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Posts posted by xikeon

  1. 2 minutes ago, lazypenguin said:

    We use RMLUI 5.1 with the freetype and lua modules enabled. We'll upgrade to rmlui6 once it's released, there's some nice features there we want. The UI is updated and rendered every frame although we haven't implemented any animations yet so there might be some configuration settings missing from our end that is causing weird behavior.

    Thanks for the reply! Good to hear that it's not intentional and might be a misconfiguration. Looking forward to it being fleshed out more and being able to use it to it's full potential

  2. The update last month introducing the new UI system got me interested. I started playing around with it to see what it was capable of and I ran into some things that I wanted to ask about.

    - The update rate of the ui seems extremely low (1 or 2 fps) making animations/transitions effectively impossible. Is it supposed to be this low? Is to support low end machines? If so, will this become a setting in the future to run at the games refresh rate or vsync?

    - From my understanding the UI system uses RmlUi. Could we get info on what version it's running to know which features are supported?

    - I couldn't get transforms to work at all. Are there limitations applied to the rmlui feature set or is this due to running an older version?

    That's it for now. I'm excited to see the future possibilities and the themes people are going to be able to make with this!

  3. I've actually had the same thing happen to me on a test account. Honestly, changing the email should not lock you out of your account. It shouldn't be connected to the new email until it has been confirmed by the old email that they want to move it over. Locking the account as soon as you enter the email is not only asking for this problem to happen, but is also a security risk as anyone can steal the account if there's no 2fa enabled.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Luckystriike said:

    Hey xikeon,

    Thank you for the reply and comments/suggestion. 

    - Didn’t know this! Will look into it. 

    - I do agree with the fact that it should return items even without a full match. I think ordering it by match % could be a big upgrade to the search option. 

    - Yeah I started with an url containing the id. But people kept scraping the website data by quessing the id 😡 So I removed it from the url. I’m still looking for a way to do this, without exposing the id’s. What you could do right now is saving the item as favorite. 

    EDIT: added the id to the url.


    Also, why would people scrape the website when the data is literally right there in the source code 🤦‍♂️

  5. That's an awesome resource and will be of great use, nice work! Some things I want to point out, suggest or comment on:

    - On firefox it seems like the default image dragging behavior might be messing with vue-zoomer detecting dragend. If I start dragging and let go, it continues to drag until I click again. It's usable, just a bit janky.

    - In comment to the comment above: I personally think it's nice that everything shows up if I write partial words, makes it much faster to search for mats without having to type out an entire matching word. It coud potentially make use of a fuzzy search to put more weight on results that match more closely with what you typed. So when you type etil, the exact match should be at the top, but anything containing it would still be there too.

    - It would be nice if items had their own unique urls such as /item/<id> so you can share the link directly to a specific item

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