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Posts posted by Flagrant

  1. they need to add some questline or something at the endgame that gives skillpoints. maybe another 25-50 more skillpoints. 

    On the warportal version there was some way to gain more skillpoints, the people on there had 4pages filled with unique/item/valor skills so there was always some way to more than the base skill points.

    I think this is why so many classes feel gimped compared to others

  2. they keep pandering to the people who cry the loudest.

    this is a death sentence for a game like this.

    they completely ruined competing for drops, now the game just randomly decides who gets to loot the drop.

    Ive lost drops ive done 95% of the damage and got the first/last hit and it says 'does not belong' my character wont even move toward the drop to pick it up anymore, i gotta manually click every drop i get.

  3. 1 hour ago, bixbox said:

    For quest, as long as you hit it once before it dies, you'll get credit.

    For loot, as long as you hit it once before it dies, you'll get a chance for an item.
    As for what the chance should be, could make it based on how many people hits the mob and make it statistically the same as getting loot in a round robin fashion of a group of equivalent size.

    bro do this and prepare yourselves for the max level omega KS

    people already get salty af about us taking their drops now, let alone when we can do it EVERYTIME without fail

    all i gotta say is LOL

  4. On 1/20/2023 at 4:53 AM, OwlchemistVile said:

    The solution is the same today as it was on NA years ago, for several years.

    Get good and shut up.

    are you even level cap yet? still speaking out your ass or wut?


    On 1/20/2023 at 2:42 AM, Rootstock said:

    Erm, so we can disagree on how powered mana shield is. But ”clerics shouldn’t be able to tank”?! Have you tried leveling a battle cleric? I have — you’re not welcome in parties (no AoE and everyone has a heal slave) and you’re definitely not overpowered. The only reason to play the class from early to late game is that you can do cool stuff solo like hunt bosses. Battle cleric is pretty much the ”Paladin” or ”Faith” class (whatever your frame of reference is) in this game, of course you should be able to tank a bit.

    Now, I haven’t reached endgame yet so can’t say how OP mana shield is then, but until level 200 or so at least it most definitely is not OP in PvM and should not be nerfed. If it were nerfed by say 20% I probably wouldn’t even use it. If clerics get too OP endgame it has to do with something else (like summon gems? or whatever allows mana shield spam which isn’t possible mid-game).


    Edit: Isn’t it funny how the narrative changed from ”clerics are useless now” to ”clerics are too OP” in a few weeks… Just shows how much attention people are paying to how the game can be played.


    Battle clerics at max level are invincible with mana shield and 5 bonfires, while doing the same amount of damage as the highest dps classes in the game. 65% block with 25k mana shield.

    Mages in bg's can 1v5 people just by aoeing them with mana shield up. As easy as this simp wants to make it 'seem' you cant just 'stun them and kill them', you're gonna have to break thru minimum 50k worth of shields before you actually get to their hp, and thats if they just stand there and try to tank you(which they absolutely can do)

    ALL of vile's information comes from a server riddled with item mall p2w shit, he is out of date and hasnt gotten to experience the current endgame.

  5. On 1/18/2023 at 12:40 PM, ultragames007 said:

    He is comparing it to a self buff, so I just want to know what kind of buff .


    the 30 second self buffs,

    jury rigging for bourg
    berserk for champ
    damage reduction for knight

    there are more and most classes have them, they are almost all 60second cooldown at level 1, and the only thing that scales is the cooldown, which makes it 45seconds at level 5.

  6. under no circumstances should a mage or a cleric be able to tank shit, let alone solo it.

    Set a cap on it, shield cant be bigger than say, 5-6k~ish hp. or add a 45second cooldown(the same duration as EVERY other classes selfbuff)

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, Avatar said:

    I understand your point, however, regular kings should not be compared to other dungeon kings. Though the Worm Dragon may have 1.2m HP, his other stats (Def, M-Def, Atk, Acc, etc) may be considerably lower than other kings, especially those on the dungeon level. 

    oh for sure, you're absolutely right, but the junon worm dragon is level 100, the endgame dungeon bosses are 250, I was just giving an example of how high the HP is, as soon as you get to luna the kings have 250-350k hp.

    • Like 2
  8. ok we're talking about the PvP strength of this skill, and you come in with PvM examples.

    PLEASE just stop, again, you literally are clueless. Clerics and mages with mana shield can tank 4-5 people ALONE and kill them all. The skill is overtuned, you don't want it nerfed because you want to continue to abuse it. The rest of the server however probably has a different opinion.

    You also think its ok that mages and clerics can solo 5man content? that literally shows your bias in its full glory. 

    Please keep it about the game, stop trying to attack me on a personal level because you have no clue what you're talking about, this is the mind of a child. I CANT PROVE IT SO *insert personal attack here*

    you are a joke, you just complain about the game on your stream, and post toxic biased shit on the forums

    'dont nerf the bones i didnt farm enough of them yet'

    'dont nerf mana shield i wanna keep abusing it'

    please just take a breath and stop coping

    edit: lmfao i watched those videos, yeah bro mages are balanced, 100% invincible mage, seems balanced

  9. 9 hours ago, OwlchemistVile said:

    Try to bait me all you want, it's players in your shoes seething cause they can't figure out how to do enough damage to pop a little bubble, or use CC to prevent them from reapplying it a few times. Aint my problem until they touch it in PvM, then I got words for people who can't play a 20 year old game and simulate bubble-pop to save their egos. You wonna sound edgey and memelord go ahead. It won't get you anywhere in terms of actually represented a side of the discussion.

    How is it a bait? You're clearly biased, and not even level cap, and have no experience in what youre talking about


    starting to see why you have the reputation you have.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Angeltje said:

    i hate how pvm gets a huge hit cause pvp is too hard or something.. I like to solo doing quests, I need my shield to survive in pvm

    yeh prolly pretty easy to solo stuff when you have a 25k+ shield thats recastable infinitely, i'd say maybe you shouldn't be able to do that.

    there are clerics SOLOING the mummy dungeon because this ability is so overtuned. This isnt a 'clever use of game mechanics' or someone 'just being really good at the game' this is a clearly overtuned ability. Don't even try to say something about the mana cost either, it means nothing, your manabar is back to full before you even hit the ground from pressing manashield.

    • Haha 1
  11. On 1/13/2023 at 7:56 PM, OwlchemistVile said:

    You need to actually use crowd control and utility in pvp.
    You can stun them during the cast, silence them, dispel it ,sleep them, or focus them. You think a Mage's Barrier is bad, Try focusing down a Cleric fully tanked out and spamming self heals. Or 1v1 a Katar in full dodge.

    Games not even out and people are already expecting to left click someone and win.

    explain how to do this when you get stunned the second youre in range and 2-3 shot? 3-4 people shouldn't be required to kill 1 mage because they have 55k hp with manashield.

    you play a mage tho, so I understand the bias lol

  12. it doesnt increase your chance to recieve better drops, or higher stacks of ETC like it did on other roses, here it gives a 25% chance to get an 'extra drop' meaning kill 1 mob and it drops 2 items, this can happen multiple times, ive had 1 king drop 5 items in 1 kill. Its working I promise

    • Like 1
  13. i think the nerfing of the bone quest was more of a response to the botting going on in fossil sanctuary.

    500k per bone is absolutely ridiculous amount, this was a catchup mechanic added to a server that had been in development for over a decade, it was meant to help new players gain some income, same with the 24m worth of zuly you get when you get to 200.(you might notice this is average cost of almost all the lvl 200 uniques)

    They should make ALL the repeatable quests that people use to level with give 45-55k zuly. Once you leave junon you dont make money again for another 100 levels. The bones had to be nerfed, I was farming 30m+ a day on the bones.

    its not 'messing with the faucet' when the faucet is broken and your house is flooding.

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