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Posts posted by Charas

  1. Well, Raider are not horrible, but they are far from being the best eitherin PvP, or even in PvM (pretty much only wanted for their stuns). Most raiders only farm their kills by chain killing ppl after they get resed, and can never reach the top DPS of any game. Some random  Champs / Mages / Bourg can do that with ease while using exalted gears.

    It is all a matter of perspective... but yes, if you compare the class to the rest, it is what it is, even more so at entry level.


  2. Hi ladies and gents,

    I feel like we need to have a discussion about clan points, the ways of earning them and the advantages it gives.


    Current state : 

    The CP system in place has been designed by WP to push players on buying CPs via the item mall. Now, there is not such an option anymore and I trust the team enough to dare hoping there will never be.

    This pushes players to adapt their behaviour to the enormous CP needs in order to stay competitive in both PVE and PVP. Clan recruitment is becoming more aggressive and efficiency targets are being enforced to members who now have to farm a minimum set amount of CP per weeks... and the best way to do so is to organize AFK parties in Fossil. All you need is 1 cleric for flames and 1 AOE champ on autopilot, the rest of the party being there only to multiply the CP earned by the Clan.

    This system is not fun, pushes to use bots and / or to log in the game to actually not be playing it. If a clan was to not do it, it would mean a big sacrifice in pvm and pvp offence / defence and a huge loss on item drop rate making the farm grind practically not worth your time compared to the clans embracing the bot / afk farming forced on us.


    One thing is clear to me, the system has to change! And I m not here to promote one solution or another, but I do not believe the game should go out on large plateforms like steam or others with such a fail design on its endgame content.


    What are you guys thoughts about it? 

    What could be done to make this system fair and fun for a broad audience? 


    Thank you for your attention, can't wait to see where this goes.

    • Like 3
  3. PVP with self buffs doesn't work / is not balanced in latest EVO. The amount of balancing work this would imply is gigantic and therefore, I'm against this idea. I will stick to remove buffs all together and add it as passive stat boost to let the game feel good for everyone without having to waste time begging for buffs or having to log 4 different chars (1 buffing account) every 15 minutes.

    I would like to see a revamp of "buffs" design... with class specific buffs disappearing completely on hawker / dealer / soldier and Mages -> regrouping buffs into 2 skills only 1) attack 2) defence, giving those exclusively to clerics, party wide (no group wide) with a long CD (let's say 2 minutes) for a 10 sec duration. This would let cleric manage burst phases in PVE and PVP giving a very tactical role to the class without affecting the base game balance drastically.

    Remember, we all want the game to come out, and forcing the team to go through a whole rebalancing of every skills for every class is not in our best interest!

    • Like 1
  4. Let's put it this way : I have played ROSE before the introduction of PVP / PVM sets - After PVP / PVM sets and I did not see any positive effect on the game at all.

    First thing it did from my point of view is to create a thicker wall between PVM and PVP community.

    Second direct effect was too boost IM sales due to the artificial need of refining more gear sets for each game activities.


    I can foresee big big issues with the introduction of more clan fields and opened pvp maps in the open world, that will literally make it impossible for PVM players to be competitive on any of those maps. Unless of course, everyone has their own PVP set and PVM set... and there we are again in the situation where if everyone has to have something... then noone has anything, and the game design fails.


    I cannot understand why ppl would pledge to see segregations in between the community of a game where both are bound to cohabit together because of shared mixed content that do give huge advantage in both PVM and PVP aspect of the game.


    Plus, I want diversity... I love diversity, any system artificially reducing the stat pool I can pick from to build my characters goes against my will.


    Therefore, we can have long discussions and share opposed views, but I will most likely stick to my ideas because I know how solid they are. Everyone is very welcome to disagree!!! Life would be boring if we all were of 1 mind.

    • Like 2
  5. I would like to suggest to update save town and remove it from the pop up box on death, to only let the option "current field".

    I think the current meta of letting yourself be killed to quick travel to your save town is absurd, and the horrible bug where you would spawn in your save town if you were to lag out -> die -> log back in is annoying all of us since more than 15 years!

    Instead of that, I would suggest to make "save town" an active basic skill with a 20 minute cooldown. 

    • Like 4
  6. I'm seeing the Alpha testers running out of inventory slot non stop and having to drop items on the ground, which is heartbreaking.

    I believe it would be good to either have a flat out 2nd tab of inventory which should be too hard to do for our gifted dev team! Or to add it as a premium service.

  7. I understand that it would be hard to design a way to 100% create a way to level up via PVP only from lvl 1, but I believe giving exp rewards could be a welcomed change for hardcore pvp players who would be able to progress through the few last levels doing the content they actually enjoy doing.

  8. I understand that a good amount of mounts might need to be sold via cash shop as it is potentially a good way to secure fair income. But regardless, I would like to suggest adding more in game mounts with premium particle effect / hiding the existing one behind hard to achieve walls or going along with specific titles. I want to see ppl trying hard to get in game exclusive shinny items... I want to see the boiz be proud and flex like pros.

  9. I would like to suggest to unify valor points and honor points into 1 single currency. We have to get out of this horrible idea that a game may force its player into engaging into an activity he does not like. Of course the time / reward value of both activities has to be balanced.

    I would also like to suggest the removal of pvm / pvp bonuses to all gears :

    1) I do not think creating hard segregation in-between 2 communities of the same game is nothing point toxic.

    2) Balance can be done via the item's stat directly.

    3) This increase greatly the pool of gear stat combinations to be picked up for all game activity... I like that.

    4) It replaces crafted gears / dropped gears as part of the end game gear pool.

    5) It fixes an issue that will pop up eventually as I believe you guys are looking to make Clan Fields a thing again.  (I can see PVP players completely anihilating PVM players in any PVP/PVM mixed content)

    • Confused 1
  10. It seems MP regeneration is a big issue slowing down the already slow gameplay to an annoying extent. I cannot imagine any new players being happy with the fact to not be able to skill 70% of the time and sit 1 minute every 2 minutes.

    Why not giving a passive to non magical fighter classes to regenerate MP on normal hit?

    Mages obviously cannot have it because of mana shield

    Clerics have bonfires

    • Confused 1
  11. Buffs were fully removed from clerics (apart from self buffs)

    All other classes kept their buffs they can share in party and too me, this is a bad bad mistake as it does not fix no issue! 

    1) considering multiclienting is restricted to 0 

    It means you are trying to force a meta where all your player base have to pick 1 player of each job in their party, be it for PVM or PVP.

    2) considering multiclienting is restricted to 1 or more

    You will end up in a position where everyone will do a different stat buffer afk slave... and parties will just match up and use those slaves to have optimal buffs.

    3) You are forcing on players to buy buff pots from artisan.

    4) you are creating an unbalanced issue due to the fact Muse are the only one having add damage, which is one of the most efficient buffs of them all for skill casters.


    Please finish the job and remove the buffs completely to add them as a base stats passive on all character.



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