farming dungeons, but mats such as chems, king drops etc, I feel like that shouldn’t be available from dungeons / valor.

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  3. You'd have to first level one (or maybe even more than one) character up to 250 (maximum) to really be able to say what the leveling curve feels like, and even then, it highly depends on what you actually do to level up. Note that I am level 203 right now on my highest character, and 146 on my second highest.

    I do think that currently some tweaking needs to be done across the board, but I would advocate for making 1-100 a little slower, and some portions of the higher parts a little faster. 1-60 seems too fast to me, and after that it becomes a curve, though the krawfy and doonga repeatable quests still give /alot/ of exp, and in my eyes possibly even too much at that, since other alternatives are a waste, now. Most people then go to Luna asap, and then continu to grind out repeatables there; yeti first, then yeti riders, then bears. You do this until you're ready to go to Eldeon, where you take on yet again new repeatable quests. In my eyes, 80-120 felt rather slow, after 120 it picked up again.
    And then later on it slows down again around 160 to 180; at 180, you go to Orlo and do the three repeatables quests there; and then you do 1 level per 15 minutes or so until 190, after which it becomes like, 20 mins per level up to 203 at least. 

    Furthermore, I'd say that in the case of ROSE, reaching end game may be rather pointless to be honest; ROSE is in my opinion more about the leveling experience rather than reaching end game. I don't think there really is anything to do once you hit 250. In other words, much of your playtime is actually leveling throughout the game. Why stare blind on reaching 250? You could ask to make it faster. Then what, reach max level in 2 weeks, faster players in under a couple days, and then find that there's actually not a whole lot else to do.

    This does not mean I don't want to see changes, but those changes should be tweaks to make it overall a little more stable and balanced across the board, as well as making other methods (to gain experience, respectively) equally viable in the long run.


    editted formatting, spelling mistakes

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  4. I second this. I've advocated for clear and transparent communication for a while now - something that I believe ultimately led to the creation of the updates channel on the ROSE discord. But.. ..I feel like right now, we're just all in the dark.

    I'm not asking for a status update every hour; but it'd be nice to know an ETA for a maintenance schedule,
    and it would be nice to hear what the devs are currently tackling and/or facing, especially in recently light of what happened
    with all the trouble with the servers behind us. Just a general idea of what's going on would be nice, but a roadmap would be even better.
    And of course, if truly doing this right, update this sort of information to the forums AND the discord server (announcements, updates channels) simultaneously.

    Cherry on top? a list of patch notes *before* the actual patch hits live! 

    But honestly, right now, communication just feels lackluster in general. We usually seem to get information after something's already happened, if at all.
    And that leaves alot of people in the dark & confused, and just generates speculation and rumors. 
    I understand the amount of stress the dev team is under, and the amount of pressure there is on the shoulders of the community team.
    But I do believe clear communications, or at least timely communications at that, would help prevent alot of workload - less topics created and less talk about these things neccesary BOTH on the discord and the ROSE forums. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, OwlchemistVile said:

    It it was outside of lucky spin, and the good simply rotated then I suppose. I would prefer that all items be available always, and a sale/discount be applied to a group every 2 weeks to a month. I'd be willing to pay full price for a lot of costumes, especially if I missed out on a sale 2 or 3 weeks prior and knew the sale wouldn't be around for a few more months. Wouldn't make much sense to tell a customer "You can't buy that digital good right now cause we want artificial scarcity in order to drive future fits of fomo [fear of missing out]" I'd be more likely to not purchase again, rather than feel pressured to do it personally. 

    So yeah, just put and keep everything up on the item mall, and rotate a sale once every couple weeks. 

    I mean, I definitely agree with that sentiment; it seems a little odd to simply not make something available for no reaosn whatsoever.
    Based on those two suggestions (either making some items available every week & having everything available but a few items on discount every week), I would think a much more exciting way to go about this kind of thing, is a seasonal pass. It's been brought up before on the forums, and I've seen it being quite succesful in other games before, while it is very possible to avoid P2W. How it works is, there's basic rewards available based on just playing the game (you could have specific tasks per week or per month if you'd like, such as IE kill x amount of mobs, or kill 1 king, or do a couples emote with a friend, that sort of thing); the "basic" rewards being cosmetics, emotes, and the likes, and everybody can unlock those. but if you buy the seasonal pass, you get extra rewards (amongst which could be titles, cosmetics, emotes, etc etc.). I'd personally love to see something like this; a season could last 3 months, giving the developer time to work on things, and it isn't pay to win. It gives players who prefer not to pay a chance to get items, and players who like to support the dev or otherwise want the extra rewards could opt for the seasonal pass. Rewards could all be based around a specific seasonal set (say a season pass has 100 levels; at levels 25, 50, 75, and 100 you get respectively the gloves, boots, hat, and chest item of a set made for that specific season), and then minor things such as titles, emotes, consumable items such as fireworks, etc etc. for every 5 levels or something).

    This kind of system just feels right and exciting to me, because it gives something to work towards every couple months, and there could be something for everybody; PvE, PVP, socializer & completionist goals to name some examples. It's of course just my two cents, but I personally believe in such a system much more than just simple weekly discounts on item mall items. 
    You could even do a combination of the two, where past seasonal items are available in the item mall for purchase, though there is something to say for keeping such seasonal items exclusive to those seasons.

  6. On 2/14/2022 at 12:44 AM, Kai said:

    Not sure if we have similar thread yet but I've seen a lot of zulie sink ideas being mentioned on the forum before but it's still very cluttered so I make this thread. Everyone is welcomed to share opinions/ideas/suggestions. The more the merrier!

    My ideas:

    Wedding system. Wedding NPC takes certain amount of zulie from both groom and bride to be.

    Pet system. Players will be forced to feed their pets. Pet foods will be purchasable from NPCs.

    Random raffle / gacha NPCs. Keep updating the gacha with cutesy collectibles

    Reborn/reincarnation system.  After reaching max level, players will have to pay large amount of zulie to get reincarnated. This will give old veteran players new objection to keep playing too.

     Vending board. Charge small amount of zulie per view.

    Sales tax. Players will be charged 1-5% tax per sale (vending). *I don't really like this idea though but works super well on r*gnar*k :c


    A sale tax could also be imposed on trading. Maybe something like 1%, keeps it easy for people to do the math as well. 

    Some zulie sink ideas of my own;

    * Housing system *

    once a housing system gets implemented, there could be something like monthly rent, and of course the cost of furniture and such, house expansions, etc.

    * Economy based NPC prices *
    The price of things such as a barber and other item vendor npc’s in towns could go up or down based on economy; however, the downside to this is that it might punish new players more severely.

    * Special luxury items NPC *

    An NPC selling luxury / special / past event items (by past event I mean cosmetics and the likes that were obtainable only once through past events for example) for incredibly high zulie rates; only those with excessive amounts of zulie would be able to buy these items, and they’re not meant for the average player, but rather for taking away large chunks from the economy.

    * Carts and CastleGear *

    More PAT related items. One time purchase items such as cart accesoiries and related cosmetics and cart boosters such as more tiers of slightly faster engines. Fuel will take away zulie at a constant rate; you could add PAT weapons that use more fuel per attack. Those attacks could be just for fun (so not viable for actual leveling when compared to actually just fighting mobs yourself), what I personally would like to see is minigames based on as such; cart races, cart / castle gear battles, such fun little activities. Maybe even with some prizes involved such as titles, cosmetics, etc. 

    * Current systems *

    You already have the refining system and repairs already in place in-game to take away zulie from the economy, and while repairs probably don’t amount for much (it needs to stay affordable for new players especially to avoid unnecessary frustrations), you could make the rate go up depending on it’s refine level. 

    If I happen to think of more, I’ll be sure to add them to this list!

  7. I mean, I see alot of workarounds to try and force people to walk through breezy hills - but isn’t a better solution to incentivize going to breezy hills through activities and rewards? An example; If the mobs drop better or specific items unique to that place, people will naturally be more inclined to go there. This strikes me as relatively easy to implement; but what I’m more in favor of, is maybe placing a new dungeon here, and/or other activities for players to partake in. 

  8. I think if you’d be able to party them, trade them, and send friend requests as well, you’d have a fantastic QoL feature on your hands. Just make sure that the clickable “hitboxes” (of the players) are large enough that right clicking doesn’t become a nuisance instead!

  9. A battle / seasonal pass for ROSE sounds interesting, I’ve got to give you that. I’d make a base of free stuff, and then add some other premium items for the paid pass. I doubt that’s easy to combine with a premium feature though. I guess it depends what the devs want in the end. Remember, they aren’t a big dev team, and with something like this, they /have/ to produce something new once every 3 months, such as an item set, and maybe some other cosmetics. So I’d imagine it could force some pressure. But who knows, maybe they’re up for it!

  10. 8 hours ago, Garnet said:

    Second time i see an IM/P2W thread in a row, maybe i could answer for this time  [insert :kekdoggo: emoticon here]

    Note that this is only my opinion, not team opinion please.

    I don't see anything wrong with Storage Ticket and Teleport Ticket, you still have the option to go back to town to use storage or use boat/flying-shop/car/walk to go where you want, so i do not call it p2w tbh

    Same apply for Skill Reset unless this is the only way to reset forever like it was on WP (if that's the case, so yes it's p2w) but this one is probably more controversial, however i have some kool ideas about it but i prefer to show it soon in Alpha than spoiling it 🙂

    You can expect 300% hype garanteed 🙊

    Please guys let's not become an anti-IM Kult, the server need incomes if we don't want to get bankrupt one day 🤣


    Edit: non-tradable

    Thank you for your input, Mr. Garnet; I do understand and respect your angle on this topic, especially so towards having to find a way for the team to generate income.
    On that matter though, I'd love to see a premium account option personally, allowing us to support the game. I envision it'd provide some QoL features, and maybe some bragging rights features such as having a special symbol before your name, or the option to flair your in-game name with different colors and/or fonts, things like that. But I don't doubt the dev team is already talking about this kind of thing, I'm excited to see what the dev team will come up with.

    Personally, though, I don't really see the appeal of buying one-time-use teleport tickets, as I stated before. 
    I don't mind spending money, especially if I want to support a developer; but I prefer the items and things I buy in the cash shop are more lasting,
    such as inventory space upgrades, costumes, and possibly things like minipets and minipet accesoiries (just calling out some examples).

    (Note that I understand this is only my personal opinion, of course, and not the stance of the community as a whole by any means.)

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  11. I don't mind the storage addition as much; but I personally do have problems with one-use cash shop items. It just feels wrong to me, especially with how expensive they usually are just for some quick teleport. I guess you could still opt to not use them, of course, and you don't really need them at all; but there usually is an in-game economy around teleport scrolls bought from NPC's by artisans and then re-sold for a slightly higher price again.

  12. Hello everyone!

    Let me start by introducing myself.

    For those of you that don’t know me, I am ShogunHiira, or Shogun_Hira#4832 on Discord. You may have seen me around on the ROSE online discord server, where I participate in debates from time to time. I am a 32 years old R.O.S.E. Online player, and I started playing way back, during iRose.

    Now, the reason for this topic, is to start a discussion about the proposed cleric changes by the developers, in hopes that we may come up with a couple viable suggestions the developers can - hopefully - draw some inspiration from. 
    I’ve seen a topic or two involving debates about clerics, but not a single one which discusses all changes together: so here it is!

    Now I’ve heard and read, that the developers intend to remove offensive buffs from the cleric and give the other classes a class specific party buff, in favor of countering what is or was known as “buff slaves”: clerics on a second account and client, there only to buff one’s other characters. I’m all for turning a cleric into a more actively played role; but I do also believe that just removing offensive buffs from the cleric is the way forward, and I’ll tell you why. Clerics, on their own, are just not very strong. They need to rely on others to fight for them, while keeping them healed and buffed up. With the removal of buffs, all that remains and sets a cleric apart, is their ability to heal. However, any other class can just use heal potions and food to recover missing health, and that becomes even less of an issue if they also have highly refined armor, which reduces their incoming damage even further. This means, that other classes might favor more offensively oriented classes over the cleric, considering the cleric wil just slow them down and take a portion of not only their exp, but their drops as well. 

    I’ve spent some time thinking, and I have come up with some potential new abilities that I think could be issued to clerics to fill a void. I realize introducing new abilities is quite some work, as I could imagine you need to create animations, artwork and effects for them, but I do believe it is the best way forward for clerics rather than just removing things from them.

    #1: A crit up & damage up buff in the form of a link*; a cleric can form a link with party members, increasing dmg and crit chance / severity so long as they stay in range of the cleric. The link is only active within this range.

    #2: A single life sharing + hp & def boost link* with one character, that works the same as the previously mentioned ability; however it can only be cast on one target at a time.

    *I’m using “link” because I just believe that something like this is a very cool idea; but of course an easier way is to just have it so party members need to be close by. It would only work within a party, and is on a short-ish timer of say 1 or 2 minutes and needs to be actively maintained in between healing.

    #3: A shield that can be cast on a target, that lasts for a short duration, say 15 seconds, and is on a 1 minute timer (values are just an example).

    #4: A party-wide buff that increases the chance of finding better items, as well as a chance to increase the quantity of dropped items.

    I could think of a few possible debuffs for enemies as well; but with how clunky ROSE can be, I’m not sure if switching between healing and linking with party members on one hand, and hitting and debuffing specific enemies on the other hand, is favorable.

    Lastly, I want to state that I realize I might be very premature with my post, considering we haven’t really seen anything just yet, and the very first alpha phase has only just been launched. That said, I do hope that by bringing this to the attention of the developers, we may be able to help them out a little with thoughts and ideas.

    I’d like to hear how you guys feel about this! Please let me hear your own thoughts and ideas by replying to this topic.



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  13. I’ve actually asked for this in the past. I’d love to see a compiled list with all the differences between iRose and EVO - I played both, but the largest portion of it by far on iRose, and it would help me to make suggestions to the devs if I know what the base is that they are working with. I’d love to see it, no matter how big or small the differences are. For example I’d have never known about int/charm being changed around, if not for this post.

  14. The goal of the devs is to make the cleric less of a buff slave and more of an actively played class. They’re trying things, and if I’m not mistaken, thos is their first attempt. While I do have my doubts, i’d like to see how it plays out first. That said, i do think clerics shpuld be given some other toys to play around with, so people still have to rely on them one way or another - not just through heals, everybody can still just use health potions or food, but rather a more active element in my opinion, such as extra shields or something. Maybe damage buffs that are cast on themselves and only work so long as they are in range of other party members? Like some sort of link.

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